Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 123: Ghost Purification

Chapter 123: Ghost Purification

Looking at the sorrowful sight in front of him, Ayaan felt pain in his heart. However, he can't revive dead after all.

He looked at his companions and said, "Let's go."

Without looking back, the group of four walked away. Leaving only a dumbfounded six years old child. It wasn't like he was heartless but he couldn't help everyone even if wanted to.


However, before they could disappear from his sight, the small child shouted. But then, he looked at his father's corpse and didn't chase after Ayaan's group and remained where he was. How could he leave his father's corpse on the road without any protection? Though he wanted to say something to Ayaan, he couldn't leave his father's side.

Fortunately, Ayaan heard the boy and stopped. Looking at that innocent face, Ayaan's heart softened. Though he wanted to avoid the boy because he didn't want to take any responsibility, his heart didn't let him. In the end, he still turned towards the boy.

"Do you have anything to say?" asked Ayaan. His gaze was complicated. No matter how hard he tried to act cruel he couldn't ignore this innocent boy. His face was like a baby, his eyes pure, without any malice. 

However, his gaze was very deep; Ayaan couldn't even tell how much he had suffered at this tender age. Not even his experience could compare to this pitiful boy. At least he had his parents' love for so many years before they were killed. His life was also rather good till his parents passed away. However, this boy's life became hell just after his birth. Now his only support which was his father also left him.

Ayaan couldn't even think how he would be able to live in this world.

"Can you lend me a silver coin?" said the boy. His tears had already been dried and his face was expressionless.

At first, Ayaan was a little surprised, but then, he looked at the corpse on the ground. He immediately understood something. Just when he wanted to give him the silver coin, he stopped. Instead, he walked towards the boy.

Standing in front of the boy, he looked at the corpse and flicked his hand. With the support of some unknown energy, the corpse started to float in front of him and Ayaan held him in both hands.

"You What are you doing? Give me my father!" shouted the boy. There was no fear on his face.

Ayaan looked at the boy and said expressionlessly, "Let's go. Aren't you going to bury your father's corpse?"

With that, Ayaan started to walk a certain distance. It had already been quite a few days since they were living here and knew where the graveyard was. 

Girl's looked at each other and shook their heads. They couldn't understand Ayaan at all. Sometimes he would act like a vicious demon while sometimes he would become a gentle lover. 

Sometimes he would slaughter hundreds of people without blinking while sometimes he would not even care about his life for saving a single person.

No matter how they tried they couldn't understand him.

"What are you doing? Let's go," said Rebecca when she saw the boy was still standing at the same place with a confused expression.

After coming out of his dumbstruck state, the boy also followed the group.


It took around two hours to bury the man. Though Ayaan had something very important to do tonight, he didn't mind. After helping the boy to bury his father, Ayaan felt unusual calmness. 

He didn't know what this feeling was, but he felt as if some kind of energy was pouring inside his body from all the sides. The World of Life and Death started to rotate. He didn't understand what was going on, so he could only stand at the same place with a stupefied expression and tried to see inside his body. He felt some kind of energy but didn't know what it was. And all this energy was devoured by the World of Life and Death.

Suddenly, his body trembled and a powerful aura spread around him.

All three girls looked towards him in shock and couldn't believe their eyes.

"You broke through?!" cried all three of them together.

How could he breakthrough just by standing there? They have heard Leafwhisk telling them that some people could breakthrough in battles by stimulating their potential in life and death struggle but they had never heard that someone could reach another minor realm by just standing.

Just as they asked, another torrential of energy poured inside Ayaan's body. Furthermore, he again advanced, shocking all the ladies on the spot. What was going on? No one understood what was happening.

Just when they were in shock, Ayaan opened his eyes. One of his eyes turned green while another turned dark black. When Ayaan looked around him, a shocking scene greeted him. 

