Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 174 Awkward Outing



At the compliment, Andromeda's cheeks flushed a red hue before moving the loosed strand of hair that fell off to her front away before looking to the side where her eyes met with Liu Xueyi's.

"You see. I told you. You are enchanting. Even a female thinks so," Liu Xueyi complimented as well.

"Yeah, thanks, Xiao Xin and you too Xueyi."

"Anytime. Please have your seats. All that is left is umm…" Xiao Xin did not know how to break the news to them.

Where was she to start from she wondered the look on Liu Xueyi's face when she told him of the terrible news.

She did not know if Gao Yuemi and Andromeda had met but she hoped Andromeda would be witty enough to handle the former.

"Umm? What is wrong?" Liu Xueyi's voice broke her out of her reverie as he took his seat right next to Andromeda after helping her pull open her seat.

"Well, you see, there had been a change in plans."

His brows drew together in confusion but he did not come to a conclusion and waited for her to speak.

Even Andromeda narrowed her eyes at Xiao Xin but kept her cool and waited for her to brief them on the issue.

They watched as she took in a deep breath, fighting with God knows what in her mind on how she was going to deliver the breaking news.

"Xiao Xin," his deep baritone voice called out, breaking her from whatever confusion it was that she was in.


"We do not have all day, so speak. Is it the restaurant? The venue? Or the food? Tell me whichever it is and I would fix it up. I know it would not be a bother if we have to change venue."

"No. That is not it," she breathed out and rubbed both hands together before placing them on the white table between them.

"It is not?" Andromeda inquired. "Then what is?"

"Mother." Both Liu Xueyi and Xiao Xin went still after that one word was voiced.

He did not need a second telling to have a glimpse of an idea of the issue that actually happened.

Nevertheless, he allowed her to finish.

"Mother made a change in the arrangements," Xiao Xin informed him.

Slowly she swept her gaze between the two of them, building up an untold tension in the atmosphere.

For some reason, Andromeda did not know what was going on but something told her she would not be liking it and it had to do with something she knew about.

If only she knew that the person visiting would cause more confusion for her than any other matter, she would have evaded things.

"I see," Liu Xueyi finally responded, trying his best to sound calm. "And what may that be?"

"Someone. An additional person. Ga…"

"Hey, guys!"

Liu Xiao Xin's words immediately got stuck in her throat as she lowered her gaze, evading the sinister look she was well aware her brother was shooting at her right now.

Both Liu Xueyi and Andromeda arched their brows upon hearing the all too familiar voice.

A soft smile formed across Andromeda's cheeks as her lips parted in awe. God!

There was no way she would have mentally prepared herself for this.

From the corners of her eyes, she kept a watch on Liu Xueyi and noticed he refused to speak still but with his clenched fist and the way he let his tongue lick his parted lips while letting out a soft scoff, she could tell he was not taking it well.

Just seeing that sight unfold before her, Andromeda did not need someone to tell her he really did not like Gao Yuemi and she was forcing herself on him.

p The sound of heels coming from behind them came to an abrupt stop at their side. No one spoke.

Not even Xiao Xin who kept her head lowered as she tapped nervously away on the table with Liu Xueyi's sharp glare boring a hole in her head, did not speak or do anything.

Taking their silence as a game or trick, Gao Yuemi moved closer till she stood by their side.

Slowly, she cast her wondering gaze on Xiao Xin, then peeled it over to Liu Xueyi and greeted them. "Holla peo..."

Her words were immediately cut short when her eyes landed on the third person present and froze.

As if on cue, both Xiao Xin and Liu Xueyi lifted their gaze when they heard the famous noisy Gao Yuemi remain silent at a meet-up like this.

What they hadn't counted on was the deadly glare glistening in her eyes that she feasted on Andromeda.

Both siblings peeled off their eyes slowly and looked at each other, sharing a silent communication before averting their gaze to Andromeda.

Sensing the heated gaze from all around her, Andromeda lifted her head, casting a slow but charming gaze on all three of them, before letting it remain on Gao Yuemi.

"Yuemi. How good to see you again."

It was Xiao Xin who was the first one to react when she saw the mischievous smile at the corners of Andromeda's lips.

It was the same as what she had seen back then in her fashion show pictures.

She had a way to snag people's attention. Not just by her beauty or killer outfit but also by her brains.

She had a great sense of humour with the brains to match it all.

"Andromeda Kai," Goa Yuemi called out long enough for anyone close by to hear her. "Howdy?"

"Great as usual," she decided to play the game the same way she was sure Gao Yuemi would love and brought her left hand up, before placing it on top of Xueyi's clenched fist.

Like a medicine to his raging heart, his anger dissipated and he released his hand, opening up his palm for her to entwine her fingers with his.

"And better with my Xueyi here."

"Ah, Xue-bear," saying that, Gao Yuemi placed her right hand on his shoulder, pressing a thin smile on her lips.

Xiao Xin who knew exactly what was going on could not hide her surprise when she heard Gao Yuemi call him that in presence of his girlfriend.

"Why aren't you speaking?" Gao Yuemi inquired.

"Because, that is not his name and any endearing name should be given by me, his girlfriend, don't you think?"

The smile that shone on Gao Yuemi's face instantly dropped and her eyes quirked.

"Is that true, Xue-bear? Tell her it is how you and I have been for the past 17 years."

'Xue bear?' Andromeda called out in her mind. She disliked the name and disliked the person calling it even more.

She did not know why she was irritated by the words but she knew from her heart that anything concerning Gao Yuemi, irked her.

While Andromeda battled with her thoughts inwardly, she subconsciously tightened her grip on Liu Xueyi's fingers as she tried to calm her breathing.

Noticing her reaction to Gao Yuemi's teasing his heart jubilated within him. Up till that moment, he had refrained himself from going out of hand with Andromeda.

The thoughts of that night still resurfaced in his mind every now and then. However, watching her show a teeny bit of jealousy made his heart swell.

There and then he decided he would allow their bickering later, just to see what length Andromeda would go for him and if this was to honour their acting as a couple or if really, she did that because she cared for him.

"Enough you two, please have a seat."

"Sure." She moved around them and took a sit beside Xiao Xin.

The smiles she wore on her face broadened when Xiao Xn greeted her and now she felt she was very much welcomed.

Her initial shock when she came was as a result of not expecting Andromeda.

From what Mrs Liu spoke of yesterday, it was a sibling's family outing, so she never expected Liu Xueyi to bring Andromeda along.

However, she counted herself as a family member and figured she was welcomed.

"Hmm, sorry to keep you all waiting," Gao Yuemi half announced as she clasped both hands together in a rather gleeful manner.

"So, what plans do you guys have for the day?"

Xiao Xin did not wait for her brother to speak and decided to take the lead. "Eating, games and going to the park for some fun."

"Okay. I am guessing we would use the arcade?"

"Yes," Liu Xueyi responded and rose to his feet. "I would go and pay for the tickets and cards, you girls wait up and can order what you want."

At the same time, Gao Yuemi pulled her seat back and she too stood up. "I would come with you," she announced quickly to everyone's surprise.

At first, she felt if she spoke first, then she would beat Andromeda to it, but surprisingly, the latter was the least bit interested.

Seeing as she got no objection, Gao Yuemi trailed her eyes back to Liu Xueyi and he nodded.

To him, this may well be the first step in testing out his theory on Andromeda.

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