Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 268: Visualization Subject

Chapter 268: Visualization Subject

"What's going on here?"

Adam tried to approach Dwight to inspect his condition, but he was immediately stopped by Ryan.

"Don't touch him now! There could still be some residual electricity in his body."

"Why is the current so strong?"

"We have no choice. There's just no way to subdue him otherwise. He's too big and strong, I've heard that he's even beaten a gangster cyborg before without using any weapons."

"Is that right?" Having recently had prosthetic retrofitted, Adam knew just how impressive a feat it was for a normal human to beat a cyborg in combat, and he couldn't help but be impressed. "Maybe he went up against someone who wasn't retrofitted with prosthetics that would help them in battle, but even so, that's still extremely impressive. I'll begin conducting my work now, some privacy would be much appreciated."

"Of course."

Ryan took a glance at his colleague, and both of the wardens left the interrogation room together.

Following their departure, Adam set up the recording equipment, and after conducting an examination of the room to ensure that there were no surveillance devices, he used his spider legs to jam the door shut, then instructed Shae to turn on the recorder.

"Why do you need to record this?" Shae asked with a perplexed expression. "Aren't we just going after anomalies here?"

"Yes, but I'm sure there are many people who would like to see his story."

Adam had already witnessed the impact that true stories like these had on the general public, and Kim Hee-cho had identified the potential opportunities for profit from these stories.

In his eyes, every single one of these "true stories" was a massively lucrative piece of intellectual property that could be made into games or stunning immersive films that would undoubtedly be extremely popular. This was completely unchartered territory, so it had the potential to present a brand new experience to everyone.

"Say what you want about him, but Kim Hee-cho really does have an eye for business opportunities. As soon as the story about Shaun went viral, he immediately realized that this was an opportunity. I heard that he's already convinced the three psychic mutants to grant him an initial investment."

"I didn't think those three would be interested in something like this."

"He told them that when adapting these stories into games, he would make sure that many elements related to animals would be included in the final product, and he guaranteed them that this was going to make a lot of money."

"He's a brave man! Given the personalities of the three psychic mutants, if he ends up making a loss, he'll be killed for sure! Having said that, there really is a lot of potential in that idea."

While Adam and his group were hiding in Shadow City, Golden Teeth Incorporated had already cut all ties with Shae, so there was no longer any chance for her to get any money out of the organization.

At the moment, everything that Adam was doing required a great deal of monetary support, so he was very much in support of Kim Hee-cho's idea.

"All we have to do is give him a part of the content that we record, then work with him to create intellectual properties out of the footage, and I'll be receiving around 40% of all generated profits. It's a win-win situation."

"I'll sue you for violation of portrait rights!" Dwight had already woken up at some point, and he immediately flew into a violent rage upon hearing what Adam and Shae were discussing. "I won't allow you to profit from my image as you please!"

Adam turned to the former rugby star with a rather surprised expression.

"As expected of a former public figure, you're pretty well-versed with your rights. How about this? I had no intention of using your portrait rights without any compensation. I'll split you a cut of the profits in exchange for your story. What do you say?"

Dwight calmed down slightly upon hearing this, but he still didn't say anything.

"Isn't this jail supposed to be known as the Gates of Hell? You won't be able to sue me in here. Even if you could, why would you do that? You don't have any need for money in here. However, I'm sure you have friends, family, or debtors that you would want to compensate.

“Once you get a cut of the profits, you can give that money to them. As a former professional athlete, I'm sure you've had your fair share of endorsements and brand deals. Surely there's no reason to turn down easy money like this."

"Alright, then I require an official business contract. Only then will I..."

"That'll be something that we discuss in the future. For now, I'm here to interrogate you as a police officer, so you don't get a say in what happens in this room."

Adam gave Shae a signal as he spoke, and the two of them invaded Dwight's consciousness together.


While Adam was at Darvaza Prison, two powerful adapters were clashing elsewhere in a mansion that was as massive as a sports stadium.


Diana had already been staying with Sadou for some time, but she was like a never-ending bundle of pleasant surprises to Sadou.

On this day, the two of them were sparring once again.

Sadou had already transformed into the Great Sage, Sun Wukong.

In eastern mythology, Sun Wukong was a deity of a similar status to Tartarus of Greek Mythology, and both of them were deities that were extremely formidable in battle.

Sun Wukong was said to have wielded a metal staff that he could alter the size and length of at will, and at this moment, Sadou was wielding a metal staff that was radiating bright golden light.

In the face of the oncoming giant dragon, he swept his staff through the air, and initially, the staff was only less than two meters in length, but it elongated rapidly as it swept through the air, quickly extending to several meters long. The other end of the staff had also swelled to become as thick as a tall building, and the staff struck Diana squarely in the face, smashing her out of the sky and slamming her down onto the ground.

Diana's enormous body came tumbling out of the heavens, crushing several buildings in the process. Her shattered facial bones rendered her temporarily immobilized, but the fury in her eyes didn't abate in the slightest.

"That's it! That's what I'm looking for from you!" Sadou provoked as he closed in on Diana while standing atop a rainbow-colored cloud. "If you go to another adapter and ask them how you can become stronger, they'll most likely tell you that the first thing you have to do is to control your anger, but that's not what I'm teaching you here!

“Instead, I want you to build up as much anger as possible! Your power stems from your anger, but it's clear that you don't have sufficient anger to fuel you. Are you not enraged by what you've experienced?"

Sadou's provocation immediately made Diana recall King Arthur's death, and her eyes instantly turned bright red. She opened her mouth before blasting out a pillar of black draconic flames, which were far hotter and more destructive than her usual flames.

"You can't just give into your rage and abandon all technique! You must learn to utilize both if you want to defeat your enemies!"

The pillar of draconic flames struck Sadou with unerring accuracy, but that was only a clone of his, and it quickly reverted back to a strand of Sadou's fur within the scorching fire.

"That was an all-out attack from you, but you've only managed to singe a single strand of my fur. I have countless strands of fur on my body, but how many times can you unleash an attack of that same caliber? You need to accumulate and unleash your anger, but don't allow it to overcome you and rid you of your sense of reason! Come to think of it, this may be an issue related to your visualization method. Who is your visualization subject?"

"Visualization subject?" Diana asked as she forcibly suppressed her rage. "What's that?"

"You're already this powerful even without a visualization subject?"

Diana's response came as a complete shock to Sadou. Diana was undoubtedly one of the most powerful students that he had ever taught, countless times more powerful than the past Adam. In fact, she was even more powerful than many established advanced adapters like Cowboy.

During their sparring matches, even Sadou could feel her destructive power. She was truly a diamond in the rough, and it wouldn't take much polishing for her to reach extremely lofty heights.

It was utterly astonishing to him that such a powerful adapter could've reached this level without a visualization subject.

"So you're saying you've already reached this level with just your own power alone?"

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