Forbidden Zone of the Human Race

Chapter 465: The Darkness of Man

Chapter 465: The Darkness of Man

While the group hesitated, Natalia tugged at Nathans arm and pointed at Xiang Ning. There might be an exit.

Huh? Exit? Nathan asked in surprise. He didnt really trust Xiang Ning and had personally seen him getting beaten to the ground. Under such circumstances, even he couldnt guarantee that he could leave, and now Xiang Ning had appeared, unscathed.

Right now, he was surrounded by his flying knives, so it should be him as it was difficult to fake that, much to Nathans frustration. The robots couldnt do that. While he hesitated, Natalia dragged him forward, his blades still protecting both of them. Left without a choice, he followed her. The situation was already dire, after all, what could be worse? If it really was an escape, then they would be lucky, and if it wasnt, there really wasnt much of a difference.

A few more people who had previously wanted to save Xiang Ning also chose to head in his direction.

There were five in total, but the other people in the group shouted, Dont go there! There are many traps in this place, its best to stick with the group and think of something.

Yeah, this is very ancient, its been eight thousand years and these damn things are still functioning!

Even if you guys go over, can five people cross more than a hundred meters alone?

Other than Natalia, the other four were moved. Yeah! Even with a spiritual cultivator like Nathan present, that wasnt enough to bring them over unscathed. The robots were shooting fatal lasers now!

Then, Natalias words changed the mood of the room. Are you guys feeling guilty now? Afraid hell take revenge on you?

Nathan and the other three hesitated because Natalia was making sense.

Xiang Ning had previously seen them wanting to rescue him. Now that he had appeared and was gesturing for them to go over, maybe he was expressing his gratitude? Although that was too naive, what if that was true? Just as Nathan thoughtthe situation was dire, what could be worse?

Suddenly, Natalia whispered into Nathan's ear, who grew shocked, but quickly recovered and nodded.

When they saw Natalias group leaving, one of the people clenched his teeth and picked up a weapon from the ground. Not caring if it would explode, he pointed it at them, intending to shoot. The people on both sides, including those who wanted to stay, widened their eyes in disbelief. Was he mad?

Dont you even think of leaving. Stay with us, kill off all the robots, or find another exit!

Dammit, Moray, what are you doing? Put the weapon down, now! one guy roared and slashed a robot in anger. He didnt understand it. Let them go if they want to go!

Shut up! What do you know? If they go, it leaves us with a bigger burden!

Then lets all go with them!

No! That could be a trap! Im saving you guys, dont you understand?

Youre mad! Youre absolutely mad!

There were all kinds of people in this world. The mans features were contorted into a sneer, much more terrifying than the thousands of expressionless robots with glowing red eyes.

While he was about to shout, a knife flew from an unknown direction and slashed the weapon in two, causing it to explode along with two of Morays fingers!

It was Nathan. After Natalia had told him what insane thing this person might do, he had already readied himself. In the beginning, he didnt believe ithow could there be such an idiot? But now he saw the darkness of man!

Shit! Go! Fucking hell, hes a madman! Knock him unconscious and drag him to the back. I dont want him going on a rampage and killing us all!

They saw the guy get tossed to the back, then, after a glance, Nathan and his group went toward Xiang Ning. It was an extremely difficult journey, too. In the beginning, it was easier, as there were still other people present to ease the burden. But after walking thirty meters, the dense crowd of robots swallowed them.

Every step was difficult.

One of the guys couldnt hold up any longer. His shoulder had been injured by a laser beam. When his head was being aimed at, and two robots approached, more than ten knives swooped to their sides and killed five of them in an instant.

Quick! I cant hold it any longer! came Xiang Nings voice. They were surprised that he could control so many knives and use them in a manner that was strong enough to disable robots.

Spiritual cultivators were like mages in video games for group attacks, as well as great at support. Unfortunately, they were physically weak and didnt possess strong bodies like martial artists, nor could they engage in melee combat. However, flying blades flew like ghosts and were very difficult to defend, as well as small enough to hurt an enemys critical points. Also, once something was trapped among a few of them, escaping wouldnt be easy.

That said, those weaknesses didnt apply to dual cultivators.

With Xiang Nings help, they quickly arrived by his side. Natalia looked at him and smiled. Although it was still dangerous, her smile was like a plum blossom blooming in harsh winter. Thank you, Senior Xiang Ning.

Next to her, Nathan frowned, wanting to say something, but he haughtily turned his chin. Would he ever thank Xiang Ning? Hmph, it was only a matter of time before he surpassed him. He just needed to put in more effort, and Natalia never would have gotten hurt, anyway.

Xiang Ning didnt care. His kindness had reached its limit at this point. He pointed downward. Ive already made markings below. Just follow them and youll reach a safe place. Ill cover for you.

The group looked at each other, and after some thought, they nodded. They now understood that Xiang Nings disappearance was because he had found an underground tunnel. As for what other ideas he had, that was his business.

However, Natalia still curiously asked, Could you tell me what you did so that robots couldnt detect you?

Would you believe me if I said I pretended to be dead?

Natalia smiled sweetly, her expression saying, Do you take me as a three-year-old?

Natalia, Ill go down first. Nathans eyes darted at Xiang Ning, then he huffed and jumped down.

Natalia didnt say anything, just jumped down and walked further in. The rest followed.

Doge & Chacha's Thoughts

Someone give Moray a good reality check and slap him senseless

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