Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 377

377 Chapter 377: Celestial fox

Frost trembled slightly as the after effects of using such large amounts of divine left his body, he craved to feel that energy, that pleasure again.

His brow rose as an experiment entered his mind, he turned around to face Maya before placing his lips against hers and kissing her deeply, his wayward hand caressing her soft and supple body, caring very little that the children were still present.

Maya caught unawares didn’t fight back against him, enjoying his delicate yet powerful caressing as well as the tingling sensation generated by his skilled tongue.

Frost broke off his kiss, licking his lips as he did, tasting Maya.

“A very different kind of pleasure but no less intense.” Frost showed a possessive smile pulling Maya in close causing the mighty fenrir to madly blush and quietly call him an idiot under her breath. Frost had been becoming more and more bold over the past week or so, his hands becoming more naughty. She didn’t even bother to swat them away anymore, instead enjoying his touch as it represented his intense desire. She even swore that her ample butt had gotten even larger given the amount of massaging it received.....not that she was complaining, she quite liked the idea of her backside becoming even larger if it suited Frost’s tastes.

Unlocking a sixth floor didn’t have any bonuses for Frost, probably because his personal strength was already high enough to command upper D-rank monsters. For others however they would find that their dominating presence while inside the dungeon would have increased, allowing them to summon upper D-rank monsters even if their personal strength was lower or just a fraction higher. A much needed effect for some of Frost’s siblings who focused more on their dungeon’s development than their own personal strength. Leaving the fighting solely to their summoned monsters or in some cases even avoiding fighting in the first place.

All it gave Frost was a little more DP per day as well as a slight feeling of growth in his chest as though the dungeon had matured slightly, growing from a baby to perhaps a toddler. It was an intangible sensation but one that encouraged him to keep expanding, to keep growing his dungeon.

The three small sections were left bare and unexpanded for now, Frost planned on making this sixth floor a resting floor of some kind, dividing the upper five floors and those below with a clear distinction. Frost had learned that many of the large monster lairs with 5 floors or more tended to have different zones i.e. the first five floors may be suitable for adventurers under D-rank whereas the next five were suitable for under C-rank etc.... there was no distinctive markings or features signalling for such a change just that floor six in this case and floor eleven would have much tougher monsters and or higher classed environments than the floors that preceded it. Frost wanted to do something similar but put his own spin on it.

“The sixth floor will serve as safe area, a way station that could serve as a camp within the dungeon.” He explained his plan to Maya who had stopped blushing and regained her attitude as his guardian.


“Is that because of young master Terra?” She asked inquisitively not disagreeing with Frost just wanting to understand his reasoning. Her young master had already shown such skill in terms of management that there was very little she could still teach him other than worldly knowledge and combat training, he had the makings of a fine king or emperor.

“Pretty much.” Frost had called his siblings occasionally using the new communication feature. Indra who he called first wasn’t present due to exploring the storm mountains, not willing to be left behind by Frost so it was his guardian who answered, someone Maya was actually well acquainted with. The memory of that interaction flashed in his mind.

“Greetings young master Frost, young master Indra has been looking forward to speaking with you however as of right now he’s out exploring the Storm mountains.” The image of a beautiful fox woman appeared in place of Indra, this was his guardian Izuna, a celestial fox who’s strength and beauty rivalled that of Maya, their ages were quite similar as well. Both viewed as prodigy princesses of their races; thus it was inevitable for some rivalry to exist, thankfully it was rather playful.

“Well if it isn’t washboard Izuna.” Maya responded back before Frost could with a playful smirk on her face, her arms purposely pressing against her large chest to emphasise her assets. Frost turned to look at his girlfriend in shock.

‘Why the hell are you picking a fight?’ His gaze translated as such, but he was promptly ignored.

Izuna the one called ‘washboard’ had her lips twitching as lightning dashed around her, electrocuting areas within Indra’s private space. Her eyes shone with golden light, and her fox tails puffed up as though preparing for battle. If they weren’t communicating through the dungeon menu system but were face to face Frost would likely be trembling uncontrollably, forced to his knees from the overbearing pressure and aggressive killing intent.

