Lord Of Doom!Reincarnated Into a Novel as the Strongest Side Character

Chapter 34: Zentai Asshuku Energy

Chapter 34: Zentai Asshuku Energy

Night time.

Within the shrouded woods, the moonlit trees imprisoned them, creating murderous looking angles to the moon's rays. Deep silence filled the atmosphere, breaking sometimes with the sound of moving leaves or with the hooting of a owl nearby.

"This forest is so scary at night! I'm really frightened. That sound—it's terrifying!" A young boy, around 16 years old, said, trailing closely behind Kaito with wide, fearful eyes that darted around the darkened woods. He trembled slightly, clearly on edge.

Kaito, holding his katana, walked steadily ahead with an emotionless expression, as if he were lost in an abyss.

The young boy was a soul reaper, serving as Kaito's assistant on their way to Kamakura village for the hunt. His role was to guide the pitiful souls to the afterlife while Kaito exorcise the Akuma.

After an hour of walking the winding paths, they finally emerged from the oppressive darkness into the active village of Kamakura. Saito, the young soul reaper, was visibly exhausted, his breath coming in quick gasps as he took in the lively scene before him.

In stark contrast, Kaito appeared unaffected, his demeanor was calm and composed as ever, as if he hadn't walked at all.

The village was alive with activity; people moved about with purpose, their voices mingling in chorus. Stalls lined the streets, showcasing an array of goods—fresh produce, colorful textiles, and crafts. The market was bustling, filled with commoners bartering and exchanging laughter, far more active than the quiet streets of Kurama Village.

Walking among the crowded streets, Saito noticed the absence of children; most parents had kept their little ones indoors, wary of the lurking Akuma.

Saito's expression shifted to one of astonishment as he spotted a caravan embedded with beautiful, colorful lanterns for sale. The lanterns glowed warmly in the evening light, casting a ambiance that momentarily distracted him from their grim mission.

Kaito kept moving forward, not even shifting a glance to any of the goods. Saito quickly followed him with urgency.


As they made their way to the far end of the village, a grand mansion came into view, illuminated by yellow and blue lanterns that hung from its eaves, casting bright lights over the area. The lights created a whimsical atmosphere, likely to attract curious children, who might see it as a playground and venture inside - exactly what the Akuma wants.

Kaito stepped closer, his senses on high alert as he tried to detect any presence of Akuma within. However, there was no discernible aura emanating from the mansion—only the soft, haunting notes of a shamisen.

(The shamisen is a three-stringed instrument played with a plectrum called a bachi. It produces a unique, twangy sound and is commonly used in various forms of music and performances, including folk songs and theater.)

"Can you feel any lost souls?" Kaito asked, glancing back at Saito, who trembled in place, unable to respond.

A surge of frustration washed over Kaito. In an instant, he smacked Saito's head hard twice, causing the young boy to nearly lose his balance. "How are you a soul reaper with this kind of attitude? Wake up! You're pissing me off! Stay here and die, or wake up and do as I tell you, you dumb creature!" he yelled.

It seemed like the Akuma didn't hear it, or maybe it pretended to not.

Saito shook his head vigorously, fear evident in his eyes. Kaito's rage was more terrifying than any demon. "I... can't feel anything... they all might have been... dev... dev..oured," Saito stammered, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"That's bad news. It means this thing is a lot more dangerous. From the looks of it, I can't consider this a special cast; it seems like this is its home," Kaito thought grimly as he walked around the side of the mansion, the soothing sound of the instrument continuing to play gracefully in the background.

"This was built with Zentai Asshuku energy," he muttered, assessing the structure. "It must be bigger than it looks."

Zentai energy could only be harnessed through complete concentration in darkness for three days—essentially, staying in the dark and using every ounce of Ki to envelop oneself while fasting. This process created a dense energy within the cultivator, allowing them to craft objects that appeared small from the outside but were vast on the inside. Most Exorcists and Soul Reapers considered this energy useless, as it was primarily beneficial for stealth and lacked any special enhancements unlike a special cast. This same energy had been used by Sensei to create the mansion back in the hidden village.

"Going inside is dangerous since I can't gauge its size or depth, but there might be children trapped inside," Kaito said, taking in a deep breath.

"I'll need to avoid the music; that could be the Akuma. If we can get those children out safely, I'll return for the Akuma. This might just be a grade 3, radiant."

Saito stared at him, dread rising within him. "He isn't really thinking of going into this death trap, right? We don't even know how big this is, he thought, his body trembling with fear." He wondered.

Kaito turned around and saw Saito, quaking with fear. He sighed and drew his sword, pressing the blade against Saito's neck, threatening to slash his throat. Kaito's cold glare pierced through the tension.

"Stop being weak; I hate it. Stay here until I get back, and if I don't, don't hesitate to run back and inform Reikishi."

Saito nodded slowly, his eyes wide as he trembled at the sight of the katana. He raised his chin, trying to avoid the sharp edge.

In an instant, Kaito withdrew the blade and stepped into the mansion. He opened the entrance slowly and entered.

Sling!—the shamisen played, and the wooden door closed behind him without a touch.

Still, not a hint of fear crossed his face. He walked gracefully through the passage, where various arts and crafts adorned the walls.

Arriving at another sliding wooden door, he opened it to reveal yet another passage, the same artwork lining the walls. This time, however, he heard the cry of a child. Kaito froze, closing his eyes for a moment as he tightened his grip on the katana. Fire began to swirl around the blade, twisting and growing fiercer.

"Second fire blade technique, Fire Slash!" he declared, striking the air. A large line of fire erupted from the katana, slashing through the wooden door in front of him. The door shattered into pieces with an explosive sound, flames bursting from every corner of the frame.

As the smoke cleared, Kaito's eyes widened in horror at the sight before him—a body splitting apart into two pieces, blood spilling everywhere.

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