I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 819 Snap

Time seemed to slow as the lethal beams found their mark, striking Raveus directly in the face. The intensity of the lasers was unfathomable, instantly melting through flesh, bone, and sinew. Raveus's skull disintegrated under the searing heat, his eyeballs liquefied, and his body reduced to a grotesque mush of blood and tissue. The stench of burning flesh hung heavy in the air, mingling with the acrid smell of death.

Berthold and Germund, frozen in horror, watched their comrade's gruesome demise unfold before their eyes. Panic surged through their veins, and in a desperate bid for survival, they turned to flee, their fear-stricken voices piercing the stifling silence.

"Run! We can't defeat him! He's not a human, but a monster! He's an SS-rank, not what A-ranks life us can resist!!" they screamed, their words laced with raw terror. But before they could take a single step, Fein's power manifested once more, demonstrating his absolute control over space itself.

With a flick of his finger, the very fabric of space froze around the two demons, shackling them in an invisible grip. Their movements halted, their limbs rendered immobile as if encased in solid stone. Panic etched across their faces, they strained against the invisible restraints, but to no avail. Fein's power left them helpless, trapped in their impending doom.

Fein materialized beside Berthold, his presence emanating an aura of unrivaled menace. His features contorted into a sadistic grin as he directed a single flick of his finger towards Berthold's forehead. In an instant, the demon's entire being erupted, his body torn asunder, blood and gore splattering the cave walls in a grotesque display.

The room was silent once more, save for the echoes of destruction that lingered in the air. Fein, the embodiment of darkness and relentless power, stood amidst the remnants of his fallen adversaries.

Germund looked at Berthold's body parts around the cave and Raveus who turned into puddle of blood in the distance with blank eyes. He couldn't but feel a shiver down his spine. His mind couldn't process what's happening.

As the dust settled and the echoes of destruction slowly faded away, Fein stood amidst the wreckage, his gaze fixed upon Germund, the lone survivor of the once badass trio. Germund's face looked like a scared rabbit, his trembling body showing he was about to wet his pants.

Fein's eyes narrowed, a twisted grin playing on his lips as he sauntered forward. With a swift and merciless motion, he lunged at Germund, grabbing him by the throat with a grip that could crush steel. Germund's eyes bulged, his feeble attempts to free himself from Fein's iron grasp nothing more than pitiful flailing.

Fein's fingers tightened like a vice, cutting off Germund's oxygen supply. The poor demon's face turned an unflattering shade of purple, veins popping out like angry worms. Gasping for air, Germund clawed weakly at Fein's hand, his desperate struggle a sad spectacle.

Fein released his grip with a dismissive flick of his wrist, sending Germund hurtling across the room like a sack of rotten potatoes. The demon crashed into the stone wall, leaving a sizable dent in its wake. He crumpled to the ground, groaning and clutching his broken body, looking more like a discarded ragdoll than a fearsome demon.

Prostrate on the ground, Germund groveled before Fein, his voice quivering with fear and his words a jumbled mess of begging and pleading. He offered himself up as a lowly servant, promising unwavering loyalty and endless servitude if only his pathetic life could be spared.

"Please, Fein! Spare me!" Germund whimpered, his voice dripping with desperation. "I'll do whatever you want, I swear! I'll be your obedient slave! Just don't kill me!"

Fein towered over the groveling demon, his eyes gleaming with sadistic delight. He reveled in the power he held over Germund, relishing in the fear and submission that emanated from his broken form. Fein's voice dripped with condescension as he savored his newfound dominance.

"Well, well, Germund," Fein sneered, his voice laced with amusement. "A slave, huh? How convenient for me. You shall serve me, but let this be clear: one misstep, one ounce of disobedience, and I'll turn you into a smoldering pile of ashes. Got it?"

Germund's prostration deepened, his forehead pressed against the cold, unforgiving ground. He trembled under Fein's words, fully aware of the precariousness of his existence. The weight of servitude settled heavily upon him, a constant reminder of his fragile grip on life.

Fein's eyes narrowed with a mix of irritation and amusement as he stared down Germund, who cowered before him. The remnants of his fallen comrades were strewn across the dark cave, a grim reminder of their failed attempt to overpower Fein. The air crackled with tension as Fein's voice dripped with condescension.

"Tell me, Germund," Fein sneered, his tone laced with derision. "Where exactly is this elusive Abyss? And how in the world does one gain entry? Oh, and do enlighten me, is this so-called Demon God really worthy of being mentioned in the same breath as an SSS-rank degu user?"

Germund, his body trembling with fear, mustered the strength to respond. Sweat trickled down his forehead as he stammered out his answers, desperate to appease Fein's wrath.

"The Abyss," Germund muttered, his voice barely audible. "It's tucked away deep within the forbidden forest, concealed by a veil of darkness. To enter, one must navigate the treacherous trials set forth by three insufferable gatekeepers. It's a challenge even the most foolish would hesitate to face."

Fein scoffed, his lip curling into a contemptuous smile. He found Germund's hesitation and feeble explanation utterly laughable.

"So, it's hidden away, guarded by a bunch of riddles, huh?" Fein mocked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "How quaint. But tell me, Germund, is this Demon God truly deserving of all the hype? Can it hold a candle to an SSS-rank degu user?"

Germund quivered under Fein's piercing gaze, realizing the precarious position he was in. With a gulp, he confessed, his voice trembling with uncertainty.

"Yes, Fein," he admitted, his voice barely audible. "The Demon God possesses a power so overwhelming, it can rival that of an SSS-rank degu user. Its abilities are downright terrifying, capable of reducing even the mightiest to mere playthings."

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