I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 820 To The Forbidden Forest

Fein's eyes gleamed with a mixture of intrigue and amusement. He reveled in the confirmation of the Demon God's formidable strength, relishing in the prospect of a true challenge. But Germund's usefulness had run its course, and Fein had little tolerance for those who had outlived their purpose.

"Well, Germund," Fein sneered, a malicious glint in his eyes. "You've been such a helpful little pawn, but alas, your time has come to an end."

With a flick of his wrist, Fein summoned an unseen force, hurtling Germund against the wall like a discarded rag doll. The demon crumpled to the ground, his pleas for mercy falling on deaf ears.

"Please, spare me!" Germund begged, his voice filled with desperation. "I-I'll be your loyal servant! I'll do anything you ask, just spare my wretched life!"

Fein's laughter echoed through the hall, cold and devoid of mercy. He approached Germund, his footsteps measured and deliberate, reveling in the power he held over the broken demon.

"Your servitude means nothing to me, Germund," Fein taunted, his voice laced with cruel satisfaction. "I have no use for a groveling dog like you."

With a snap of his fingers, Fein unleashed a surge of energy, obliterating Germund in a spectacular explosion of blood and bone. The remnants of the demon splattered across the walls, a grotesque testament to Fein's unrestrained power.

With the echoes of Fein's chilling actions still hanging in the air, the cave hall fell silent, a heavy atmosphere enveloping the aftermath of the brutal encounter. Germund's scattered body parts such as fingers lay sprawled on the floor, a gruesome testament to Fein's unrelenting, hidden cruelty. Fein's eyes, gleaming with a mix of satisfaction and anticipation, scanned the scene before him, taking in the fruits of his victory.

The chimera ant, a witness to the carnage, approached Fein with a respectful bow, acknowledging his authority. Fein, his expression a mixture of weariness and determination, nodded in acknowledgment, his voice tinged with a touch of melancholy.

"Hey, you," Fein addressed the chimera ant, his words firm but laced with a hint of sorrow. "Go find my family and friends, you know, the ones who share my blood. Tell 'em I'll be gone for a long while. They gotta understand that my path lies elsewhere, deep down in the freakin' Abyss."

Without wasting a moment, the chimera ant vanished into the shadows, blending seamlessly with the darkness that surrounded them. Fein's eyes lingered on the spot where the creature had disappeared, their intensity deepening as if searching for answers within the void.

A sigh escaped Fein's lips, his voice barely audible as he muttered to himself, lost in thought. "Guess it's time," he murmured, his words carrying a mix of determination and anticipation. "Time to dive headfirst into that damn Abyss, uncover its secrets, and snatch that crazy power it's got hidden away."

Fein's shifted, a subtle flexing of muscles and a tightening of fists, his stance radiating a newfound resolve. He stood there, like a predator ready to pounce on its prey, eyes fixed on the invisible horizon.

The weight of his decision pressed upon Fein's shoulders, but there was no turning back now. The call of forbidden knowledge and unimaginable power was too strong to resist. It beckoned him, promising a taste of dominion that he craved.

A wicked smile crept across Fein's face, a twisted reflection of his insatiable ambition. He knew the risks that lay ahead, the dangers lurking in the shadows of the Abyss. But fear was a stranger to him, overshadowed by his insatiable hunger for power.


As Fein nonchalantly stepped through the shimmering blue portal, a wide grin spread across his face. The world around him transformed into a wild, untamed landscape—the Forbidden Forest, home to hidden mysteries and untold dangers. He took in the scene with a lazy gaze, his expression relaxed yet filled with a mischievous spark.

The forest sprawled before him, a vibrant tapestry of greens and browns. The air carried the earthy scent of moss and the sweet aroma of wildflowers, a tantalizing blend that invigorated his senses. Fein's posture exuded an air of casual confidence, his hands casually tucked into his pockets as if he was embarking on a leisurely stroll.

His eyes surveyed the forest, taking in the twisted tree trunks and sprawling vines that snaked across the ground. A carefree smile played at the corners of his lips, as if he were embarking on a thrilling adventure rather than venturing into the heart of the unknown. His body language mirrored his relaxed demeanor, moving with a fluid grace as he navigated the forest's uneven terrain.

Sunlight filtered through the dense canopy above, casting intermittent patches of light on the forest floor. Fein stepped over fallen logs and moss-covered rocks without a hint of hesitation, his movements effortless and sure-footed. He seemed at one with the forest, as if it welcomed him with open arms.

The forest buzzed with life, its vibrant ecosystem enveloping Fein in a symphony of sounds. He reveled in the melodic chirping of birds, the rustle of leaves as creatures scurried about, and the occasional hoot of an owl. Every sensory detail heightened his sense of adventure, his eyes alight with curiosity and excitement.

Fein's carefree persona belied the potential dangers that lay hidden within the shadows. He was undeterred by the looming presence of the forest, his relaxed demeanor a shield against the eerie whispers that danced on the breeze. He sauntered deeper into the heart of the Forbidden Forest, his steps light and unhurried, fully embracing the thrill of the unknown.

With each passing moment, Fein's remained unscathed and dust free, his nonchalant aura amplifying the stark contrast between his demeanor and the mystique of the forest. He knew the stakes were high, but his relaxed posture and easy smile conveyed a sense of confidence that bordered on audacity.

As Fein ventured deeper into the forest, the air crackled with an electrifying energy. Shadows grew longer and more pronounced, but he paid them no mind, his expression unfazed by the encroaching darkness. He maintained his unhurried pace, taking in the forest's secrets as if they were mere curiosities to be explored.

The Forbidden Forest was his playground, and Fein relished every moment. He embraced the thrill of the chase, the allure of the abyss, with a casual demeanor that defied the gravity of the situation. His laid-back appearance, coupled with his insatiable curiosity, propelled him further into the heart of the unknown.

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