I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 171: Ripped Fatty

Chapter 171: Ripped Fatty

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of tonight, the patreòn will be 3 chapters ahead. Writing 2 chapters before I go to sleep. /AlienWarlord

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Time Skip - 5 Months

It's been months since Peter found Tony in a compromising position at that alien brothel, and a bit has happened.

First, the ships that they received from the Nova Empire have been fixed and are now fully operational.

Each of them has gone through a small change though.

Upon looking into the system that powers the large warships, Peter and Tony found that each one had a reactor that kept everything running.

Sadly, the core of the reactor was some sort of unknown element, at least to those on Earth.

Seeing that this problem would come to bite them in the butt soon enough, Peter and Tony got to work and replaced every reactor with a larger version of Tony's arc reactor.

Of course, every ship was powered by Badassium, Earth's very own one-of-a-kind element.

This seemed to be an upgrade compared to the former power supply, which upgraded three major things in every ship.

The beam cannons can now shoot a laser five times as strongly.

The engines currently generate triple the power.

Lastly, the shields can now stay on 24/7 outside of battle, though they would still slowly degrade if they took enough damage.

Seeing that leaving the ships on Earth would be inviting certain groups to try and steal them, Peter had Jarvis fly them to specific intervals around the planet, setting up a huge defensive perimeter.

"All ships are in orbit around the Earth, sir." Jarvis said only minutes after Peter gave the order.

"Good, remember to keep the scans open at all times, and let us know if we have any more visitors." Peter instructed as he looked at a hologram of the planet, showing the exact locations of each ship.

These ships have a much better capability to scan farther distances than the Stark satellites, so they would be a better warning system in case of another invasion.

Speaking of an invasion.

Thanos nor his armies have shown themselves yet, though the web of ships surrounding the planet isn't just for scanning.

"Jarvis, If there's ever another attack on the planet and nobody from the Avengers is reachable or willing to take action, feel free to activate the ships and attack. Any opposition should be taken care of outside of the planet." Peter told Jarvis thoughtfully. "Just be relatively sure that they're hostile first. We wouldn't want to attack anyone for no reason."

"Yes, sir." Jarvis replied affirmatively. "I'll run simulations for future battles."

Other than finishing up the new Avengers war fleet, nothing much has happened besides something that has been a long time coming.


Sitting in the living room, Peter watched as Ned, May, Grace, and MJ all sat on the couch, waiting for his announcement.

"Peter, what's going on?" May asks as she looks at him in confusion.

She wasn't the only one either.

Grace was especially surprised that she was invited, as she was only recently clued into the fact that Peter was Spider-Man, and everyone knew but her.

As for Ned and MJ, they had a feeling about a few reasons for this impromptu meeting but weren't sure exactly.

"I have figured out a way to give all of you an extended lifespan as well as superpowers." Peter cuts right to the point.

"Oh, sh*t!" Ned exclaims as he jumps out of his seat. "It's finally happening!"

"For real?" MJ asked, hoping that Peter wasn't lying to her right now.

For a while now, MJ has wanted nothing more than to be able to watch Peters back, so that she could protect the man she loves.

Meanwhile, both Grace and May were surprised, though they had the same thought.

'Lifespan? Could it make me look younger?' Both thought at the exact same time.

"Yup, for real." Peter says as he pulls out a vial filled with dragon bone dust. "This is crushed-up pieces of fossilized Dragon Bones."

"Wow..." Ned uttered as he rushed over and snatched the vial from his best friend's hand. "What does it do?"

"It has a large quantity of Chi, which will give you..." Peter starts to explain the whole process of the resurrection Elixir. "... and when they mix, you will get the powers of both substances combined."

Peter then went on to explain their blood options. Either normal human blood, Super Soldier blood, or his own blood.

"So, we could get your powers?" Ned asks with an excited glint in his eyes.

"..." MJ seemed to prefer this option too, as an interested glint appeared on her pretty face.

"Maybe?" Peter answers unsurely.

