Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 122: Poor, Miserable and Helpless

Chapter 122: Poor, Miserable and Helpless

The full moon was scattering its luminous rays on Phoenix City while a cold wind was blowing, spreading in all directions. Not many people would dare to come out of their houses on such a freezing night.

However, at a roadside, not far away two people were fighting viciously. In one person's hand was a bread's loaf and he was wearing silver armour and had an arrogant look on his face while another man was wearing tattered clothes and was trying to snatch the loaf of the bread from the first man; however, no matter what another person did he couldn't defeat the first man.

Around ten men were surrounding the two men while insulting the poor man.

"Please, give me this bread, my son hasn't eaten anything for two days. Furthermore, I have earned it by my own hard work. Why are you making things difficult for me?" pleaded the poor man. His face looked rather tired as if he had suffered all the injustice in this world.

"You lowly beggar wants to eat? Dream on! Hahaha!" laughed a man who was fighting him and kicked on his abdomen.



The man immediately vomited a mouth of blood. However, even after getting kicked viciously by the man he didn't scream, his eyes were still on the bread on that person's hand.

"This is why I love to torturing these low breeds because they have a powerful will and its fund to break that will, hahaha!" laughed the man victoriously as if he had found a very precious toy to play.

"Break his legs captain!" shouted one of the men who was surrounding those two people.

"Yeah, break his legs!" 

"Break his legs!"

"Break his legs!"

As first voice sounded, others followed closely. The miserable man looked at the captain's hatred.

"What are you looking at, you low breed? You are alive because of your majesty's grace. He is too kind so we will teach you low breeds how to act properly in front of higher existences." said the captain disdainfully to the man when he saw his eyes full of hatred.

"You should just curse your ancestors for breeding with humans. You are not one of our kind anyone. You are slaves; you will live if we want and die when we say," sneered one of the guards.

"And that blind Phoenix King even dared to allow such a thing, hmph! Human women are just for one night stands but not for carrying ancestor bloodlines. If you want to curse anyone, curse them!" 

"Hehe, you low breed dared to stand in front of me and dared to even fight me. You must be tired of living." The captain walked towards the poor man with a face full of disdain.

"Don't touch my father!" However, just when the man about to hit that poor man again, a shout resounded.

When everyone turned around they saw a boy around the age of 6 was looking at them furiously. His body was so thin that every bone could be seen. He was in a very weak state; however, there was no fear on his face.

At first, people were stunned when they saw the boy, but then, they burst into a peal of laughter, "Hahaha, look who has come to save you?" 

"Yeah, what a mighty fighter has appeared, even my body is shivering, haha!"

"Who would have thought I would encounter such a great figure in my life."

Taunt after taunt resounded, and all the guards looked at the 6 years old boy as if they had found new prey.

"Run, son!"

Shouted the man and dashed towards his son with full speed. He won't let them torment his son for their pleasure because, in this environment, he would never survive till morning due to his weak body. At this moment he felt how useless he was, he couldn't even protect and feed his son.

"Courting death!" sneered the guard captain when he saw that man was trying to save his son.


Another kick landed and sent the man flying on the ground.

"Father!" shouted the boy and dashed towards him but was grabbed by another man. How could a weak malnourished boy who hadn't even eaten from two days fight a full-grown man and mage at that?

The poor man groaned in agony but he again stood up, not caring about his injuries and dashed towards the man who had caught the boy with red eyes.

"Release my son!" shouted the man.

"Hehe, this is fun," a small fireball appeared in his hands and he shot it towards that miserable man.

"Father, be careful!" warned the boy, his face full of panic.

However, it was already too late to avoid the attack.



The attack landed on the man's chest and a ball blasted on his chest. The heart-rending scream resounded and when the man's body fell on the ground again it became still. There was no moment.

"Father! Release me, you bastard! I will kill you!" shouted the boy, his eyes red. 

When the guard didn't let him go, he bit him furiously and tore the small piece of his flesh with his teeth.

"Fuck, you imp!" the guard threw him furiously.

Without caring about his injuries the body dashed towards his father whose condition was unknown and didn't know that if he was even alive or dead.

"Wake up, father!" The boy tried to wake up his father but no matter what he tried, his father didn't respond. 

The couldn't help but started to cry loudly, the boy looked towards the sky and shouted, "Why!? Why!? Don't they say there always be a morning after a dark night? Then why is there no morning in my life? Don't they say heaven would punish sinners? Where is heaven now? Why there is no justice for me?"

"You want heaven to punish those sinners?" a sighing sound from not far away from them, "Though you are rather matured as compared to those people of your age you're still naive. Wasn't it heavens who gave them life? Wasn't it heaven who let them do whatever they wanted?"

"Now, you are asking heaven to punish them, isn't it a joke? If you want to punish them, you have to punish them yourself; there won't be anyone to punish. Law? Justice? It is just a circus joke for the strong. If you have strength, you will be a ringmaster, but if you don't have any power you will be just a joke to amuse others."

When people looked towards the voice, they saw four people were walking towards them.

"Courting death!" shouted one of the guards and dashed towards Ayaan furiously and shot a wind blade towards him.

However, when the attack landed on Ayaan's body, nothing happened. 

"What!?" a look full of disbelief appeared on everyone's face. Although the man who attacked was just a senior mage, not even high mage would be dared to ignore his attack like this. 

Ayaan looked towards the man with a smile who had attacked just now the man felt as if a vicious beast was gazing at him.

"Do-don't come near me," the man's voice trembled.



Immediately, a horrified look emerged on everyone's face. Because the guard who had just attacked Ayaan was frozen and a thin layer of ice could be seen on that guard's body.


At this moment, all colour had disappeared on everyone's face because the man who had frozen into an ice statue had scattered into hundreds of ice crystals. There was no trace of his existence left, what remained was only a few ice crystals on the ground.

"Wh-what are you doing? Do you know what you have done? Now you will die a horrible death because of this offence of yours. You dared to kill someone from a Demonic Army. Surrender or you will die a miserable death!" shouted the guard captain. 

At first, his voice was trembling but when he remembered that he was from a Demonic Army, his confidence recovered and he threatened Ayaan to surrender.

Ayaan shook his head when he heard that man's threat. What a moron? Even at this time, he was threatening him. Ayaan had seen many people like him. There was no end to these types of people in this world. Heaven is really blind to let these people live so long.

Eventually, Ayaan nodded towards Rebecca and said, "Do it, there is no need for these people in this world."

As he said, every guard started to turn into statues. In just a few breaths there were hundreds of ice crystals scattered around on the ground. Even the guard captain had disappeared who had just threatened Ayaan, without even realising the cause of his death.

Afterwards, Ayaan looked at the poor boy who was looking at him. Ayaan's eyes slightly became wet when he saw the body in front of the boy. He saw his image in this boy: poor, miserable and helpless.

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