In front of him, there were thousands of illusory figures standing. Their eyes were dark red while the black fog was coming out of their illusory bodies. The first thought which came in his mind was, run. However, then he saw that those illusory figures were losing that dark black colour while red eyes were also turning normal.

Only then he realised that thousands of threads were connecting him and those figures. His body was devouring their dark energy!

He couldn't believe what he was seeing. They were all ghosts!

However, he couldn't understand what energy his body was devouring from those ghosts.

"Fuck, are they trying ghostify me?" Cursed Ayaan loudly. 

"What are you talking about?'' All three of the beauties looked at him weirdly while the little one was standing in front of his father's grave.

"Can't you see them?" asked Ayaan.

"What are you seeing?" asked Rebecca with a confused face. Only now did he realise that only he can see those ghosts. What is going on? Is it related to the World of Life and Death? When he thought about the World of Life and Death his eyes shined in understanding.

"Jiejiejie!" Suddenly, an unpleasant sound attracted Ayaan's attention.

He looked in front of him and saw a black figure while his eyes were shining like a red crystal. In all the ghost's Ayaan saw, this was the weirdest. Because like other ghosts, there wasn't any thread which was connected to ghosts.

However, he could feel a powerful resentment from this ghost.


Before Ayaan could understand what was going on, the ghost appeared in front of him. It attacked with its hand. At first, the hand was like any illusory hand but then, suddenly the hand transformed into a solid claw. 


When Ayaan saw this, he immediately took out his sabre and launched his attack.


The ghost was smashed hundreds of meters away while Ayaan didn't retreat at all. Nonetheless, the collision produced shock waves.

"What's happening?" only now three girls realised that something was off. Ayaan was fighting with an invisible enemy. How could they remain calm?

"It's a ghost!" said Ayaan in response. His eyes were still on that ghost.

At this time he realised that his body was once more ready to make a breakthrough. He had reached a high-level Core Realm. One more push and he would be able to reach the peak of the Core Realm.

However, he saw that all other ghosts had turned completely white and their pure aura could be felt. Their red eyes had transformed into a normal one. When this change happened, Ayaan realised that no energy was coming from those ghosts anymore.

Nonetheless, he couldn't do anything.

At this time, those ghosts looked at Ayaan and bowed. Ayaan also saw that little boy's father standing on his grave. All the ghosts bowed to him and slowly faded away.

"Ghost?" cried girls in alarm while looking around vigilantly.

"Yes, there is a black ghost and his eyes are shining like a red crystal. Furthermore, there is no face on his face. When he attacks, his hand would transform into a ghosty claw. Trust me, you don't want to see that ugly fiend, darlings. Just take care of that child," Ayaan described the look of the Ghost.

Three ladies felt a chill when they heard about the ghost. They couldn't speak what they were feeling.


"Jie your mother," Ayaan shouted and his sabre again collided with a ghost. However, this time Ayaan didn't stop and dashed towards that ghost with his sabre.


However, no matter how many times he struck, he couldn't defeat the ghost. After taking a hit, the ghost would again stand up with his jie crap.

Suddenly, an idea appeared inside his head and Ayaan started to circulate energy inside his body according to his breathing technique and what happened afterwards surprised Ayaan.

A thread extended from his body and connected with the ghost's body. The ghost struggled at first but after a little struggle, it stopped. Gradually the blackness disappeared and red colour faded from his eyes. 

At this moment Ayaan felt a barrier had broken and he reached the peak of the Core Realm.

He couldn't describe in words how he was feeling at that moment. 

'What was that black energy around those ghosts? Why were they like that? Do I need to go to all the graveyards of this world to cultivate? Am going to become a gravedigger.. No ghost digger? Hehe.'

"What are you thinking? Did that ghost run away?" asked Noor.


"Then why are you standing so leisurely?" demanded Rebecca.

"Because Ghost is standing right behind you." 


"Haha, I was just kidding."

"Fuck you, Ayaan!" said the three ladies.

"Yes, please, I am waiting."


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