Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 378

378 Chapter 378: Damn demon

“It’s an interesting idea and would certainly take advantage of the unending space provided by the dungeon. You could even utilise those living within the floors during wars between your siblings. Getting them to willingly risk living there however will be a challenge, not something that will happen in the short term.” Maya nodded her head in agreement, she was present when Frost talked with Terra and could see the benefits of such a system plus if more than one dungeon used such methods there’d be more evidence in regards to its reliable safety.

Such an idea however didn’t simply end at creating safe spaces where in adventurers and whomever else could stay without fear of reprisal from the local inhabitants. Leisure activities and access to other types of resources were another angle that could be used to drawn in residents.

Mines in particular could provide a town or encampment dwelling within endless amounts of iron, ice, stone or any other material and as long as the dungeon was still active these resources would be limitless unlike the one in Kranor that would eventually run out and need to be constantly expanded. Right now Frost had 3 mines, all of which he was currently using however he was more than happy to add an additional mine or two to the resting floor solely for the use of these future external residents. A small price to pay for long term passive income.

Terra agreed with him finding his idea incredibly novel and in fact purchased a mine for that very purpose as they were talking. With the amount of residents Terra already had within his dungeon his passive income was more than high enough to accommodate such a purchase without breaking a sweat. Terra was sure to be much higher in the DP rankings during the next family meeting, no longer far behind his similarly aged siblings.

“I know. This was never a short term goal however the sooner we lay the foundations the sooner we’ll reap the rewards.” Frost agreed with Maya’s assessment, fully expecting the sixth floor to be unused for its intended purpose for quite a long time. However this would also give him the time required to fully outfit the floor, design it in detail so as to best support such residents as well as come up with some leisure activity draws.

At the moment other than materials and safety Frost also had a budding plan to incorporate ice fishing within his dungeon, both for future residents as well as his own monsters. An activity that could relieve the stress of regular dungeon life. The excited expressions of the many cat beastkin adventurers who entered his dungeon and then came across the frozen river filled with fish sparked this idea as did his chat with Aqua. She being based within the ocean had access to many fish monsters, some of which despite their weak strength were considered delicacies thus drawing vast crowds of seafolk adventurers.

Frost didn’t have access to too many fish based monsters but the list of regular fish in the beast category was quite extensive, some of which may be unavailable in the current climate and location thus possibly sparking great interest for fishers as well as chefs. The idea of tasting the multitude of different fish dishes caused Frost’s mouth salivate, his eagerness to put this plan into action growing exponentially.

However such things can wait, there’s still the monster stampede to deal with. The new steel weapons, ammunition and low level mana potions need to be distributed.

Frost closed the dungeon menu and stood up from the sofa.


“I’ll make sure these supplies are handed over to the monsters, could you set up the training room, I want to work on using my cold flames in combat.” Frost requested of Maya, clenching his fist as he did. Remembering the feeling of bringing down his first opponent with his flames.

‘It still takes too much focus.’ He complained internally. The ice back boar -that he was now very keen in having one of his own, viva la monster stampede for unlocking so many new monster types- was pretty much already a goner by the time he moved. The large ballista bolts that penetrated the thing’s body made it pretty much a sitting duck. All Frost had to do place his hand on its snout and focus, not a situation he’d likely encounter again.

“Sure thing, I quite enjoy that kind of training hehehehe.” Maya giggled while covering her mouth, hiding the sadistic smile she was showing.

Frost’s face twitched and his feet stumbled slightly as he looked at her with a little fear. Such training would usually involve Frost being hounded non-stop by attacks, forcibly increasing his reaction speed. Maya enjoyed such activities as she could see Frost beaten black and blue as he ran like frightened mouse from her endless golems, magic attacks, physical attacks and even the very environment that she summoned....it was quite amusing.

“Nanna, Loki I’ll leave you two in charge of monitoring the dungeon, communicate with Findlay and work with him while I’m training and alert me when there’s another wave.” Frost ignored Maya’s sadistic aura and lowered himself down to Nanna and Loki’s height. The two of them were feeling quite satisfied after their cold flame snack despite Loki’s brain freeze experience.

“Yes master.”

“Understood master.” They both responded with animated expressions, taking their responsibilities very seriously, looking darn right adorable as they did.

Frost smiled gently and rubbed their heads with affection before whispering in their ears that if they did a good job he’d feed them another dose of cold flames as well as allow them to have another candy from the big bag Dark provided.

After making his arrangements Frost teleported to different areas of the dungeon, checking in on the progress of the secondary and tertiary defence zones before handing over the newly minted steel weapons to the dismantling corps as well as the ammunition and mana potions to the frost troll or rather frost troll lieutenant that was stationed at the main operations centre within the second section of the first floor.

After dealing with multiple waves one of the frost trolls reached its max level thus allowing for it to evolve to the next rank. The choices were quite diverse, similar to when the frost dwarves evolved. Unfortunately there was no ice troll variant or C-rank level quite yet. They’d need to evolve once again to unlock such an archetype.

The choices were as follows:

Frost troll lieutenant, D-rank, 840DP: A powerful leader that is skilled in commanding subordinates.

Frost troll berserker, D-rank, 760DP: Typical upgrade, bigger, stronger and faster than base class, uses dual axes, comes with enrage skill.

Frost troll head hunter, D-rank, 720DP: ranged variant of the frost troll, uses throwing javelins to take down prey. Very deadly if struck however can only carry so much ammunition and is slightly weaker in close combat compared to its base class.

Frost troll witchdoctor, D-rank, 800DP: A loosely termed healer. They can use some basic life magic to heal their comrades and are skilled in handlings poisonous materials.

Frost troll shaman, D -rank, 820DP: the mage class of the frost troll, uses ice magic as well as chakra. A beefy mage type that doesn’t shirk away from close combat.

Instead of a trade skill archetype like the frost dwarven smith there was a leader class similar to Findlay’s though less impressive. Frost decided to evolve the frost troll into a frost troll lieutenant given its role as well as its own preferences. It wished to follow in Findlay’s footsteps, becoming a frost troll lieutenant was the choice closest to ice troll commander thus the decision was easily made.

When it evolved it could speak common tongue without much issue, still a little brash in his speech but more than capable of holding a conversation as well as understanding and giving out orders. Exactly what was needed of him at the moment.

“I’ll leave the ammunition and potions with you, hand them over to resting shifts once it’s their time to man the walls.....The opposition is a lot stronger now, when Findlay is resting you’ll serve as commander, good luck, I expect great things from you.” Frost patted the frost troll lieutenant’s shoulder, while showing a proud smile.

“Your will be done master.” The frost troll lieutenant had a similar personality as Findlay, a loyal solider. He dropped to his knees and bowed to Frost as though receiving a king’s order. Frost had gotten used to this treatment by now and no longer caused a fuss, such a relationship was actually more proper given his position.

Once that was sorted Frost teleported to the training space, where his beautiful girlfriend/ sadistic drill sergeant was ready and waiting with an angelic expression. It sent chills down his spine whenever he saw it, but it wasn’t something he could avoid.

“Haaaaaaaaa let’s get this over with.” Frost let out a heavy sigh before walking to the centre of the training environment Maya had set up, taking a battle ready posture once he reached the centre.

“Oh young master you really aren’t any fun, you should show a happy and excited expression when it comes to training with your beautiful girlfriend, like this see.” He smile grew even larger, her expression appearing even more angelic, but Frost knew better.

‘Damn demon.’

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