Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 328: Man-eating Crocodiles

Chapter 328: Man-eating Crocodiles

Adam paid no heed to Shae's emotions. After witnessing the human farm, he had already been made aware of just how sick and depraved the dark underbelly beneath the facade of the civilized world was. Compared with witnessing countless infants being crushed to death on a conveyor belt, a cannibal party almost seemed tame and mundane.

He calmly drove the car into the town, and as he looked around, he was greeted by a picturesque scene of tranquility.

The convenience stores, the pergolas, the strolling young couples, the old people laying under the shade on reclining chairs, the children who were playing and laughing as they trailed along behind their parents... Everything seemed so comfortable and relaxed. This was indeed a far more leisurely place compared with the tense and busy environment of Sandrise City.

However, Adam didn't want to waste even a single second here. He had no intention of appreciating the scenery around him as he stepped on the accelerator, driving toward the center of the town according to the map.

Around 10 minutes later, another car slowly drove past down the same road.

"What do you think he's doing here, Boss? Hasn't he been keeping a low profile after what happened to Herman? Is there anything special about this place? I thought this was nothing more than a vacation and retirement town."

There was a total of four people in the car, consisting of three men and one woman, and they were led by none other than Thilan.

He had already been spying on Adam for a very long time, constantly tracking Adam wherever he went, so he was naturally aware of the incident concerning Herman.

"My assessment of Adam is that he's an extreme pragmatist. He doesn't seem to waste any time with recreation in his life, and he's a very driven and goal-oriented man. There's almost no chance that he's driven all this way just to take a vacation, and the fact that he's brought his companions along with him confirms to me beyond a reasonable doubt that he's up to something."

Thilan also seemed to be completely disinterested in the scenery around him. Instead, he seemed to be far more intrigued by Adam.

"I really want to know what he's up to. Let's keep going and follow them."


After passing through several streets in the town, Adam and his group arrived on a food street. At this point, all of them had already adopted disguises.

Many of the signs of the restaurants on the food street bore crocodile symbols, and there were many outdoor streetside stalls where crocodile meat was being fried and roasted.

Not far away from the street was a lake, which was a crocodile farm that was completely sealed off by a metal fence in all directions.

"This is it."

"What a shoddy place!" Rabbit exclaimed as she looked at the small restaurant on the side of the street. "You're telling me they just eat human meat mixed in with crocodile meat here? Didn't you say that only members could access this place?"

While Rabbit was speaking, Mole plucked a piece of meat straight out of the bowl of one of the restaurant patrons, then chewed on the piece of meat a few times before remarking, "This doesn't taste like human meat."

"What the hell's your problem?"

The man who had just had his food stolen by Mole naturally wasn't very pleased, and he immediately flared up with rage.

It was a very burly man, and he grabbed tightly onto Mole's collar, much to Mole's excitement.

Adam naturally didn't want to raise a fuss, so he flashed his exoskeleton and prosthetic limbs at the man to intimidate him into backing down.

After that, he inspected his surroundings before discovering a high-end clubhouse on the island at the center of the lake.

He pointed at the clubhouse and said, "If I'm not mistaken, that should be the party venue."

He sat down as he spoke, then struck up a conversation with the burly man who had just had his food stolen by Mole.

"Are you a local here, Brother?"

"What do you want?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to ask you some questions about this place," Adam replied with a smile, then transferred some electronic currency to the man.

After receiving the money and seeing the amount, the anger on the man's face completely faded, and he smiled as he replied, "I'm not a local, but I've living here for close to three months, so feel free to ask me anything."

"Have you been to that clubhouse on the island over there?"

"No. That's not a clubhouse, I've heard that it's a private residence that isn't open to the public. Having said that, I do see customers being invited into the building every weekend, but I never really thought much of it.."

"Do you know anything else about that place aside from the fact that it's a private residence?"

"Not really. I presume the owner of the residence has to be a wealthy guy who likes to keep a low profile. I don't think I've ever seen him before, but I've heard that he runs the crocodile farm here."

"Do you know how to get there?"

"Go straight up ahead, and you'll find a metal gate at the end of the road. Beyond that gate is a small dock where there are boats that can take you to the island, but you won't be able to get in without an invitation. Like I said, it's private property, so if you're caught trespassing, you could get into a lot of trouble."

"I see. Thanks, Brother!"

Adam made a subtle gesture to Shae, and the group set off once again.

Sure enough, after passing through the food street, they did indeed spot a dilapidated metal gate.

Given how rundown the metal gate was, there was no way that Adam would've made a connection between it and a cannibal club had he not been informed in advance that this was indeed the place that he was looking for.

While Adam was still inspecting the gate, he noticed that a tiny electronic eye on the gate suddenly flashed once, and a thought occurred to him as he pulled out his communicator before pulling up his virtual membership card.

The gate immediately opened after a beeping tone.

"I can't believe they put an electronic lock on such a shitty gate. What a joke!"

Mole gave the metal gate a kick before making his way onto the wooden dock.

There were some dilapidated wooden boats around the dock, and Adam and his companions piled onto one of the boats, then began to make their way toward the island at the center of the lake, using the old and rundown oars that looked as if they were on the verge of snapping.

"What the hell is this supposed to be? Are they trying to build up suspense? This entire setup is like a horror film!"

Mole seemed to be thoroughly enjoying himself in this situation.

At the center of the lake was a cannibal island, while the lake itself was full of crocodiles.

Meanwhile, he and his friends were rowing toward death on a rickety old boat.

"This place is really living up to its name! We haven't even reached the venue yet, and they've already built up a superb atmosphere. I bet the average person wouldn't even dare to come here! What the fuck are you looking at?"

While Mole was rowing the boat along, a crocodile slowly rose to the surface of the lake nearby, and Mole immediately smacked the oar straight onto the top of the crocodile's head.

However, these crocodiles seemed to be different from normal crocodiles. Even though this one had copped an oar to the head, it didn't display any intention of backing down. This was very uncharacteristic behavior for a farm-bred crocodile. In fact, it seemed to be even more intrusive than wild crocodiles.

"It seems to be very interested in human meat," Adam remarked as he crouched down to take a closer look at the crocodile.

Sure enough, the crocodile didn't fear him at all. In fact, it seemed to have developed a keen interest in him, and with a massive splash, it erupted out of the water in an attempt to chomp down on Adam's head.

Adam's telegnosis allowed him to react before the crocodile had even made its move, and thanks to the strength enhancements provided by his exoskeleton, he was able to push the crocodile back into the water with ease.

"It looks like these crocodiles are being fed scrap human body parts, so they're very familiar with the smell of human meat."

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