He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 281: The Solemn Truth-II

Chapter 281: The Solemn Truth-II

"You can't do this to me! If I'm gone without a trace people will search for me!" She yelled receiving a chuckle from him. "Do you remember your dear little friend, Ms. Guk? Have you ever wondered where she is now?" He heart sank in cold ice from her words.

Her friend, Guk Won-hee made a great mistake toward Choi Yeon Jun, to others it may be a simple mistake but not to Choi Yeon Jun who detested having others touching his bare hands. Only two days since the accident and she had never heard any news from her friend. Not that she worried of her friend, as she thought it was her foolish fault for daring to touch Choi Yeon Jun but she never thought she would be at the same spot as her poor friend now.

At that point, Ha Ji Won realized there was no way out from the demon standing in front of her. Whatever she said, she beg, or plead the man couldn't be bother to hear her words. He stood there with the smile she loved not knowing it was only a fake one to hide his demonic tendency.

"All this time I've loved you and you never cared! I fought for your love but you never bat an eye on what I've done! Now just because of her, you did this to me?"

"It's because you have crossed the line Ji Won. You've killed people you've should never killed. I don't care of your previous affairs as it doesn't concern me but it is different when you took your hand toward the people near her."

Despair running across Ha Ji Won's face she struggled from the hand of the men who pinned her shoulders down but for a young woman who had been spoiled since her childhood she couldn't move a single inch and instead worsen the pressure on her shoulder. She found Choi Yeon Jun having amused on his own way looking at her struggling behavior with a vacant look

"Is this all because she saved your life once?" His eyes stopped at her. "Just because she loved you once and you care about her that much?! If that time I was the one who saved you would you do this to me?!" Her desperate word boiled anger which turned to bubbled of tears. A spark of sadness lingered at the rim of her eyes only to be washed by her blazing gaze.

"No." He said firmly, having her tears stopped from his words. "That day no matter who saved me, if it isn't her, the future would be different."

Her head dropped down, the dam of her tears broke but soone enough the trembling on her body which was one shook due to fear changed to an outburst of laughter. The men behind Choi Yeon Jun except for Zheng Xi Shi had a startled expression at her sudden mad laughter. Has she became crazy? But no one could blame her after witnessing people being killed.

Choi Yeon Jun had turned his back, there wasn't anything left to do now that Ha Ji Won had turned crazy, he still have people he have to erase from the world.

"DO YOU THINK YOU'RE NOT THE SAME AS ME?!" She screamed aloud and halted his step. Seeing that she finally took his attention, Ha Ji Won smiled wider. "That woman is in love with a different person. You knew I was the one who pushed her down from the stair, the person who caused her to lose her memories but you didn't kill me it was because you felt grateful that I erased her memory didn't you? You think you're any different than me? You should know better you will end up like me while she end up with that man!"

The air abruptly turned tense, Ha Ji Won could not make out what expression Choi Yeon Jun was making as the pressure was to frightening for her to see. The memory flooded back to him, the memory of yesterday when he brought Xiao Yun who fainted from extreme dehydration after her parents funeral. He placed her carefully inside his car to bring him to his home for rest when in her sleep she called out a name. "Wang Li Lei."

"End up like you?" His Hand pulled the gun placed in his waist and pointed the barrel to her head. "Then, I will meet you in hell." The gunshot rang aloud enough for the gawking crows who took a stop at the old tree across Ha Family to run away from the presence of the man. Xiao Yun couldn't Look at the sight with her eyes and closed her eyes tightly. When she opened her eyes, she was in a different place again, back at Choi Yeon Jun's house.

By the time he went back home, Choi Yeon Jun was in the worse mood he had ever been since his mother's death. He took a drink of a strong alcohol from his shelf. One glass. Two glass. Fourth to eight until he had dawned the whole bottle but nothing work. Instead the queasy emotion made by Ha Ji Won's words.

In the midst of his drunken state, he recalled that Xiao Yun was currently in his house after taking IVs for her dehydration. Xiao Yun saw him leaving and tried to grasp his clothes but she can't move and when her hand touched him, she went through like wind. He can't go to her room! She tried to stop him but it was only fragment of memories of what had happened and she can't do anything to change the sight.

He ascended toward the staircase, opening the room Xiao Yun saw her past self. With her eyes looked at his staggering state worriedly he felt a large hollowness took place on his heart. To Choi Yeon Jun she was pure as pure as the flower which bloomed in the Spring even as soul passed by her, her eyes were unstained and even as she saw her miserable state there were nothing he could feel repulsive from her. Yet the same pureness she had on her eyes made him realized of how dirty he was. Swamped, black, and gloom he was the night yet she was the sun. "Are you alright? Why are you-"

He took her chin and the emotion he held back outburst. Wrapping his lips he took her lips over her, placing his tongue when he saw her hand swiftly swiped across to his face. Taking a hold he continued regardless when she bite his tongue. Xiao Yun clenched her hand, bitting her lower lips, she shut and avoided her eyes from looking at this part of the past.

When she opened her eyes for the last time, night had passed midnight. Choi Yeon Jun walked passed to a long hallway where once a large picture of his father and his wife was hanged on. But now the hall was vacant from the picture and another new one was hanged. The picture of his mother. Placing his hand on the surface of the picture, Choi Yeon Jun gave a smile. His eyes flickered into a green color after the slap that Xiao Yun gave. Swiping some dust of the painting he whispered. "I've become the person you hate haven't I, mother?"

Since his childhood he had loved the Sun and it took him twenty years to finally found his own sun. Yet ironically now he was the one who dragged the sun from her place.

He began to wonder. When the night engulfed the sun, how did he feel? Because now, he felt nothing but numbness. He turned his face to his right to gaze at the golden glow glittering the land beneath.

The Sun had rose up.

And his Sun was falling from his clutches.

From the place where she stood at, Xiao Yun could only see half of the picture with the other half was veiled by the shadow. Who was on the painting? Choi Yeon Jun called the woman in the painting mother, so it must be his biological mother. She had heard of how Choi Kang So and Choi Yeon Jun was born from a different mother. Of how Choi Kang So was his half brother. She struggled to take a look at the picture of the woman staying hanged on wall but how much she tried to move her body she was froze stiff as though the memory forced her to become only a witness to the scene.

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