Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 173 Mother's Interference



Following the excited squeal of the young lady, Xiao Xin stood up in a hurry and rushed up to meet Gao Yuemi halfway as both ladies enveloped each other in a tight hug, laughing and giggling.

Moving over to where Mrs, Liu was, Gao Yuemi greeted her as well, placing a peck on her cheek before taking a seat beside them.

It did not take long for Gao Yuemi and Xiao Xin to begin filling each other up on girly gossip about their lives and schooling.

It went on for some minutes, catching up on the little things that needed to be caught up on, ignoring Mrs Liu for most of the time.

Not that Mrs. Liu minded at all. In fact, she was glad to see them get all chatty right after meeting for the first time in years.

Just watching the two ladies converse, Mrs. Liu was forced to admire them and recalled the times when doing this was like the normal action of the day. Of course, they were nothing but little kids but now, they were adults.

Just watching the vibe they gave, she felt it would be nice having her son really consider Gao Yuemi and make her his wife.

The second that thought crossed her mind, a soft smile spread across her cheeks and she cleared her throat to garner their attention.

Both ladies halted their conversation, turning their attention to her. "Mum, are you okay?" Xiao Xin inquired when she noticed the warm smile still on her mother's face.

"Yes. It is just that I recalled something. You know," she averted her gaze over to Gao Yuemi before she continued. "Before your arrival, we discussed with Liu Xueyi."

"Wait, he was here?"

"Yes. I am sorry you missed him, dear. He had work to attend to," Mrs Liu apologized.

"I see. It is fine."

"Anyways, you can catch up with him tomorrow."


Gao Yuemi was shocked by her words.

Hell yes, she would jump on any invitation to spend time with Liu Xueyi and just as though his mother knew what was on her mind, she continued.

"I think it would be nice now that Gao Yuemi is here to bring her along for the outing with Xueyi, tomorrow."

"What?" Xiao Xin asked, her shock evident on her face.

Ignoring the shocked expression on her daughter's face, she went ahead with her plans.

"Yes. Yuemi dear, wouldn't you love it?" Mrs Liu inquired, fixing her gaze on the latter.

"Of course, auntie," Gao Yuemi brimmed with joy as she gave her earnest response. "I would love to bond with them like how we used to."

Xiao Xin was not surprised by her answer at all.

If there was anything, she had been aware of Gao Yuemi's love for her brother since they were young.

It was her mother who found it admirable, as for herself, she wanted what her brother wanted.

And after he denied her back then, Gao Yuemi's attitude changed.

She always wanted to be with him, and do things to please him to the point that all her actions revolved around him.

It frustrated Xiao Xin who could barely get her brother's attention because Gao Yuemi was there. And personally, all she thought of her was as a sister nothing more.

Seeing as her mother wanted to push her into this bonding time, she knew her brother would not welcome the idea.

"But Liu Xueyi is not aware," Xiao Xin objected, hoping her mother would sense her worry and side her. "It is an outing for…"

"Nonsense," Mrs Liu cut in quickly. "I am sure he wouldn't mind." Her gaze instantly shifted to Gao Yuemi, beaming assuring smiles at her.

"Do not mind Xiao Xin. I would inform him later," Mrs Liu countered.

"Then it is settled," Gao Yuemi finalized with another squeal "Xiao-Xiao, we would spend more time to bond properly."

A tight-lipped smile formed on her lips as she blinked adorably at the young lady.

Without a doubt, she knew she had to do something to counter this.

At first, she hoped that after her catching up with her mother she would plead with Liu Xueyi to bring Andromeda with him for the outing.

However, now she had a different plan.

She couldn't let him know Gao Yuemi was coming else he cancelled the outing but if she made him bring Andromeda, she was sure the latter would be able to tame Gao Yuemi.

After finalizing her idea in her mind, Xiao Xin immediately picked up her phone from the table and typed a message to her brother before sending it.

'Now all that remains is to let it all play along.'


The next day however came quickly. Just as Xiao Xin had planned, she persuaded Liu Xueyi to bring Andromeda, giving him reasons why he should take her with them.

Part of her reasons included the fact that her arrival ruined their outing and they could still visit the park after lunch that day with several other excuses.

By the time she was done, Liu Xueyi had no choice but to agree and when he called Andromeda to inform her, she welcomed the idea.

If only he knew that at this point, she would gladly welcome any idea to spend time with him and hopefully rekindle what their relationship used to be, he would have been joyed.

Sadly, he let his mind be troubled about past events he could not control.

By the time Liu Xueyi and Andromeda arrived at the place they agreed on, they met Liu Xiao Xin sitting alone while tapping away on her phone screen.

"Holla!" Andromeda announced, wearing her trademark smile.

At the same time, Liu Xiao Xin peeled her gaze away from her phone, shutting the screen off to focus her attention on them.

Her jaw dropped the second she laid eyes on Andromeda and for the next minute, she did not bother blinking as she took in all of the beautiful damsel standing before her.

Dressed in the beautiful shade of cyan blue sleeveless turtle neck gown that hugged her body tight in the right places, accentuating her divine figure to the blessed eyes of onlookers.

Unlike the previous day, her hair was straightened and packed at the centre, leaving the others to fall freely down the length of her back.


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