Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 350: Trouble

Chapter 350: Trouble

Here he comes!

Thanks to extensive battle experience in the psychic world, Adam wasn't panicked at all as he took a quick glance at everyone else. He could see that the other Desert Gang members hadn't completely surrounded him yet, and he took advantage of this opportunity to quickly shuffle back in retreat.

As he did so, he turned on several showerheads in quick succession.

There was a fee charged for using the showers in Darvaza Prison, so hot water was provided.

As Adam continued to retreat, a row of showerheads had been turned on, and hot water was pouring out incessantly.

After that, Adam pulled out one of the showerheads and aimed it directly at Water Buffalo's face. Water Buffalo reflexively raised his arms to shield his own face, and Adam took advantage of this opportunity to jump onto Water Buffalo before strangling him with the cord of the showerhead.

In contrast with the showerheads in most prisons, the ones in Darvaza Prison were able to be pulled out in the exact same way as the ones found in normal homes.

Adam gritted his teeth tightly as he strangled Water Buffalo with all his might.

If he could take Water Buffalo out of the equation, then his chances of survival would increase by at least half.

"It's no use!" Ross was completely unfazed by what he was seeing. "If that's all it takes to overcome such a massive disparity in strength and bodyweight, then there wouldn't be any weight classes in combat sports. He's over 100 pounds heavier than you, how could you possibly win?"

As soon as Ross's voice trailed off, Water Buffalo rushed back to slam Adam against the wall, causing him to loosen his grip. Water Buffalo then reached around and grabbed onto Adam's shoulders before throwing him onto the ground.

However, despite the fact that he was almost knocked unconscious by the impact, Adam refused to let go of the showerhead, continuing to strangle Water Buffalo viciously with its cord.


Water Buffalo's fury was building by the second. Not only had he failed to kill Adam up to this point, he had sustained injuries to his neck, and he crouched down in a fit of rage to grab onto Adam's neck and tear him to pieces.

However, right at this moment, his vision abruptly blurred.

Immediately thereafter, Adam's body began to rapidly expand, and all of his skin fell away, only to be replaced by what appeared to be chunks of stone.

Water Buffalo looked on with a stunned and horrified expression as the man beneath him transformed into an eight-meter-tall stone giant, with its head already punching through the ceiling.

Water Buffalo was so frightened by this that he hurriedly stumbled back in retreat, but Adam was about to let him get away.

He had to kill this opponent in the shortest time possible because in the real world, the brawl was still supposed to be ongoing, but due to the fact that both of them had lost consciousness, the other Desert Gang members were soon going to realize that something was amiss.

Thus, Adam crouched down and extended his right hand as quickly as he could to grab onto Water Buffalo.

I hope you're not an anomaly.

Not all of the inmates in Darvaza Prison were bona fide psychic deviants.

Anyone who committed murders using excessively brutal methods had a chance of being thrown into Darvaza Prison. As an example, Dwight wasn't a psychic deviant. While it was true that there was an anomaly in his psychic world, he hadn't fused one with it.

The same thing clearly applied to Water Buffalo as well.

His psychic body was very ordinary, and as Adam grabbed onto him, he was barely able to offer up any resistance.

"Who's the big guy now?"

"No!" Cowboy yelled with all his might, but all Adam had to do was tighten his grip, and Water Buffalo's entire psychic body was crushed into mincemeat.

After killing Water Buffalo, Adam hurriedly left the psychic world.

In the real world, hot water was continuing to gush out of the showerheads, causing steam to fill the surrounding area.

This was something that Adam had set up in advance so that Ross and the others would be able to see what was happening.

"Why did they suddenly go quiet?"

"Isn't Water Buffalo always yelling and screaming when killing people?"

"Bruce, Monkey, go take a look."

Two of the Desert Gang members made their way over to where Water Buffalo and Adam were situated at Ross's behest.

At this moment, Adam was completely concealed under Water Buffalo's enormous body.

"Yo, Water Buffalo, you alright?" one of the two gang members asked, but he was met with no response.

The two men realized that something seemed to be wrong, and they approached Water Buffalo to try and drag him back to his feet, but a pair of hands suddenly shot out from under Water Buffalo's body before grabbing onto their ankles.

Five seconds later, Adam emerged from beneath Water Buffalo, and there were three lifeless figures on the ground beside him.

None of the three Desert Gang members had been harboring any excessively powerful anomalies in their psychic worlds, so it had only taken Adam mere seconds to put an end to their lives.

At this point, Adam was already far more powerful than the likes of Oni no Hanzou, and the two men weren't even able to detect that their psychic worlds had been invaded.

"What the hell?"

Ross was immediately struck by a sense of foreboding as he watched Adam rise to his feet, while Water Buffalo and the others laid around him in a completely still and lifeless manner.

"Boss, he must be an adapter!"

One of the smarter Desert Gang members instantly realized what had just happened.

"You're right," Ross replied with a nod, then took a glance at his fellow gang members as he said, "There's no need to be scared of him, there are still five of us and only one of him. Even if he's an adapter, his long-range transmission device has to have already been removed before he was thrown into prison, so we'll be fine as long as we don't make physical contact with him."

As Ross was speaking, he and all of the other gang members around him pulled out different types of weapons, most of which had been taken from the factory. Their destructive power was quite mediocre, but taking a hit from one of those things was definitely going to hurt, and a good blow to the back of the head could even spell death.

"Are you sure?" Adam asked, putting on a bluff as he made his way toward Ross.

Indeed, Ross was right.

Even if Adam could grab onto one of the gang members and successfully invade their psychic world, his physical body would be completely vulnerable to attack.

However, he was taking a gamble, making a bet that Ross only had a very limited understanding of adapters.

After all, adapters were extremely rare, and not much information on them was available to the general public. Out of the tens of thousands of inmates in Darvaza Prison, there were perhaps only a handful of adapters, so it was only to be expected that the rest of the inmates didn't know much about them.

Even if Ross did know more about adapters than other inmates, perhaps he wasn't so certain in his knowledge that he would be willing to test it with his own life, and that was what Adam was counting on.

"Don't be scared of him! Go!"

Ross was clearly beginning to feel a little uneasy. This was only an order from a warden, and it wasn't worth it if he had to die to carry out the order.

While he was backing away, he pushed one of his underlings forward. The underling was also scared, and even though he was putting on a menacing display, he didn't dare to approach Adam, either.

"Do you wanna give me a try?" Adam asked as he turned to that person.

The man was very hesitant about how to proceed, and he took a couple of steps backward, then said to Ross, "Boss, we don't have any vendetta against him, and I don't think we have enough numbers to kill an adapter. How about we bring our crossbows next time so we can take him down from a distance? That'll be a far safer bet."

"You're right, there's no need to risk our lives here."

"He's right, Boss!"

The other gang members were also eager to back out of the plan.

"In that case, let's retreat."

Ross took a few more backward steps as he spoke, but he naturally couldn't just scurry away with his tail between his legs. Hence, he pointed the section of sharp rebar in his hand at Adam as he declared, "This isn't over! You killed three of my brothers, and you're definitely going to have to pay with your life sooner or later!"

Adam didn't say anything, merely looking back at him in silence.

Only after the five Desert Gang members had fled from the showers was he certain that he had managed to survive this ordeal.

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