I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 885 Importance Of History

The sun began its ascent, casting a golden hue across the snowy peak. As Fein rubbed his eyes and yawned, he couldn't believe what he saw before him. Imeng, shirtless and bathed in the morning light, stood in a powerful stance, effortlessly balancing a massive boulder on his outstretched foot.

Fein's jaw dropped, his mind struggling to comprehend the sight before him. He blinked several times, half-expecting the surreal image to disappear like a mirage. But Imeng remained there, his muscles taut and glistening with sweat, his face serene and focused.

Fein couldn't help but blurt out his disbelief. "What the... Old man, what on earth are you doing? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

Imeng's lips curled into a mischievous grin as he carefully lowered the boulder to the ground. His voice carried a hint of amusement. "Ah, Fein, I see you've finally witnessed my morning exercise routine. A bit of strength training to start the day, you know."

Fein shook his head in disbelief, his voice laced with sarcasm. "Strength training? More like defying the laws of physics! I thought I was hallucinating when I saw your shredded physique. Are you secretly a demigod or something?"

Imeng chuckled, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. "Oh, Fein, I assure you, I am no demigod. Just a mere mortal who believes in pushing his physical limits. The body and the mind are interconnected, you see. Physical strength enhances magical prowess."

Fein crossed his arms, his skepticism lingering. "Right, right. So, what's next? Are you going to start juggling fireballs while doing backflips?"

Imeng's laughter echoed through the crisp morning air. "Ah, Fein, you always have a way of turning everything into a jest. But rest assured, my unconventional training methods have their purpose. They teach discipline, balance, and the understanding that our physical selves are as much a part of our magical journey as our minds."

Fein had finally reached his limit with Imeng's seemingly endless displays of superiority. The old man's arrogance had grated on Fein's nerves for far too long, and it was time to put an end to it.

In an act of defiance, Fein ripped off his shirt, revealing the impressive physique of a true Demon King. His muscles bulged and glistened with strength, a testament to the power he possessed. He stood tall, a smirk playing on his lips, ready to challenge Imeng's notion of physical prowess.

Imeng's eyes widened in surprise, his jaw dropping at the sight before him. He had clearly underestimated Fein's own strength and determination. He couldn't help but feel a tinge of amusement mixed with astonishment.

Fein's voice dripped with sarcasm as he taunted the old man. "Oh, look at that, Imeng! It seems you're not the only one with a set of sculpted muscles. Take a good look, because this is what true power looks like!"

Imeng's face twisted into a bemused grin, his eyes twinkling with amusement. He chuckled and crossed his arms over his chest. "Well, well, Fein, looks like you've got more to offer than just your magical abilities. Impressive, I must admit."

Fein flexed his muscles, relishing in the attention and the chance to prove himself. "That's right, old man. Don't underestimate the Demon King. We're not just about magic. We pack a punch in every aspect!"

Imeng's laughter filled the air as he nodded in acknowledgement. "You've certainly made your point, Fein. But remember, true strength comes from within. It's not just about the muscles, but the spirit that drives you."

Fein's mouth twitched. "Just admit defeat old man."

As Fein pulled his shirt back on, they stood side by side, their contrasting physiques gave an aura of majesty.

Together, they descended from the snowy peak, their steps echoing in the distance. Imeng sigh a little. He didn't succeed... His apprentice wasn't playing according to routine!

As they made their way down the snowy peak, Fein couldn't contain his burning curiosity any longer. He turned to the old man walking beside him, a mischievous grin playing on his face.

"Hey, old man," Fein called out, his voice laced with a teasing tone. "You've been filling my head with all these tales of wizards and magical history. Gotta admit, it's pretty entertaining. But seriously, what's the point? Are we just collecting bedtime stories here?"

Imeng's footsteps faltered for a moment, a glint of amusement flickering in his eyes. He turned to face Fein, his expression a mixture of knowing and amusement.

"Opppss..." Imeng responded, his voice tinged with a hint of laughter. "Magical history ain't just some dusty old books and bedtime stories. It's the key to understanding our place in this crazy magical world. It shows us where we've been, the crazy stuff wizards pulled off, and how it all ties into the present."

Fein raised an eyebrow, a mix of skepticism and curiosity etched on his face. He adjusted his backpack and leaned in closer to Imeng, eager for more.

"So, you're telling me that knowing about some ancient wizard and their shenanigans is gonna make me a better magician?" Fein asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Imeng chuckled, his laughter echoing in the crisp mountain air. He gestured towards the surrounding landscape, his voice carrying a note of excitement.

"Magical history is like a treasure trove of secrets and inspiration," Imeng explained, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Those old wizards paved the way for us, pushing the boundaries of magic, and leaving behind a trail of wisdom. By digging into their stories, we learn their tricks, their failures, and their triumphs. It's like having a cheat code to level up our magical skills."

Fein scratched his head, a mix of confusion and intrigue playing on his face. He glanced around, taking in the breathtaking views of the snow-capped mountains.

"Alright, old man, I'm listening," Fein conceded, a spark of curiosity igniting within him. "Tell me one of those mind-blowing tales. Show me how it all fits together."

Imeng grinned, knowing he had piqued Fein's interest. He launched into a tale of the legendary wizard Darius, known for his ability to manipulate emotions itself and the history of 30 plus Satans, Lower Realm, and Middle Realm.

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