Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 267: The Gates of Hell

Chapter 267: The Gates of Hell

On this day, Darvaza Prison was visited by a pair of guests.

They were naturally none other than Adam and Shae.

Darvaza Prison was a maximum security prison reserved only for the most heinous criminals of Sandrise City, and there was a long list of crimes committed by the inmates, including homicides, terrorism, arson...

Generally speaking, any criminals with lesser crimes would be spared the fate of being locked up in Darvaza Prison, and the average prison sentence for the inmates here was over 300 years.

That wasn't a typo.

If it weren't for the fact that the death sentence was all but abolished, the crimes committed by the inmates here would've warranted multiple death sentences stacked on top of one another.

The name "Darvaza" referred to the Darvaza gas crater, which was renowned as the Gates of Hell of the natural world, and all of the inmates here were demonic individuals who were never going to see the light of day again.

This was a place that no one in their right mind would visit, but Adam was eager to meet all of the anomalies here.

"You must be Mr. Adam, right?"

Adam was greeted by a young warden upon his arrival. The warden appeared to only be in his twenties, and it seemed that he viewed Adam as an idol.

"I'm a huge fan of yours, Mr. Adam! What you do is so awesome! I'm so honored to be meeting you right now!"

"I'm only doing my job."

Adam was already accustomed to this type of reaction. At the moment, he was a true celebrity of Sandrise City, and he was being hounded by more paparazzi than even A-list celebrities.

"You're far too modest, Mr. Adam. There are so many adapters in this city, but not many are willing and able to do what you can. Thanks to my occupation, I know more about adapters than the average person, and I'm certain that you're definitely the most powerful adapter I've ever met! According to my knowledge, there aren't many adapters who would dare to venture into the psychic world of a demented serial killer."

"Wow, you're pretty knowledgeable," Adam remarked with a surprised expression. "What's your name?"

"Ryan, Ryan Carter."

The young man opened the heavy metal gates of the prison and invited Adam inside as he spoke.

Beyond the gate was a series of prison cells, and through the metal bars, Adam could see the inmates inside. All of them were extremely menacing in demeanor, and they immediately turned their attention to Adam upon his arrival like a bask of starving crocodiles.

However, there were Mechguard units stationed in the prison, and all of the inmates had their prosthetics removed before being locked up, so there was no way that they could actually do anything.

"Pardon me for asking, but why are there still prison wardens when there are already Mechguard units here? I know this question might be a little rude, I'm just curious."

"It's fine, I understand. Many people also have the same question. The answer is very simple: Mechguard units are only programmed to carry out very basic tasks, but sometimes, inmates have special requests that require human discretion.

“For example, some of the inmates suffer from certain conditions that they require medication for, and it's up to us to decide what type of medication they need, whether they actually suffer from the condition that they claim to have or if they're just pretending, what to do in cases of medical emergencies, and how to proceed if a physical altercation breaks out between inmates. Many of these jobs can't be completed by Mechguard units on their own.

“Truth be told, wardens like myself are basically just glorified caretakers at this point." Ryan took a spiteful glance at the inmates in the cells as he spoke. "We're just providing services to these filthy animals."

"I see."


Adam nodded in response, then followed Ryan into a room that appeared to be a database. Prior to his arrival, Adam had specifically requested Ryan to prepare the files of three particular inmates, and he also wanted to meet them.

These three were mentally disturbed murderers that Adam had hand-picked, and he had chosen to only meet three of them at once as meeting too many at a time could arouse suspicion from the southern congress, which was constantly keeping tabs on him.

"These are the files of the three inmates that you requested."

Ryan turned on the database computer and projected three sets of files before introducing them one by one.

"This first one is Dwight. He's over two meters tall and weighs 150 kilograms. His nickname is Big Boy, and he used to be a renowned rugby player that was known for his fiery temper. He suffers from bipolar disorder, and when he flies into a rage, he's completely unable to rein in his temper. His father left home when he was a child, and his mother abandoned him because he was too fat and didn't perform well at school.

“His rough upbringing definitely contributed to his personality. He is the perpetrator of the notorious pub shooting. At the time, he was at a nightclub, and he shot 12 people dead in a fit of rage while injuring over 30 more people."

After completing Dwight's description, Ryan moved on to the second person, and the image transitioned into that of a burly man with a small mustache.

"This is Sima Kai, a zoologist, and the perpetrator of the human head collection case 22 years ago. A lot of young people are no longer aware of this case, but it had created a massive stir back when he was detained.

“One of his hobbies was taxidermy, and when he was detained, it was discovered that he had a large collection of animal and insect specimens, as well as 45 human head specimens, some of which he had dug up from graves, some of which he had purchased from crematorium employees, but seven of them belonged to his murder victims."

The image transitioned once again, and Ryan began to introduce the third inmate.

"This is Noah, a former retirement home caretaker. During his stint as a caretaker, he had killed more people than the previous two inmates combined. In total, 285 elderly individuals had been killed either directly or indirectly by him.

“His career spanned over a period of close to two decades, and as a caretaker, he was able to slip different substances into the medication of the elderly residents of the retirement home, or hide their medication, or employ other similar methods to carry out his murders. Due to his occupation and the fact that all of his victims were elderly individuals suffering from chronic illnesses, it had always been deemed that his victims had died from natural causes.

“He claims to have taken the lives of 285 victims during his career, but it's impossible to verify the exact numbers. This man is a complete and utter psychopath, displaying no remorse at his sentencing. In fact, he viewed himself as an angel who was putting these elderly people out of their misery."

"It seems like the first one is the most normal one out of the three," Adam remarked. "All three of them have something to do with cases that I'm investigating, so I can interrogate them independently, right?"

"That's not a problem. All special psychic police officers have interrogation rights to begin with. Mechguard units are unable to carry out interrogations, so that duty has always fallen upon humans. There are even some private organizations that have been recruited to carry out interrogations, so it's certainly well within your rights.

“Given the extensive security measures in this prison, there's no way that any of the inmates would be able to escape, so interrogate away." Ryan led Adam out of the database as he spoke. "You can just wait in the interrogation room, my colleague will bring the inmate to you."

Ryan led Adam into the interrogation room, then asked, "Who would you like to interrogate first?"

"Let's begin with Dwight."

There was a very good chance that the psychic worlds of the other two inmates contained extremely powerful anomalies, and given how weak Shae currently was, it was best not to take excessive risks. Until she became stronger, there was no guarantee that Adam would be able to keep her safe.

"Alright, I'll have him brought to you."

Ryan pulled out an intercom before issuing a request for a colleague by the name of Li Xiang to bring Dwight to the interrogation room, and he was quickly met with an affirmative response.

A short while later, a warden who was around 170 centimeters tall opened the door of the interrogation room, and he was followed by a burly man who was over two meters tall and more than twice his weight.

The man seemed to be in the midst of a bout of psychosis, and he immediately began to roar like a wild animal at the sight of Adam, but his electronic handcuffs immediately detected his irregular heart rate, and it released a jolt of electricity that brought the man tumbling down onto the interrogation table.

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