Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 407

407 Chapter 407: Crossing a milestone

Frost stared down at the guilt ridden Maya who struggled to raise her head. She knew she’d get in trouble for her actions and was prepared for it.

Biting her lips slightly Maya forced herself to look up at Frost fully expecting to see him fuming but instead what she saw was pain, loneliness and sadness.

Seeing Frost, her young master as well as boyfriend looking so downcast and hurt sent a ripple across her heart. She suddenly realised where she had gone wrong.

Maya leaped off the sofa and hugged Frost in a tight embrace.

“I’m sorry.” She whispered gently in Frost’s ear, feeling great remorse.

Frost wasn’t bothered by the DP used or really the deliciousness of the meal but more the fact that he was left out of such an important event. A childhood dish of his girlfriend, his partner, he wanted to experience such a connection.

Frost’s anger deflated as he felt Maya’s lithe body wrapping around him, his heart warming thanks to her touch.

“We can have it again right now if you want. The DP reserves can support another round of azure spark quail and I wouldn’t mind eating it again.” Maya could feel Frost relax and return her embrace, she really enjoyed being held in his arms like this.

“That would be nice.” Frost cupped Maya’s face and smiled at her gently before leaning in and planting a kiss on her ruby lips.


A smirk then grew upon his lips as he pulled out from the kiss.

“A dish that fills the partaker with enhanced stamina and energy, I wonder what we could do to burn through such excess?” His gentle embrace suddenly became rather strong, wrapping Maya up tight and pulling her against his chest.

Caught slightly unawares Maya yelped as she was pressed up against him and his naughty hands shifted downwards onto her ample butt, caressing her cheeks in a teasing manner.

She blushed pink from ear to ear and looked up at Frost with a fierce glare. The nuance of his words leaving very little to the imagination. Unfortunately she was the one who erred therefore she didn’t have a good reason to swiftly shoot down his advances and to be honest she didn’t really want to.

Their relationship had grown quite close over the past several weeks and there was no denying the powerful physical attraction they had for one another. Each close encounter became harder and harder to prevent from going all the way.

Her body no longer jumped or became surprised by Frost’s perverted actions no matter how aggressive and or unexpected they may be. Instead she would heat up and lean towards him, desiring him and his touch.

Her eyes became glassy as she looked up at Frost’s handsome face, her body heating up and her heart thumping so loud she could hear it. Like a heavy drum beat urging her to attack, inciting her instincts.

Frost felt the same way perhaps even stronger, intense pheromones were being emitted by the two of them subconsciously as they gazed into one another’s eyes....the mood was right.

Frost succumbed first, his lips quickly locked with Maya’s kissing her deeply and wrapping his tongue around hers in a dominant fashion. Maya felt her body go numb as an explosion went off in her mind, Frost was a really good kisser.

She leaned into his embrace her left leg rising upward behind her as she fiercely kissed him back, marking him as hers.

Frost’s hands didn’t stay in place as they caressed Maya’s toned yet soft cheeks, his fingers sinking into her flesh easily.

Once he got a sufficient grip Frost lifted his girlfriend into the air, supporting her entire weight with his naughty hands that continued to knead and rub every which way, desiring to hold her entire butt though of course an impossibility given its size.

“Mmmmm” Maya moaned as she was lifted and so thoroughly caressed. Now airborne she wrapped her legs around Frost’s waist, pulling him in.

The two remained entwined like this for a good few minutes never once separating. The private space living room had grown hot from their actions. Both Frost and Maya glowed with a slight shine, their clothes sticking close to their bodies thanks to their sweat and were starting to become uncomfortable.

Frost made the first move, entering uncharted territory. His hands that were caressing her backside shifted slightly, finding the entrance to her dress. Though Frost had felt and touched Maya on many occasions it was always through her clothes, he was never allowed to go beyond that point, now however seemed to be different.

His large white hands eagerly found the seem of her dress and slipped through to touch her bountiful cheeks directly.

“Mmmmm” Maya let out another moan as she felt her skin in contact with Frost’s. He also let out a moan in response and a certain appendage swiftly hardened. The feeling of her direct flesh was incomparable to what it was through the dress. Her skin was even softer, smoother and so deep. Frost felt his fingers vanishing as he grasped onto her.

