Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 349: Unexpected Turn of Events

Chapter 349: Unexpected Turn of Events

Prior to Ross's departure, Adam didn't detect anything, but upon his return, Adam was immediately struck by a clear sense of danger.

It was quite apparent that the warden had told Ross something that was very detrimental to Adam's situation.

"Done?" Ross asked as soon he returned.

"No, I just started eating," Adam replied.

"Then hurry up. After dinner, we'll go to the showers. The showers are the best place in this prison. The flow of water is really strong, strong enough to wash away all blood, no matter how much someone bleeds. Come with us to the showers and help us kill a guy called Blood Thorn. That'll count as your pledge to our gang."


"A pledge is a show of allegiance. Basically, you have to do something to show the gang your courage and loyalty. Even in the outside world, if you try to join a gang, they'll make you do something to show them that you'll be loyal and useful to the gang. Surely you didn't think it would be that easy to join a gang in prison."

As Ross was speaking, Adam glanced at the dozen or so people around him, and there were still more and more people coming in from the factory. With so many people around, Adam didn't know how many Desert Gang members were present, so if he were to try and resist, he had no idea what the outcome was going to be.

Essentially, even though he knew that going to the showers was going to put him in a perilous situation, he had no choice but to go.

"Alright, just tell me who it is that I have to kill. We don't need to bring too many people, let's just make it quick and snappy."


Ross nodded in response, then took a glance at Water Buffalo and a few other members of the Desert Gang.

In the end, Adam was accompanied by a total of eight other Desert Gang members to the showers after dinner.

This wasn't a large number of people, but they were all very capable fighters, and they would have no issues taking care of a newbie.

The warden that had approached Ross earlier had told Ross to kill Adam in secret. Ross didn't know why he had been instructed to do this, but he naturally wasn't going to ask any questions.

In Darvaza Prison, making an enemy out of the wardens was never a good thing, and he certainly wasn't going to go against them for the sake of a newbie.


While making his way toward the showers with the other Desert Gang members, Adam was constantly looking for opportunities to get away, but the way that the prison was designed didn't grant him any such opportunity.

The corridors were long and narrow, and there were no gaps.

How the hell do I get myself out of this one? qheitqewotqwhethewhothoiewhtowhet

Adam took a glance at the eight other people around him, and it was complete overkill. In a physical brawl, Water Buffalo alone would've been more than enough to kill him.

Without his mechanical neuron electrical synapse transmission device, he would only be able to drag a maximum of three or four people into his psychic world at once, and once he did that, his physical body would be completely powerless and vulnerable.

No matter how he looked at this, it was a hopeless situation.

In the chief warden's office, Thilan had just learned the situation that Adam was in, and he was getting extremely agitated.

He stabbed a finger directly at Emmanuel as he roared, "Why are you doing this so soon? Didn't we agree to wait until he and his companions were all gathered in one place before killing them together? His companions are still in the other areas, and they haven't been transferred to the third area yet! If we kill them off one by one, we'll be attracting a lot of attention from the outside world!"

"So what? Adam is the main guy we want to take down. As long as he dies, it doesn't matter if his companions survive or not."

As Emmanuel was speaking, he began to slurp down a large volume of spaghetti, making a sound that resembled a feeding pig.

Thilan became even more incensed at the sight of this disgusting pig of a man.

This idiot had completely ruined his entire plan!

In his mind, the southern congress was definitely going to target Adam, but only after some time had passed since his incarceration.

Firstly, Adam was a public figure with a great deal of renown outside the prison. If he were to pass away so soon after his incarceration, that would be sure to spark heated debate in the outside world. If that were to happen, all types of conspiracy theories would arise, heaping enormous pressure onto the southern congress.

Hence, they had to wait before they had Adam killed, and during that time, Thilan could get the northern congress to use their connections to provide Adam with a great deal of assistance.

At the same time, Adam would also be able to completely familiarize himself with the prison environment, and once he established a firm foothold in the prison, he would be able to enact his plan of hunting down psychic deviants in the prison.

However, Emmanuel was a complete and utter idiot who did things in a completely wild and unpredictable fashion, thereby completely spoiling Thilan's plan.

"It hasn't even been two days, and you've already arranged for people to kill him?"

"Yes, what's the problem?"

"Stop eating! The consequences of your actions are going to be extremely severe!" Thilan yelled as he pushed the plate of spaghetti away. "Tell your people to call off the plan!"

Having had his plate of food pushed away, Emmanuel turned to Thilan with a vicious gleam in his eyes that resembled the look of a wild animal.

He was fighting back his rage as he glowered at Thilan, and his voice was distorted with fury as he snarled, "Who the hell do you think you are? How dare you touch my food? You may be a decent detective, but you're still nothing but a lapdog to our Hosman Family, whereas I have the blood of the Hosman Family running in my veins, which means that I am your master! What kind of dog would dare to touch his master's food?"

Thilan looked at the pig of a man before him, and he wasn't enraged by his derogatory words.

He despised the people who regarded themselves to be superior to other people just because of their bloodlines. He knew that there was no point in talking to an idiot like Emmanuel right now. If he wanted to prevent Adam's death, then he had to turn to other people to intervene in the situation.

With that in mind, he pulled out his communicator and dialed a number to report this incident to his superior in the southern congress.

Emmanuel's actions went directly against the wishes of the southern congress, so he was definitely going to be stopped and reprimanded.

However, it seemed that Thilan was already too late.

At this point, Adam had already arrived in the showers of the prison.

This was a massive communal shower area with several hundred showerheads, beneath which were some basic hygiene products.

After arriving in the shower area, Adam found it to be completely empty, and that confirmed to him beyond a doubt that he was indeed being targeted.

However, he still had to pretend to be oblivious, both to stall for time to think of countermeasures, as well as to see exactly what his assailants were plotting.

"So? Where's the guy I'm supposed to kill?"

"I'm sorry, brother, but you're the one that needs to be killed."

Ross made a subtle hand signal as he spoke, and everyone else immediately formed a semi-circle around Adam, making it impossible for him to escape.


"It's nothing personal. Someone told me to kill you, so you have to die, it's as simple as that."

"Can I fight Water Buffalo one more time before I die?" Adam requested. "I felt like I could've done better in that fight. If I had been more astute with my tactics, I feel like I could've beaten him."

"You guys aren't even in the same weight class! Without your prosthetics, even three of you won't be able to beat him. This guy weighs over 150kg, that's probably more than twice your weight. But if that's what you want, I'm happy to grant your final wish."

Compared with the more vicious inmates in Darvaza Prison, Ross was a relatively easy-going guy. He shook his head with an amused smile, then turned to Water Buffalo as he instructed, "Go on, tear him to bits. There's no need to hold back this time."

As soon as this instruction was issued, Water Buffalo let loose an animalistic roar and launched his hulking body at Adam.

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