Lord Of Doom!Reincarnated Into a Novel as the Strongest Side Character

Chapter 35: The Technique-free room.

Chapter 35: The Technique-free room.

Sakura and Kenji crash-landed onto the wooden floor while Gojin floated in the air, reclining mid-air and chuckling at them as they picked themselves up. They surveyed the room, which resembled a cave with rocky walls and a few lanterns brightening the space. The only thing that stood out was the wooden floor beneath them.

[All techniques are being restricted]

[The current space is restricting all techniques]

[...Temporarily, all techniques have been restricted]

"Heck, a technique-free room!? I should have guessed just from the..." Suddenly, Gojin lost his balance and fell to the ground with a thud.

Sakura and Kenji ignored him as he quickly stood up, dusted himself off, and cleared his throat.

"Unfortunately, we're in a technique-free room. This is likely where the training will take place. It's actually the best way to train and learn martial arts skills. I'm sure Sensei here has countless untold techniques to teach us," Gojin said.

A technique-free room is a controlled environment where all supernatural techniques and advanced martial techniques—like those used by Gojin, which are enhanced by the system—are suppressed. This restriction compels individuals to focus on their basic skills and physical abilities, fostering a deeper understanding and mastery of fundamental combat techniques. Such rooms are often utilized in training to help practitioners develop resilience, adaptability, and a stronger foundation in martial arts.

"So, how many floors are in this building?" Kenji asked, curious.

"Four—fantastic four layers, and you're in the second one. Two others are also for training," Sensei replied, descending a stone staircase at the front.

As he entered the training arena—or rather, the cave—a stone door closed behind him.

"He's a grand exorcist according to the modern era rankings. Here, he would be one of the strongest," Gojin thought, watching as Sensei approached them, an iron baton in hand.

"Shall we begin? I will teach the three of you the six River Martial Art techniques, the use of sword art, and the nine forms of each elemental sword technique. Though you might believe you don't need this—especially you, Gojin—no knowledge is a waste. I suppose you're smarter than that."

"Of course! Even if you told me not to train, I would oppose it. I don't care how strong I get or even if I become more powerful than a Supreme God. Without this knowledge, I wouldn't be worthy of that title," Gojin replied, leaving Sakura and Kenji stunned.

He is literally the strongest in this era and all known eras, yet he still aspires to grow. To what point? At this rate, he has surpassed numerous gods. What is his final target?

Sensei nodded, seemingly impressed by Gojin's words.

"These martial techniques were never mentioned in any book I've read, nor have I heard of them from anyone. An untold history, indeed," he mused. Meanwhile, Kenji shared the same thought, while Sakura just wanted to get started, unaware of the significance of the conversation.

"Let's begin with the first River Art: raw strength. This technique will focus on teaching you how to fight with immense strength without infusing any energy. In case you didn't know, the human body has raw energy that can be unleashed with strong willpower. This raw energy can far surpass many other energies," Sensei explained as the three of them listened intently.

He continued:

"Try to awaken this energy by breaking the wall. Just so you know, even infusing 30% of Ki into your fist won't leave a scratch on that wall, as it was built with a more powerful energy than Ki. Although Ki exists at all points as the pillars are infinite and its ability and uses are limitless, there are still weaknesses to it. You'll learn about those too. Go on and try to land a scratch on the wall. I'll be on the first layer. Three days from now, you should be able to bring it down if you try hard. Your rooms are on the last layer, and necessities will be provided upon request." Sensei said, moving toward the stone door, which opened as he approached, revealing the staircase once more.

"Okay, it's just about breaking this wall! Unh!" Sakura shouted, rolling up her sleeves and flinging back her cloth for added courage. She was the first to launch blows at the wall.

The moment her fist connected, a jarring pain shot through her hand, like fire igniting every nerve. Blood welled up instantly, and she staggered back, clutching her throbbing knuckles.

"Ouch, that was painful!" she cried, a mix of shock and frustration in her voice. Tears of frustration stung her eyes as she fought to regain her composure. Gojin and Kenji shook their heads, walking calmly to the stone wall.

"Take care of your knuckles before throwing another punch with that hand; otherwise, it will crack next time," Kenji warned, concern etched on his face as he prepared to strike the wall alongside Gojin.

Sakura quickly joined them, readying her uninjured fist, determined not to let the other one's pain stop her.

On the count of three, they struck the wall together. A low sound, inaudible to the human ear, resonated...



In front of Kaito, he saw a boy hanging from the ceiling by a rope, his small body limp. A little girl clung to his leg, crying—likely his little sister.

Suddenly, hurried footsteps approached Kaito from behind. He turned, ready to strike, but relaxed when he saw Saito, fear etched on his face as he rushed toward him.

"Let's stick together! The outside is way scarier," he begged, mucus dripping from his nose and his eyes swollen from tears.

Kaito shook him off.

"I told you to stay outside incase I can't make it back! Whatever, take care of those children. The boy isn't dead; his soul is still in him. We'll take him back along with the girl. They don't seem to be from this village. Stay in that room with them if you don't want to get devoured. Once I'm done exorcising this Akuma, I'll come back for you," Kaito commanded, stepping into the room and bursting through the wooden wall into another passage. The music continued to echo through the whole mansion.

"I have a sword. I should defend these children and myself until Kaito returns," Saito murmured, gently patting the little girl to quiet her as he carefully brought her brother down from the ceiling. His face was already growing pale.

"This Akuma is likely multiplying itself, and its main component is where that sound is coming from. It's probably splitting itself up and devouring the children's souls at the same time—like a spider's web. I have to find the other children quickly before it devours them all and grows stronger," Kaito thought, sprinting through the passage with his unsheathed katana.


Reikishi was deep in prayer when a sudden thought struck him, causing his left eye to turn purple and radiate an immense aura.

He said:

"What faith do you cling to in despair, believing the end is near when you still draw breath?"

A dark...

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