Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 406

406 Chapter 406: The meeting of the two commanders

Maya looked like an enchanting young mother as she handled the high quality ingredients and hummed a gentle tune. She was lost in her childhood memories.

Where Maya was usually in the place of Nanna and Loki she was now taking the role her grandmother and mother played. A heart-warming feeling that brought endless joy to the young fenrir.

While Maya set off to cook the most expensive dish the dungeon had ever experienced, Khuno met up with Findlay, Frost’s right hand and the only other non-entry level C-rank monster in the dungeon, one which was close to evolving.

Khuno arrived with a friendly atmosphere, yet dominance and strength naturally radiated out from him, he couldn’t show weakness in front of his new colleagues.

“You must be Findlay.” Khuno entered one of the grander rooms in the ruined artic castle section under the lead of a frost troll. One who was set to become the third in command and was shadowing Findlay for education.

There was utter silence in the room after Khuno spoke and the tension sharply rose.

Findlay was sitting on what appeared to be a makeshift bed, his massive battle axe resting against the frame as he stared directly at Khuno. His wounds from taking on the ursa had pretty much healed by this point so he was ready to once again enter the fray of battle.

The ice troll commander had already received word about Khuno and the ronsos. He knew that his master was working on creating a new race and this was what he came up with.



The bed creaked as Findlay rose off it, he grabbed his massive battle axe, gripping the shaft tight. He rose to his massive 4 metre height that rivalled that of Khuno’s and stared straight into the ronso captain’s eyes. His body tensing and his pseudo aura and blood lust naturally filling the room.

“And you must be Khuno.” The pressure in the room sharply rose, fiercely intimidating the regular frost troll that stood at the side. The poor troll’s skin developed goosebumps and his teeth chattered as his limbs lost strength.

Khuno in response to Findlay’s provocation smiled wildly and unleashed his own aura and blood lust.

The two mighty monsters faced off like this in silence with neither backing down. The weak stone floor cracked underneath their might and their weapons screamed out to clash against one another. While the poor frost troll struggled to breath, one wrong step and he’d see himself dead.

Khuno was naturally stronger given his half a rank higher archetype, but Findlay had more experience and was close to evolving. Their standoff seemed to remain as a stalemate, a surprising result for the ronso captain.

‘He’s good.’

‘He’s strong.’ Both of them complimented each other internally before taking powerful steps towards one another, the pressure present in the room escalating even further.

‘I’m so dead.’ The regular frost troll regretted bringing Khuno to see Findlay personally, his gung-ho attitude would end up being the death of him.

Just as the frost troll thought that the two strongest commanders under his lord were about to duke it out in this room something unexpected happened.

Findlay and Khuno both suddenly raised their right hands and reached for one another before.


The two of them grasped one another’s hands with incredible force and displayed joyful expressions.

“It’s nice to meet you Khuno, I think we’ll work well together.” Findlay spoke gently.

“The feeling is mutual Findlay; I hope that as my senior in service to our lord you’ll be able to show me how things work around here.” Khuno responded back in a friendly tone yet the two of them continued to squeeze one another’s hands with their entire physical strength. The two men seemed to see reflections of themselves in one another, greatly pleasing them. Thankfully Frost’s right and left hand men seemed to hit it off well.

“Glady junior let’s get started right away. My injuries have healed, and I’ve rested enough. It’s time for me to get back into the fight.” Findlay laughed out loud before leading Khuno out, he would personally show the only other named monster under their lord’s service around the dungeon and teach him their inner workings.

Seeing both the powerful Findlay and the newcomer that was Khuno walking around the dungeon side by side in a friendly manner brought a great morale boost the dungeon’s forces. Excitement was once again present in the air, the dour mood brought on by the ghosts was swiftly expunged. Though there was great losses, they had been replaced and a powerful squad of cold flame users had joined the fray. Ghosts would no longer pose any issue.

Frost slept like a log for 24 hours.