Instantly, everyone in the room looked at him funny.

"What does that mean?" MJ asks in confusion. "Isn't that what you said?"

"Hmm, yes and no." Peter answers with a thoughtful expression. "I learned early on that my powers were given to me by a higher power, not just because I was bitten by a special spider."

"So, god gave you your powers?" Grace asks as that was how she interpreted Peter's words.

"Not exactly..." Peter answers with an unknowing shrug. "If I had to guess, the higher power would have to be okay with you having spider-related powers, so It's a bit of a gamble really."

"What if we don't want superpowers?" May asks as she raises her hand like a child at school. "I'm not very interested in being a hero, so I don't think that this should include me."

Although May found the possibility of being young for a long time appealing, she wasn't exactly a fighter. She would fight if her loved ones were in danger but making it a full-time job like Peter wasn't in her thoughts.

"I'm not asking any of you to be a hero. I just want all of you to be safe. Simply having the power to defend yourselves would be more than enough." Peter says in a serious tone, which seemed to win everyone over.

"And if we do want to be heroes?" MJ asks.

Instantly, MJ's mother turns a pointed gaze in her direction.

"What?" Grace asks, not knowing her daughter had dreams of being a hero.

"I want to fight alongside Peter..." She admits, which causes her mother's glare to turn a bit softer.

"Me too!" Ned joined in excitedly.


After some thought, everyone came to a decision regarding their Elixir. They all unanimously decided to use Peter's blood.

May and Grace didn't really care, so they went with whatever Ned and MJ chose. For them, It was a gamble for Peters overpowered spider powers.

Though there really wasn't a downside, as Peter was also enhanced by the Super Soldier Serum as well, so they would get Captain America's powers no matter what.

Seeing as May and Grace didn't care much about the procedure, Ned and MJ played Rock Paper Scissors to decide which of them would go first, as Peter only had one coffin-like device made, which was the same one he used on Peggy.

""Rock Paper Scissors... shoot!"" They said in unison as their hands jut forward.

"I win!" Ned exclaims as his rock beat her scissors.

"I've told you a million times. They always go rock first." Peter says in an 'I told you so' sort of tone.

"Shut up..."


Calling Ned's family beforehand, they explained that he would be spending the night at Peters, as the procedure would most likely take the entire night.

"Alright, good luck." Peter says as he pokes a spot on Ned's neck, which causes him to fall asleep instantly.

Thankfully, he was already laying in the metal coffin, so Peter simply closed the lid and turned to see everyone else giving him questioning looks.

"What? It's just a pressure point. He'll be fine." Peter explains as he pulls a lever, causing the thick black Elixir to fill the metal coffin, drowning Ned completely.


"Now what?" Grace asks as the room grew silent.

"Now we wait." Peter replies, crushing everyone's anticipation. "Want to play some board games?"


Hours passed as the night sky brightened and morning came along.

Peter was the only one still awake, as the girls were too tired to make it past 4 AM. Usually, MJ could stay up longer, but she got annoyed with Peter during their game of monopoly and ran off to bed.

'Even in this world Monopoly can ruin families and end friendships...' Peter thought with a laugh as he sipped on a cup of coffee while watching over Ned.


Suddenly, the metal coffin's lid burst open and a man covered in black goo lunged out as he gasped for air.

*Gasp...Heavy Breathing*

Knowing the drill, Peter walked over and used a towel to help Ned get the black Elixir off of his face.

"I feel... different." Ned mutters as he starts wiping the black substance from his body, not noticing the changes that have occurred just yet.

All of the sudden, footsteps could be heard from the stairway.

"Peter, do we have coffee?" May came walking downstairs in pajamas and asked, though she froze in place when she saw a tall muscular naked man, wiping his body with a black gooey towel. "Who's that?"

A/N: 1536 words


[I'm just a poor sick man... You wouldn't deny a sickly man a few stones, would you?]

Ps- I got some meds, so things are looking up.

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