I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 884 Old Antique

The small wooden table was adorned with delicate teacups and a teapot, emitting a fragrant aroma of freshly brewed tea. Imeng, sitting across from Fein, held a cup in his hands, his eyes twinkling mischievously. Fein, a bit skeptical but intrigued, observed his master with a curious expression.

Imeng placed the teacup down gently and picked up a small saucer, swirling the remaining tea leaves at the bottom. He studied the patterns and shapes formed by the leaves, his gaze focused and insightful. Fein watched intently, his eyebrows raised in anticipation.

Imeng began to speak, his voice calm and casual. "Now, Fein, let's see what the tea leaves reveal about your future. Remember, this is just a glimpse, a possibility. The path can always change."

Fein leaned forward, his interest piqued. "Alright, old man, show me what you've got. But I warn you, I don't believe in all this destiny nonsense."

Imeng chuckled softly, his eyes crinkling with amusement. "Oh, Fein, always the skeptic. But sometimes, even the non-believers find themselves surprised." He gestured toward the teacup. "Let's begin."

Imeng started interpreting the patterns in the tea leaves, his voice carrying a hint of mystery. "I see a winding path, filled with challenges and opportunities. Your journey will be marked by resilience and determination. But here," he pointed to a cluster of leaves, "is a symbol of uncertainty. It suggests that choices will be laid before you, and the consequences of those choices may weigh heavily on your mind."

Fein listened intently, his expression thoughtful. "So, you're saying I have a choice in shaping my own destiny?"

Imeng nodded, a gentle smile playing on his lips. "Indeed, my young brat. Destiny may provide the road, but it is your choices that determine the direction you take."

Fein leaned back, crossing his arms. "But what about evil? You speak of choices, but what if some people are just born evil? Can they change their fate?"

Imeng's expression grew serious, and he met Fein's gaze with a steady look. "Evil is not a matter of birth but a matter of choice. Every person has the capacity for both good and evil within them. It is the choices they make that shape their destiny. No one is bound to a predetermined path."

Fein's skepticism softened, replaced by a hint of contemplation. "I suppose you're right, old man. It's easy to blame fate or circumstances, but ultimately, it's up to us to decide who we want to be."

Imeng nodded approvingly, his eyes sparkling with pride. "Exactly, You understand the essence of free will. Embrace it, and let your choices guide you towards the person you aspire to become. Those who believe fate or something are just weak. One should strive to become the master of their own destiny."


The icy wind howled through the snowy peaks as Imeng and Fein stood before a collection of magical artifacts and tools. Imeng's eyes gleamed with excitement as he introduced Fein to each item, explaining their functions and potential applications.

"Fein, my eager apprentice," Imeng began, his voice carrying a tone of anticipation. "These artifacts possess immense power and are tools that can aid you in your magical journey."

Fein raised an eyebrow skeptically. "But do they really work, old man? I mean, can an object really enhance my abilities?"

Imeng chuckled, his laughter echoing against the mountainside. "Ah, Fein, the power of these artifacts lies not in their mere existence, but in the connection you forge with them. They are conduits, amplifying your own magical energy and allowing you to achieve greater feats."

He reached out and picked up a slender staff adorned with intricate carvings. "Take this staff, for example. It's crafted from the ancient oak of the enchanted forest, imbued with the essence of nature itself. When you channel your magic through it, the staff enhances your control over elemental forces."

Fein examined the staff with a mix of curiosity and doubt. "And how am I supposed to know if it's working? Will it make my spells stronger?"

Imeng nodded, his eyes filled with wisdom. "Indeed, Fein. When you grasp the staff, you'll feel a surge of energy flowing through you. Your spells will become more potent, and your control over the elements will be heightened. It's a subtle but noticeable difference."

Moving on, Imeng pointed to a small amulet adorned with glowing gemstones. "And this amulet, my boy, is a focus for protection and defense. It creates a shield around you, warding off hostile energies and redirecting them back to their source."

Fein scratched his chin thoughtfully. "But can it really shield me from powerful attacks? What if it's not enough?"

Imeng's eyes sparkled with reassurance. "Fein, this amulet is a formidable tool. It draws upon the essence of ancient guardians, bolstering your own magical barriers. While it may not withstand the most devastating forces, it will certainly provide you with an extra layer of protection."

Fein's skepticism began to wane as Imeng presented him with various other artifacts—an enchanted ring that heightened his perception, a crystal orb that revealed hidden truths, and a pair of enchanted gloves that enhanced his dexterity in spellcasting.

Imeng watched as Fein held each artifact, his facial expressions transitioning from doubt to intrigue. The old man's voice became animated as he shared stories of legendary wizards who had wielded these very items, inspiring Fein with tales of their triumphs.

Fein finally looked up at Imeng, a glimmer in his eyes. "Alright, old man, I'll give them a shot. Can't hurt to have some extra tricks up my sleeve, right?"

Just like that,  the night descended upon the snowy peak, a serene stillness settled over the landscape. The moon cast its gentle glow, illuminating the world in a soft, ethereal light. Imeng and Fein found themselves seated on a large flat rock, overlooking the vast expanse below.

Imeng, his white hair shimmering in the moonlight, closed his eyes and took a deep breath, centering himself in the present moment. Fein watched his master intently, his skepticism giving way to a flicker of curiosity.

Imeng spoke in a calm and reassuring voice. "The night is the perfect time to delve deeper into our mental and spiritual discipline. The quietude of the darkness allows us to connect with the inner realms of our being, where magic resides."

"I say... Bullshit!" Fein rolled his eyes at Imeng. "I like it more when you talk informally. Talking with the use of deep words. You're really a living antique."

Imeng almost choked when he heard his apprentice's mockery. 'Fuck!'

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