Forbidden Zone of the Human Race

Chapter 466: Escaping The Robots

Chapter 466: Escaping The Robots

When they saw the group of five enter a space that seemed to be a tunnel, the rest of those that remained were tempted, but Xiang Ning didnt wait for them. He was neither a saint nor a particularly nice guy. He only did what he felt was right.

If they followed Nathan over, he would have pretended it was nothing and still helped them. Now Ive told you the way out, and thats already very decent of me. What else do you want? He was the last to enter the tunnel. Before that, he momentarily stopped the flying knives, so the robots approached until they were only twenty centimeters away when he instantly destroyed all of their energy cores. He immediately activated his location function and slipped into the tunnel while all of the destroyed robots toppled onto the entrance.

As the cover for the group, he did his job until the very end.

Thanks, kid. The man whose shoulder was injured walked up to Xiang Ning.

Xiang Ning looked at the wound, whose bleeding had been stopped, and said, Theres no need to thank me. Can you hold on? The safe place is thirty minutes away.

What? Thirty minutes? Nathan, who was standing right in front, snapped his head around and almost bumped into Natalias head.

You can go back if you want, Xiang Ning coldly said.

Nathan clenched his teeth and slowly put down his clenched fist. Fine! You win!

All six of them walked in single file for half an hour until they reached the exit.

When Xiang Ning got out of the tunnel, he had just popped his head out when he found the tip of a longsword pointing three centimeters away from the center of his eyebrow.

Xiang Ning looked up at Nathan and scoffed, smirking. Try me.

Natalia, who saw it all, remained expressionless. In fact, she looked at Nathan like she was looking at a problem child, while the other three just awkwardly stood there. Nathan was the one who had helped them cross the sea of robots, while Xiang Ning had rescued them. The dilemma wasnt even to help or not to help.

But they neednt worry for long. When Nathan looked at the smirk and heard the scoff, he truly had the urge to thrust his sword forward to prove to Xiang Ning how dangerous he could be. In the end, he pursed his lips, sheathed his sword, and returned to Natalias side, crossing his arms.

When Xiang Ning saw that, he whistled and Nathan instinctively turned. But Xiang Ning smirked again. If Natalia werent there, and he couldnt lose his cool in front of the girl he liked, he would have pounced on Xiang Ning to fight to the death and stick something up his ass in retaliation.

Xiang Ning leaped out of the hole and said, Ive checked the place. Theres no threats, unless I didnt notice them, of course. Just dont touch anything like before and I think youll be fine.

Nathan pursed his lips. Ill go look around.

The other three people werent a team, but after fighting alongside each other, they had developed a camaraderie and could be considered friends. Natalia and another person helped the injured man treat his wound, while another followed Nathan to check their surroundings.

Xiang Ning secretly started checking his map. To be honest, he didnt really understand it since he wasnt even sure where he was. He needed to go to a place and check his specific location. Although the map was in his mind and no one would know, he suddenly heard Natalias voice. What are you thinking?

Oh! Xiang Ning jumped. N nothing, Ill go check there. He touched his nose, then walked over to another side. Nothing had changed since the last time hed checked. When you walked to the end, there was a door that required a password. He squatted by the door, studying it.

Then lights came on across the entire space, scaring him into taking a battle stance. He turned and saw Natalia standing before a green button. She had just retracted her hand, so he knew shed pressed it.

When she saw Xiang Ning look over, she smiled sweetly, but there was a mischievous glint in her eyes. He rolled his eyes and she smiled. What? I saw you were squatting there, studying something, so I helped you turn the lights on. Why? Were you scared?

Xiang Ning wanted to fight back, but he heard two squeals and two people ran out. They were Nathan and the other person, running and looking around in panic. What happened? What happened? Did we set off some trap? Wait, did that bastard Xiang Ning trick us?

Due to the flow of electricity, the lights, which werent very bright, had turned on in sequence across the space starting from Xiang Nings end.

Cough uh the lights were turned on? Nathan coughed, then his eyes darted left, then right.

Natalia froze, then blushed, and then her expression returned to neutral in three seconds. She reacted like Fang Rou did when Xiang Ning looked at her. Oh. I saw him checking the door so I helped him turn on the lights, she said, pointing at the green button.

Nathan immediately panicked. Werent you worried that it was a trap, or if it was a button for something else?

No? Its green, doesnt green mean safe?

The group was speechless. Why did it feel like her question didnt match her personality at all? Since when had a girl like Natalia had such an innocent side?

Nathan looked like he had discovered a giant secret and his eyes shone like the moon at midnight, smirking creepily.

Heh, pervert. Xiang Ning saw him and didnt hold back his laughter.

Nathan immediately turned his expression neutral and solemnly looked at him. You called me a pervert? Ill sue you for defamation.

Xiang Ning was speechless.

Dont think that I wont touch you just because you rescued me. I havent forgotten what happened more than a year ago!


Nathan didnt speak.

Fury Points +111

Doge & Chacha's Thoughts

Looks like Nathan has it rough too with Natalia

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