“Tsk! I was wondering who was assigned to be young master Frost’s guardian turns out it was Mad Dog Maya, oh how I pity you young master Frost having to deal with such a brutish woman as your guardian ohoho.” Izuna laughed like a noble woman, covering her mouth as her eyes displayed a mixture of scorn and pity.

“I’M A WOLF NOT A DAMN DOG YOU FLAT CHESTED FOX!!!!!” Maya screamed into the screen, her fangs showing and elongating as she began to transform into her mighty fenrir form.

The two woman continued to throw insults at one another completely ignoring Frost’s presence which to be honest he was quite thankful for, interrupting would only end badly, instead he sat back on the sofa and waited for their discussion to end.

After a few minutes when the two women had ran up of insults and were panting as though exhausted they smiled at one another.

“Being a guardian’s pretty fun isn’t it?” Maya asked with a genuine expression, her gaze subconsciously drifted towards Frost. Izuna did the same but thought of her young master, her Indra.

“Yes it’s pretty fun and enjoyable.....well at least when young master Indra’s here.” Her gaze that was picturing Indra suddenly turned to anger and accusation as it refocused on Frost.

“You just had to go on a solo exploration didn’t you haaaaaaa.” She sighed. The whole reason she was alone here was because Frost went off on a solo journey thus Indra just had to do the same, he was the reason for her current boredom.

“Ugh! .....sorry I guess.” Frost surprised at being forcibly roped into the conversation apologised with a confused expression. Maya nodded in agreement, both woman blaming him.

“.....I’ll call at another time, hopefully Indra will be back by then, bye Izuna.” Frost not enjoying being looked at in such a way moved to end the call.

“Goodbye young master Frost and ciao Maya, try to keep your anger in check.” Izuna ended the call before Maya could retaliate, leaving her fuming.

“I’m guessing there’s some history between the two of you?”

“She’s one of my closest friends as well as rivals, we’ve been launching barbs at one another for as long as I can remember.” Maya displayed a loaded smile as she was swept up in nostalgia.

“You seemed to focus primarily on ‘flat chested’ insults.” Frost looked down towards his girlfriend’s bountiful chest, nodding as he did.

“Well that’s because she’s a celestial fox a race primarily known for their seductive full figure appearances. It’s her greatest regret so I always make fun since I clearly don’t have such a problem.” In response Maya proudly arched out her large chest as though begging him to look, which Frost did without hesitation, loving the view, grateful even.

After Indra, Frost called his eldest sister Aqua who regaled him of how exciting and inviting her dungeon was and how she desperately wanted him to come visit, heavily playing to role of concerned and doting elder sister. Frost was forced to end the call abruptly since he could no longer endure his sister’s gaze and Maya snickering at the side.

Finally he decided to call Terra and they had a rather normal discussion.

Terra was truly a B.F.G even more so than Druakai. Fighting didn’t really take place much in his dungeon, he was going down the path of coexistence with the nearby local fauna and flora as well as the sapient races. He was surrounded by elven communities and other races that were akin with nature. Many of which had already begun to relocate to inside his dungeon granting him passive income.

Taking advantage of the fact that Dungeon’s weren’t monster lairs Terra thought to incorporate a new feature within his dungeon one that would encourage more denizens to move in and live under his protection. Whereas Frost was initially establishing an external camp Terra had created areas within his dungeon for people to rest and even live, designating those areas as safety zones, areas where his monsters could not enter. After a few blatant experiments the feature was revealed to the local races who decided to create pseudo camps in such areas.

Frost wished to do something similar but given that his dungeon wasn’t as intruder friendly as Terra’s the process would be a hell of a lot more complicated. He doubted that his local races would ever believe that there was safety zones within his dungeon thus he came up with the idea to make an entire floor or at least an entire section a safe zone, a place where a town or even a city could be built just like Kranor....though while the monster lair or rather dungeon was still active.

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