I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 170: Honey Trap

Chapter 170: Honey Trap

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Seeing the offering of what appeared to be over 40 Kree warships, though some of them looked to be in pretty bad shape, Peter couldn't help but think of his home country.

The United States has a long history of arming and funding groups across the world to do their dirty work, so this situation wasn't exactly a new phenomenon.

In fact, it was funny to see that even an advanced multi galaxy-spanning empire would pull the same tricks as a relatively new country on some backwater planet.

Although Peter didn't like the fact that the Nova Empire was pretty much saying 'We want nothing to do with it. Here are some leftover ships, go and kill Thanos.', he found it impossible to turn down their offer.

'At least they know the right gifts to give...' Peter thought as he admired the space crafts.

Off to the side, Fury and the rest of the Avengers Council understood this as well. They weren't exactly happy either, but who were they to turn down such a nice gift?

Fury understood this move the most, as he worked in this sort of business for all of his life. It just so happens that the roles have reversed this time around.

"Although it isn't the outcome we were hoping for, the ships will come in handy." Peter says, receiving an understanding nod from Irani Rael.

"If it means anything, I tried to push for an alliance, but no one seemed to be willing to stand up against Thanos. The Mad Titan is a subject that most simply want to ignore, which is a stance that I don't agree with."

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing." Peter quotes something he heard back in his past life. "Those people who would rather keep their heads in the sand and hope they're left alone will sooner or later regret their actions."


After a short talk, in which Irani promised to keep petitioning for an alliance with them, the Avengers bid their farewells, picked up their weapons, and left the building in search of Tony, though they really just wanted to sightsee for a little while.

Sadly, Peter had to stay behind, as he had to offload the Kree prisoners onto the Nova Corps. Someone had to do the boring work, and as usual, the burden was placed on him.

'We need to get a new member that can use portals...' Peter thought as he escorted batches of Kree prisoners through portals with the help of Irani and her soldiers.


Hours later, the transport was finished and every Kree was safely imprisoned in the Nova Corps headquarters, where they were identified and charged with all sorts of horrible crimes.

"If it would help with their charges, I can have Jarvis send over any incriminating evidence from the databanks of Ronan's ships." Peter offered as he saw the way they were each processed.

"Yes, that would be great." Irani nodded as they watched the Nova Corps members at work. "Sadly, we can't just throw them in prison forever based on their alignment alone. The Nova Empire has many laws protecting the rights of every being, so without evidence, a small portion of them would most likely be deported back to their home world."

"Alright, I'll have Jarvis send over everything by tomorrow."


After saying his goodbyes, Peter finally left for the city, where he immediately went looking for Tony. He needed to get the new Kree ships back to Earth and Tony was the best man for the job.

With Jarvis' help, Peter was able to find Tony pretty easily. The only problem was the location that Jarvis led him to.

"Are you sure that he's in here?" Peter asked down at his phone.

"Yes, sir." Jarvis answers back instantly. "The readings show Mr. Starks Iron Man armor inside."

Right in front of Peter was a pure white marble building with naked alien women showing themselves off in the windows. Projected onto the bottom of the windows were prices per hour in Units.

Units, also known as Credits, are the main form of intergalactic currency used across many planets.

Each alien woman had vibrant skin tones from colors like pink, green, blue, and many more. A few of them had large eyes and even one has four arms, though each of them was beautiful and appealing in their own way.

'He really went to an alien brothel...' Peter thought with a small hint of jealousy as he admired the view of all the naked alien women. 'How did he even get the Credits?'

Peter isn't the type to betray his significant other and sleep around, so the most he could do is enjoy the view while it lasted.

'Maybe I can convince MJ to visit this place with me?' Peter thought as the idea of a three-way with a busty pink alien sounded very tempting, though he would have to look into alien STDs before doing anything.

Speaking of alien STDs, Peter looked toward the building once again and wondered whether Tony thought of that before rushing inside

'No, Tony is the type of person to think with his c*ck before anything else...' Peter thought as he walked into the brothel, ignoring the heated gazes from scantily clad women looking for a customer.

As he made his way inside, Peter was stopped by some big rock-like humanoids standing guard.

"Are you a customer?" One asks as he holds up a hand, signaling for Peter to stop.

"No, I'm here looking for a friend of mine. He's about my height and should be wearing red and gold armor." Peter explains.

"Yeah, he's in a private room. Big spender actually." The other says with a nod. "You'll have to wait though. Only customers are allowed inside."

"Hmm, okay." Peter says as he turns around and walks out.

Walking out of sight and into an alley, Peter cast the same invisibility spell on himself that he used when MJ wanted to meet Tony at the Stark Expo.

Strolling back inside, Peter was able to squeeze through the big rock guards and get inside without a problem.

The ground floor of the brothel seemed to be a gentlemen's club with naked women everywhere. Some of them served drinks to some ugly looking clients while others danced on various stages.

Though Tony was nowhere to be seen.

"Lead the way, Jarvis." Peter says as his phone's GPS switches on.

Following Jarvis' instructions, Peter arrived at a back room on the third floor of the building. The sounds of sweet moans, chains rattling, and leather whips could be heard from the opposite side of the door.

"Jarvis..." Peter calls out as he hesitates to even open the door. "Your creator is a degenerate."

"I've noticed this long ago, sir." Jarvis says in an almost mournful tone.

"..." Peter second-guessed his decisions as he contemplated leaving Tony at the brothel and returning home. 'I can pick up the ships tomorrow...'

Just as Peter was thinking this, the door suddenly crept open, and a naked purple woman with four eyes tiptoed out with a large red and gold briefcase in hand.

'Tony's suit?' Peter immediately knew what the briefcase was, as Tony used that form to travel with his armor all the time. "This idiot fell into a honey trap and got robbed..."

As soon as Peter's voice filled the hall, the woman froze in place and looked around like a kid, who was caught stealing cookies.


Inside the room, Tony was blindfolded, handcuffed, and surrounded by four alien women, each of them with vibrant skin. One of them even had a third breast, which Tony was currently sucking on.

Two of the women held small leather whips in hand as they took turns flogging Tony's chest every minute or so.

Suddenly, the door flew open and hit the wall with a bang, scaring the woman as they screamed and jumped off of the bed.

"Huh?" Tony mutters as the sweet alien breast leaves his mouth, still blindfolded. "What's going on?"

At the door, Peter stood with Tony's Iron Man briefcase in one hand while a guilty-looking thief stood behind him in fear.

"All of you out, now." Peter orders and steps aside as the frightened alien prostitutes rush out, knowing that they've been caught.

"Peter?" Tony asks in confusion as he pulls on his restraints. "Is that you?"

"You really are an idiot." Peter sighs as he shoots a web at Tony's head and pulls the blindfold off. "I never took you for a masochist though..."

As a sadist, Peter was a bit disappointed in his friend's preferences, though he wouldn't judge him for it.

"What? Why are you here..." Tony asks but soon notices the case in Peter's hand. "Why do you have my armor?"

A/N: 1485 words


[🤒I currently have pneumonia, and I'm in grave need of stones. They're the only medicine that can help! For real though, I am sick. This sucks😔]

Ps- Big time skip in the next chapter

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