Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 327: Hannibal Party

Chapter 327: Hannibal Party

Only the true psychic deviants who had fused as one with their anomalies were on Adam's radar at the moment.

"Should we go back to the prison?" Shae was naturally aware of Adam's situation as well. "Aside from the prison, I can't think of any better place to search for the type of people you're looking for. Wasn't there someone who killed hundreds of people last time, but we couldn't get to him because of what happened to Sima Kai?"

"Indeed, there was. He killed 285 people."

Adam still recalled this number as he had been astonished by it at the time. Based on this number, he had determined that this man's psychic world had to be the most dangerous out of the three inmates from last time, and that was why Adam had decided to save him for last.

"His name is Noah, and he took advantage of his job as a retirement home caretaker to intentionally discard the medication for elderly people under his care who were suffering from chronic conditions, or place those medications in a place that was inaccessible to those elderly victims, thereby ultimately leading to their demise.

“In court, his excuse was that he was doing a good deed by putting them out of their misery, and he referred to himself as an angel of death. I've read through his file many times since our last visit to the prison."

Adam was very interested in Noah.

Of course, he wasn't interested in the person. Instead, he was interested in the anomaly in Noah's psychic world.

Adam's intuition told him that Noah was an extremely disturbed individual, and that the anomaly in his psychic world was very likely to be even more powerful than Sima Kai's.

"I really want to go see him, but I can't," Adam sighed. "The southern congress is keeping a constant eye on me, so I can't kill any more prison inmates. Killing Sima Kai already almost landed me in a lot of trouble, and Wax Figure won't be able to bail me out every time. On top of that, I can't just use Mechguard units as I please anymore, either."

The main difference between psychic deviants and normal mental illness sufferers laid in the fact that the former had already fused as one with their anomalies.

For the average mental patient, having their anomaly killed would free them from their mental torment. However, killing the anomaly of a psychic deviant would be equivalent to committing psychic murder.

He could perhaps get away with killing one inmate, but if he were to do the same thing again, then the southern congress was definitely going to find a way to hold him accountable.

"Where should we go then? Mental hospitals? The problem with that is that ever since the laws were changed 30 years, fugitives can no longer seek exoneration by claiming insanity, so the majority of mental illness sufferers who have killed or injured people in the past have been locked up in prison. In extremely severe cases, like Sima Kai's, certain fugitives are even locked up in Darvaza Prison."

"Indeed, the best place to find these disturbed people is in Darvaza Prison, but the second-best place should be the dark web. Looks like I'll have to bother Aunt May again."

At the moment, May was not very fond of Adam. However, Hebi no Miko wasn't going to let the pawn shop off the hook even if she were to cut all ties with Adam, so they were essentially in the same boat.

Hence, she was willing to provide him with assistance in some matters.

The next day, Red Spider arrived at the veterinary hospital and gave Adam a dark web account.


This was a special account that had already passed the member verification process of all types of strange clubs, thereby allowing Adam to sign up for those clubs right away.

It was clear just from the names of these clubs alone that they had to be full of some of the most sick and twisted individuals imaginable.

Examples included the Dismemberment Hobbyists, the Blood Drinking Clique, the Asphyxiation Club, the Band of Hunters...

All of the people in these clubs were complete and utter psychos, and there were various reasons that could explain why they hadn't been caught. Perhaps some of them were extremely intelligent and prudent, perhaps some possessed vast wealth and powerful connections, and there were also some who had simply been plain lucky.

Prior to being caught, Sima Kai was a professor, and he was most definitely a member of the Human Head Appreciation Club.

Hence, there was certainly no guarantee that a demented psycho had to be in prison. In fact, there were most likely more of them in society than locked up in jail cells.

"I hear that no one cares if a few people die in these clubs at a time, and there are even designated people that take care of the bodies of the deceased, is that right?"

"Our pawn shop is a legitimate organization, so I don't know any of the specific details," Red Spider replied with a shake of her head. "However, I've heard one of my friends talk about this stuff, and it seems to be true."

"I see. Does your friend know any of the addresses of any of these clubs? Are there any that are close to Sandrise City?" Adam asked.

"There are. This one, this one, this one, and these ones are all quite close to Sandrise City."

Adam inspected the names of the clubs that Red Spider had pointed out to him, and in the end, his gaze settled on one with a rather strange name.

"Hannibal Michelin Restaurant? What is this club supposed to be?"

"My friend tells me that it's a club of cannibals. The head chef of the restaurant cooks human meat, and the establishment aims not just to provide a culinary experience, but also a psychotherapeutic service. The patrons of the restaurant are served with only the flesh of their enemies, or people that they simply don't like the look of in society.

“The idea is that the meal will provide not just physical enjoyment, but also psychological bliss. Normal dishes are judged based on the criteria of presentation, aroma, and taste, while their dishes add an extra element of 'soul', and they're meant to be enjoyed on both a physical and a spiritual level."

"That sounds like a good choice. I'll go with this club."

Adam contacted the club using the account provided to him by Red Spider, and due to the fact that the account was verified, the club members had no reservations and weren't suspicious of Adam at all, and his questions were answered by an administrator.

"What time is the party?"

"It'll begin on Sunday at 8 PM."

"Still the usual location?"

"Yes, still the usual location on Crocodile Island."

After securing a few more verified accounts from Red Spider, Adam began to prepare for the upcoming cannibal party.

The name "Crocodile Island" sounded quite menacing, but in reality, it was situated on a scenic small town on the outskirts of Sandrise City.

The town was called Zephyr Town, and it was less than 100 kilometers away from Sandrise City. It was considered to be a retiree's paradise on the outskirts of the city.

The island had been named Crocodile Island as it was a crocodile farm, and fried crocodile was one of the area's unique delicacies.

Sandrise City was situated in a semi-desert environment, so the scenery around the city wasn't spectacular. In addition to that, nuclear weapons had been deployed during the war 30 years ago, so much of the arable land around the city had been transformed into desert as well. Hence, that made areas with natural scenery even rarer and more precious.

Zephyr Town was precisely one such location. It had an abundance of water resources, with all types of lakes flowing through the town. Many residents of Sandrise City liked to visit the town on holidays, and it was also a popular retirement town for wealthy older individuals.

The most prevalent businesses here were restaurants and holiday villas, and even just by relying on tourism alone, the town was able to generate a sizeable annual revenue.

In places like these, there were always relatively fewer Mechguard units. No one wanted to see those cold killing machines while relaxing on holiday.

After conducting some research on the area, Adam set off for the island with Shae and the three psychic mutants that Sunday afternoon. After the incident with Herma from last time, he had been taught a valuable lesson and didn't dare to act on his own anymore.

After leaving Sandrise City, they arrived in the desert wilderness, and as they continued their journey, which spanned roughly 100 kilometers, the air outside the car was becoming more and more moist and humid. By the time everyone had caught a whiff of the fragrance of soil and lakewater, they could already see a "Welcome to Zephyr Town" sign at the end of the road up ahead.

Adam slowed down the car as he called out to the four people napping in the backseat.

"Hey, it's time to get up. The party is about to start."

"Have we arrived?"

Shae was having to fight back the nauseous reaction that arose whenever she thought about the fact that she was going to be participating in a cannibal party.

She cast her gaze toward Zephyr Town, and her hands unconsciously balled up into tight fists.

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