He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 282: Wound And Scar

Chapter 282: Wound And Scar

Xiao Yun felt a pain striking her head, a sharp sound screeching beside her ears. Waking up from her dream, she flinched when she tried to move her legs. Trying to recollect what happened, the memory rushed the her mind. She was following a maid who requested help to her after seeing someone was hurt only to be pushed by the same maid from behind and hit her head.

Observing the place where she was, she find herself to be in her own room. Her room were dark and when she tried to see the window, the sky was deep black. For how long she fainted? What happened after that? Many questioned flooded her mind, puzzles of her dream too.

Hearing a cackling on the door, glow came from the hallways. Yue entered the room and has her eyes surprised at Xiao Yun. "You've woken up, my lady. I should go and call the master."

"Wait!" Xiao Yun halted her from leaving. "How long have I've been asleep?"

"Only a few hours my lady, more specifically four hours." Four hours, less than what Xiao Yun was expecting. "The master has just left for a moment." And as soon as Yue mentioned his name, Wang Li Lei arrived at the door. Walking pass Yue, he ran and took her body to his embrace. Yue turned the light in the room, even as the couple didn't see her she still bowed before closing the door to leave.

Xiao Yun felt his cold palms melting to a warmer temperature. Her tears stayed on the surface of her eyes, creating a glass like expression she took his shoulder and felt him tightening his arm on her head. It had only been four hours but to the both, it almost felt like eternity. Releasing his arm gently from her body, he cane to a seat on her beside and went to take the jar of water beside her bed.

"Drink this first." He passed the glass to her hand and waited for her to drink. Ciao Yun who had been sleeping felt her throat oddly very parched as though she hadn't drink for a very long time. Feeling a little refreshed after a glass, he took the glass for her to refill and spoke. "Do you remember what happened?"

She held the glass on her which shook as she nodded her head. "Yes. It was my fault I shouldn't have told Gu Yan to ask for a bandaid." Trying to move her leg, she winced and let a gasp escaped from her mouth.

"Don't move your leg, The wounds is still fresh and the possibility of it to open again is high. I couldn't wait to bring you to the hospital and suture your leg in the car. The wound was too large and it needed twelve stitches. The anesthesia must have wore off now so it will be painful. Drink this first," he gave a round medicine to her palm.

"This is?"

"Pain killers." He gazed at her taking the painkillers to her mouth and took a mouthful of water to wash down the bitter taste of the medicine. lifting her chin, she saw how Wang Li Lei held his gaze passively. He was calm and collected, different from one would expect when they thought of how dear Xiao Yun was to him. But she knew it was the opposite. Since her past life she knew, the calmer Wang Li Lei the deeper his rage had brought him down. Right now, Wang Li Lei was trying to compose himself not to make Xiao Yun who had went through a harmful experience to be frightened by his rage.

"Can you tell me what happened?" When he recalled the image of Xiao Yun laying on the bridge with blood covering both her head and leg, the memory of the past where Xiao Yun died overlapped in his mind had his heart to sink into a cold water.

"A maid saw someone was hurt and asked me to lend her a hand. The pillar where I was had less people so I thought it was only because she's desperate that she grabbed anyone who was near her. Now that I thought, I should have yelled for other people to help me too but the thought didn't came to me when she mentioned the person was bleeding." She trailed and met his gaze. "Then?" He asked for her to continue.

"Then I followed her to the pond and saw a silhouette of someone drowning in the pond and thought it was the person she mentioned. But when I came over, actually it was only a floating fabric. The the maid shoved me." As her story ended, she waited for his response but nothing came over his mouth. The silence turned the air tense, she fiddled her fingers around and scratches her head. "I'm sorry, I know you've told me not to be reckless yet I fell to a cheap trap." She pursed her lips to a thin line.

Wang Li Lei wasn't silent for no reason. He pondered over the scene where he first find Xiao Yun at the pond. Along with the unconscious her, two people was beside her, one an unknown man with a large body frame and the second was the maid who must be the one she had mentioned to lead her toward the pond. Jang Hyun mentioned over the possibility that Xiao Yun beat the two people before falling to the pond and tried her best to walk back into the house only to faint before she could do so but he thought his theory was false.

Xiao Yun must have fallen first into the pond, resulting to the wound on both of her head and leg. In that state, she couldn't have fight with either the man or even the maid. Which mean someone must have been there. A fourth person who saved Xiao Yun and took a brawl with the two people. Seeing that they wound the man and the maid received seemed one sided, the fourth person took the fight alone and brought Xiao Yun out from the water.

Whether the fourth person was their alley or not, was still a question but he could nevertheless summarize the scene.

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