Frost moved slowly and gently, testing the waters, hoping that Maya would continue to give her consent, he didn’t want to blow this prime opportunity.

Frost relinquished her lips and a thick string of combined saliva followed before he kissed her cheeks, her forehead, her delicate neck and even nibbled on her earlobes. Each peck generated a moan from his lover, proof that what he was doing was pleasing to her.

Not one to be passive Maya also wanted to feel her man directly, Frost wasn’t the only interested in certain parts.

As Frost covered her in marks from his lips her dainty hands that appeared as soft as water slipped into his robes and pulled them apart revealing Frost’s well defined torso and abdominal muscles.

Maya’s glassy eyes focused at that moment, and she subconsciously gulped and even drooled slightly. Her man was so macho under those robes but not bulky either, just the perfect amount of tone and definition. She licked her lips like a predator before beginning her own round of caressing.

Frost was clearly quite fond of her ass and thanks to his eager touch she had become quite sensitive in that area, every fierce grab sending a wave of pleasure through her system, it was time for her to be on the offensive.

“Mmmm” a moan escaped Frost’s lips as Maya’s hands touched his chest, her fingers dancing along his pectoral muscles before heading downwards to trace the outline of his abs.

Maya’s fingers quivered with joy as she felt the strong resistance from her man’s muscles, he was perfect in every way, her intense hunger and desire magnified at that moment.

Without warning she placed her lips on his chest and lightly bit into him, drawing a few drops of blood thanks to her razor sharp teeth. Frost moaned again but more so out of surprise; he wasn’t too keen on pain but what followed he was certainly a fan of.

Maya used her tongue to lick his bleeding wound and kiss the affected area. She marked him and not with some simple hickey but with her teeth.

“You’re definitely mine now.” Maya giggled, Frost’s ruby red blood painted her lips making her even more enchanting, he couldn’t wait anymore.

A predatory expression donned Frost’s face as he stopping kissing Maya’s neck and looked at her blood painted lips and then at the mark left on his chest. A perfect imprint of her teeth was now over where his heart was, a dominating show of ownership by his lover. One which he absolutely adored.

He knew it now there was no need to dilly dally, with Maya acting this brazen he needed to respond in kind.

With a fierce smile Frost lowered Maya slightly so she could feel the results of her aggressive actions and divine body.

The pink blush swiftly returned to her cheeks as Frost’s hands were removed and her entire weight was placed on his rock hard weapon. She didn’t even sink in the slightest, his arousal more than enough to hold up her entire frame.

Fear sunk in once again, this wouldn’t just be Frost first time but hers as well and unfortunately her lover just had to be packing something lethal.

She could feel the impressive heat being given off and its desire to engage her, splitting apart her soft cheeks as it continued to rise.

Frost saw the flicker of fear in her eyes and his heart lurched, control returned to his senses in that moment.

“Are you sure you’re ready, we can stop here if you want.” Frost spoke softly his voice filled with affection; he didn’t want to force anything if Maya wasn’t ready.

A couple tears dropped from Maya’s eyes as she heard that. Her heart filled with warmth, and she felt truly loved. Her lover and her were incredibly intoxicated and she could literally feel his intense desire to continue yet even so he was mindful of her feelings. How blessed was she.

With her head facing downwards she smiled before she reached around with her right hand and grabbed the end of Frost’s member, gently rubbing it. This of course caused Frost to moaned and even buckle slightly, Maya giggled in response.

“Oh I’m more than ready for you big boy, I just hope you can keep up.” She whispered teasingly into her lover’s ear. Her fear was inconsequential to her desire, it was happening tonight, and nothing was going to get in the way.

In response to her seductive voice Maya was raised even higher causing her to slide forward against Frost’s wide chest.

She looked up with a seductive smile hoping to see an interesting expression on her lover’s face but what she got was a look of intense predatory lust, far more than she’d ever seen or portrayed herself.

The next moment she found herself lifted upwards and put into a princess carry before Frost bolted yes bolted to his bedroom with her in his arms.

The door was slammed shut once they entered.

Frost dropped Maya onto the bed before quickly purchasing an upgrade to make his bedroom completely soundproof.

What happened next needs no explanation.

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