Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 50: Heated

Chapter 50: Heated

"Who is she?!" Buster asked curiously. Alex scratched his head, "Well, By know her, I mean I've seen her before. She was with Sir Fire, battling in a C rank gate yesterday. Her eye got cut by a reaper at that moment as well. That's how I know her."

When the two heard Alex's answer, they were shocked, Buster looked at the girl and then the sword next to her. "You mean this was the same girl, they even use the same weapon?" he picked up the sword to show Alex.

Alex nodded when he saw the sword, "Yes, It's the same weapon that she used yesterday To think someone who was working and training to be an awakened would infiltrate the awakened research facility like that But even more scary is the fact that she has become stronger"

Midnight looked at Alex with a confused expression, "Stronger?"

Alex nodded in answer to Midnight's question, "Indeed, Stronger. By the looks of it, you had a one on one battle with her" Midnight shook her head, "I could possibly defeat her on my own. Her ability is that of a B rank awakened but the main problem came in the fact that she was a brawler, a close-ranged fighter I'm a long ranged fighter and I'm more useful for support, not one on one battles. She kept on getting close to me, making it more difficult for me as my Physical defensive abilities aren't the best. Luckily, I got her to distance herself far enough to stun her with my voice, long enough to get a few good punches. That's when Buster arrived and just took her down without a hitch."

Alex nodded, "Exactly, She has gotten stronger, a lot stronger" Alex looked at the girl, " Her powers were weaker than me. I could defeat her, I was confident about that But today, she was able to last so long with you, an A ranked awakened. I know my limits and I for sure can't hold a candle against you, even in a physical battle"

Midnight looked shocked but after she gave it a thought she looked around the girl's body. After a few seconds of searching, She took out a small empty syringe. She then looked towards Buster, "I was confused about what she did when she paused as soon as I confronted her Now it makes sense, She took a serum but to think that a serum would even be available in this current time is just crazy"

Buster shook his head, "Finding serums aren't as difficult. The black market is filled with them. It's a bit rare in our country but in foreign soils, many criminals have been using them My main concern isn't even the fact that they got serums, It's the fact that they had a serum with the capability to enhance their strength that much A Lower C rank awakened had her powers enhanced to something comparable to a B rank awakened That's crazy. I don't think they even were able to create something like that before because the people protested for the stop of creating these serum when they found out how the serums were created To make a serum this powerful, It's the highest degree of crime."

Alex looked shocked when he heard Buster's voice. He didn't understand how the serums were crimes and creating a serum that powerful would be such a huge deal. He looked at Buster with a curious face. Buster looked back and nodded, "I'll explain soon. For now, let's head to the facility." He said as his gaze ran to the guards who just arrived.

"Take her to the medical station. We need her to be healthy so we can properly question her later Also, there might be other devices to allow her to take her own life, so search her clearly. Don't let anything happen to her. This attack was out of nowhere and frankly, it doesn't make sense at all. You all probably have already understood that point." Buster explained in a stern and serious voice.

The guards nodded and quickly got to work. Buster looked at Midnight and Alex, "Let's go to the investigation room. They've probably taken the dead girl to that room."

Alex looked at Buster and said, "Why the investigation room for her, and not a medical station?"

"The answer is easy, She's dead. We don't need to put resources on a person who's dead. It's better to do a complete search of her body, clothes, and accessories if found dead. Then think about the body itself. We will take her body to the medical station after conducting investigations for a postmortum to look for clues on her poison and where it could be found. Plus, we could also know a few things about her from the food she might have eaten before this and so on. The mineral composition in her body could also provide small hints." Buster said slowly as he walked towards the facility. Alex and midnight followed behind, listening to his explanation.

The three walked into the facility, where everyone seemed to be panicking. Buster looked at one of the staff and said, "No need to worry, they were weak. I don't know why they infiltrated our facility but they were dealt with. Everything is fine."

The staff looked at Buster with a smile and calmed down. The rest of the staff also calmed down hearing Buster reassure them. "Now, Investigations will take place on them so you all stop your worries and get back to your work as nothing happened. Getting in and out of the facility will be more strict now and from what I've heard, more guards will arrive here soon. So you're all safe and sound." Everyone nodded and got back to their offices.

Buster looked at Alex and said, "Let's meet with Sir Fire. He would have come out to battle the intruders as well but I told him that it was taken care of. So, he's back to experimenting with the crystal. Let's wait here while I call him up I'm sure that he would like to hear the news of his student."

Alex and Midnight nodded and took a sear at the cafe that they were in a few minutes ago before the intruders came. The two looked at Buster who took out his phone and called Sir Fire. After the call, Buster looked at Alex and said, "We'll probably have a small problem now"

Midnight looked at Buster with wide eyes and said, "You don't mean" Buster nodded in return, "It's what you think it is"

Alex looked at the two with a very confused expression, He had no clue what they were talking about. Midnight looked at Alex and said in a serious tone, "You must have heard that Sir Fire is a pseudo S rank Awakened. Or that he was higher than an A rank but lower than an S rank"

Alex nodded when he heard Midnight. "I did hear that but I don't know why he is called so" He replied.

Midnight nodded, "Well, Sir Fire is a particular fellow His powers are weird, His powers normally are that of an A rank but if she gets angry, his powers get stronger. His fire gets hotter and turns blue, and his thoughts get muffled in the anger. When this happens, his powers are comparable to that of a lower S rank Awakened. Not as powerful as a True S Rank awakened but more powerful than an A rank awakened. Thus, he is a False S rank awakened, or pseudo S rank Well, Hearing about his student, I'm sure that he is angry He was already getting heated when he heard about the intruders, Let's just hope that he controls that anger."

Midnight explained. Alex nodded when he heard Midnight, "I don't think he will be that angry over something like that He might be a little heated but It's not something to be angry about, is it? I would feel more sad than angry"

Buster nodded when he heard Alex, "You're right but something like this has happened before. One of Sir Fire's students suddenly went to crime, even killing a few civilians. When investigated, it was found that his student wasn't in complete control of his thoughts. Someone was controlling him"

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