Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 49: I've Seen Her Before!

Chapter 49: I've Seen Her Before!

When Alex saw the Intruder unable to do anything, he took a sigh of relief. "At Least he is taken care of" He said as he watched A bleeding Buster walk up to the intruder.

Buster looked at Alex's face and laughed, "You don't need to worry, I've taken more damage than this. I'm just lucky that he wasn't as powerful as me. For someone who caused us this much trouble, His powers could only be compared to a lower B rank Awakened. It was the only cause of his powers that allowed him to hide from us for so long. But now, It's over At least one of them are. You stay here and watch the intruder until backup arrives, I'll run to Midnight. Knowing her, She must have already defeated the intruder if they were like this one. But if it was more of a brawler like me, It will be difficult for her. See you in a bit, Alex!" Buster Quickly smashed the ground with his fists, causing the dirt walls to collapse in itself.

Alex watched as Buster quickly ran towards the left of the Facility grounds. He then looked towards the intruder, "What a weird day, no What a weird series of events to happen to me. Two days in and it already feels like a month. After this is dealt with, I just want to go to sleep." Alex said in a tired expression.

He sat on the floor in front of the Intruder, Looking at the demon mask on his face. "A voice modulator, Stealth related abilities These must have been hired to sneak in and get some intel but they were caught even before they entered the facility. Because It seemed like they could even fool an A rank Awakened like Buster but their other powers were lacking a lot."

Alex shook his head, "I still don't understand the power dynamics of this place but I guess The ones who sent these people must have something against the awakened or at least want to know what the awakened research facility has Maybe the military?" Alex theorized as he waited for the guards to arrive.

As he waited, a question bugged Alex every few seconds. Slowly, Alex started to give in to his thought and his hands slowly raised towards the mask of the intruder. "Their Robes go over their head, I just need to put down the robe and pull out the mask," Alex said as his hands grasped the of the robe.

Alex slowly Pulled down the robe from the intruder's head and slowly took off the mask. As he did, a sweet smell entered Alex's nose. He was curious where the smell came from but Alex soon realized that the source of the sweet smell was something that he didn't hope for. Alex looked horrified when He saw a small foam fizzle from the intruder's face.

He could see that the Intruder was young, Around his own age. Alex looked at the intruder's face, "The facial features seem like that of a woman, I wonder why she decided to do all this and at the end just kill herself."

Alex got up and looked around, he was waiting for the guards. After a second or two, He finally saw a few guards running over to him. As he looked at the guards, Alex noticed that one of them was running significantly quicker than the other guards. Within seconds, that guard arrived where Alex stood.

"Sorry for the delay, we Were doing some extra rounds around the area just in case of any other intruders hiding around." The guard spoke. Alex shook his head and looked towards the guard. 'I think he might be an awakened guard. His clothes are the same as the other guards but he has a small blue symbol on his chest, which I didn't see for any other guard.' Alex looked towards the intruder on the ground and sighed, "She seems to have killed herself by poison."

The Guard looked at the intruder and shook his head, "There guys popped out of nowhere. We still haven't affiliated them with any group or organization. It seems like we were too late to get any info from the intruder."

Alex nodded as he listened to The guard. "How about the second intruder?" He asked, curious about what might have happened while he was waiting.

The Guard looked at his radio and said, "The second intruder was battling with Lady Midnight. I still don't have any info on what happened but the last radio I got on that was when Sir Buster arrived at the fight so I assume that by now they have caught the intruder. Hopefully alive. But I don't have high hopes."

He walked towards the intruder and opened her mouth, "By the looks of it, They have a poison pill in their mouth. They use it if they get in any situation where they think they will be caught. I just hope that won't be the case as this attack was just random. I don't see any reason behind the attack happening."

Alex nodded, he looked at the remaining guards who arrived. He smiled at the awakened guard and said, "I'll go and check what happened with the second intruder. I'll leave this to you and your team!"

The guard nodded looked towards his team, "Take this one to the investigation room. Don't leave anything of hers behind. We might still be able to get some clues on her origin by her clothes or the materials on her clothes!" He said as he watched Alex run towards the left of the facility grounds.

Alex looked at the prompts in front of him, "It seems like I might have leveled up a few levels because of everything that happened today. I might even have reached the level where the hidden part of the UI will be unlocked." He felt a surge of excitement when he realized that the feature that was locked due to his level might have been unlocked.

But Alex didn't pay attention to his UI right now. "It doesn't show my levels anyways. It seems like when everything calms down, then only the exps get counted and my levels start to come. I don't mind that but that could lead to some points where It could be disadvantageous to me. But let's not dwell on it too much, I'll just have to ignore it until I have some privacy to look at everything without sounding like I'm crazy to others."

Alex ran around the field until he was a few dirt walls in front of him. Slowly these walls started to collapse, until there were none left. Alex looked towards the area, searching for Buster and Midnight. "I think the battle has ended. Buster is already collapsing the walls so It makes sense that it ended. I just hope that they got the intruder before he got to kill himself."

As Alex looked around, he saw two figures standing by a figure laying on the floor. He knew that the two figures were buster and Midnight. Alex quickly ran to the two.

"Ah Alex, just in time. We just took out the Intruder." Buster smiled when he saw Alex run up to them.

Alex looked down towards the intruder and said in a hurry, "The other intruder killed herself by biting a poison pill, Quickly check this one!"

When the two heard Alex, they quickly panicked and rushed to open the mask of the intruder. As soon as they did, The three took a breath of relief. They saw a small orange pill fall out of the mask. Buster laughed, "It seems like one of midnight's gut punches got her to spit out the pill from her mouth. It explains why she seemed to be panicking."

Midnight nodded but her face was dark, "Just a young-looking girl but to be doing this I wonder why she did this. We just need to prevent her from trying to kill herself any other way so we need to take her to the medical ward as soon as possible."

Alex looked at the girl and paused for a second. "That scar on her left eye That face I know this girl!"

Hearing Alex's words, the two looked at Alex with a confused expression, They didn't seem to believe Alex for a second.

"Who is she?!" Buster asked curiously. Alex scratched his head, "Well, By know her, I mean I've seen her before. She was with Sir Fire, battling in a C rank gate yesterday. Her eye got cut by a reaper at that moment as well. That's how I know her."


Thank you for reading!

From this chapter onwards, it will be locked! I thank you all for supporting me by reading this novel in Webnovel itself and not any other website as It helps me a lot. All the money I earn from this novel will be saved up for my Uni fees to feed my dream to become an animator or a concept artist. It means a lot to me that you all are still reading this novel and leaving back such positive feedback! I read all the comments and paragraph comments but I might not reply to images or gifs as Webnovel is still buggy to me and doesn't load that properly.

Thank you all for reading so far, I promise to not disappoint you all.

*As a little treat, 1.5k words a chapter from here on out. (This might change to 2 chapters a day, 1k word each chapter but I won't promise anything haha)

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