During that time the dungeon faced off against another 5 waves, one of which contained ghosts but thanks to the ronsos such foes were dealt with almost instantly. With the dozen C-rank additions and Findlay back in the fight the losses experienced were once again at acceptable levels and the DP that was lost from the large casualties as well as Maya’s extravagant spending were regained and then some. Frost’s DP levels once again rose to over 100,000.

“Yaaaawwwwwwnn” Frost yawned as he finally rose from his long slumber. His splitting headaches and bloodshot eyes were pretty much healed, a robust constitution, high amounts of mana in the area and of course the high quality bed played a major part in his swift recovery.

He groggily looked around finding that he was on his bed, but he remembered falling asleep on Maya’s lap.

‘She must have carried me here after I drifted off.’ He smiled but also felt a little lonely waking up alone.

Frost could hear mutterings from beyond his door, Nanna and Loki were still hard at work looking after the dungeon in his absence.

‘I wonder how long I’ve been out this time?’ Frost stretched his limbs and rose off his bed, feeling very refreshed after his long nap. It was time to return the favour, Nanna and Loki must be exhausted at this point.


“Master!” Both Nanna and Loki turned to face Frost as he walked through his door, bright smiles donned their faces despite being up and at work for the past 36 hours.

Frost felt a twang of guilt in his heart as he received such innocent expressions. He smiled back before looking towards Maya.

“How long?” He asked guiltily.

“24 hours give or take.” Maya shrugged her shoulders while giving him a reproachful look.


Another hit of guilt washed over him as he heard the time. His gaze appearing apologetic as he looked at Nanna and Loki.

“You two must be exhausted, get some sleep, I’ll take care of everything from here.” Frost rubbed the two children’s heads with affection.

“Are you sure master we’re not actually that tired? We rested a little in between the waves.” Nanna felt that she still had more to give.

“Yeah and Maya cooked us a special meal filling us with tons of energy.” Loki chimed in while jumping up and down in excitement as though on a sugar rush.

Maya stumbled in her steps at Loki’s honest nature, not realising he threw her under the cart.

“Hoh a special meal, interesting.” Frost’s gaze once again drifted over to Maya however it was now an inspecting gaze full of accusation. Maya’s eyes struggled to look directly at him which he picked up on.

“That’s sounds wonderful, but you should still get some rest.” Frost let out a sigh and shook his head before encouraging the kids to still head for bed. It was night time right now so it wouldn’t mess with their natural sleeping cycle.

“Ok master.” Nanna and Loki both acquiesced to Frost’s suggestion, a slight yawn escaping their lips now that the thought of sleep was brought up.

“Oh Master, Khuno left the spoils of his battles against the wraiths with me, they’re on the coffee table if you want to take a look.” Nanna remembered what Khuno requested of her before he met up with Findlay.

“I will, thank you Nanna.” Frost rubbed her head again before the young girl grabbed her little brother’s hand and dragged him to their bedroom.

Once the door was closed Frost turned to face Maya.

“So what special meal did I miss out on then?” Frost showed a mischievous smile as he spoke, not willing to let the issue go. He’d become quite a foodie over the past couple months so hearing about a meal that was classified as special by Loki couldn’t help but catch his attention.

“Haaaaaaa I didn’t expect to hide it from you in the first place but getting dobbed in so innocently like that haaaaaa.” Maya sighed twice before telling Frost all about the meal she prepared earlier that allowed Nanna and Loki to work throughout the 24 hour period he was asleep without much issue.

“....So let me get this straight you purchased B-rank ingredients to make an amazing dish that helps to revitalise those who partake in it and not only is this dish so delicious that it’s one of your favourites an S-rank fenrir’s but it’s a nostalgic dish that reminds you of your childhood.” Frost spoke with a chilling tone; he was not happy.

“That is correct.” Maya was sitting on the sofa while Frost stood above her in lecture mode.

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