Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 363

363 Chapter 363: It begins

“Rawr!” Kiba responded back to Frost’s question with a proud and happy roar. The young winged glacial tiger was very pleased with being put in charge of his own team, taking his role very seriously.

The three coeurl pups as well as some of the ice wolves that evolved from their frost counterparts or that Frost purchased in the past few days were placed under his command, the bestial corps.

Kiba was not only the strongest but also the smartest of his beast caste monsters thus making him the ideal leader. His discussion with the ice wolf mounts back in Furano helped to expand the young tiger’s knowledge in regards to how monster mounts fought with their partners as well as their roles during the monster stampede.

In Furano the monster mounts under the frost wolf battalion would take part in the early and mid-stages acting as cavalry, swiftly charging and decimating scores of monsters before quickly retreating back behind the walls. Speed and penetrative force were key to such manoeuvres. Thus Kiba had his team dash rapidly throughout the floor, moving as a unit.

Kiba and his forces wouldn’t be involved in the early stages however, only when the kill box walls were overrun and the other monsters were forced to retreat to the secondary and tertiary defence zones, descending deeper into the dungeon would they enter the battlefield. Utilising their speed and high power to cleave apart the spread out invaders.

Frost smiled proudly as he heard Kiba’s eager response and looked towards the monsters under his command. Each and every one of them showed excitement in their eyes, dying to put their recent training to use. Not a single one of Frost’s monsters seemed to have and single modicum of fear in regards to the stampede, all looking forward to the grand battle.

“Good, keep training, I’ll be relying on you and your squad in the coming weeks, you’ll have your fill of battle.”

“Rawr!” Kiba chuffed while showing a wild grin, he was at his core a monster, a tiger, the promise of battle filled his large body with exhilaration. He never had much opportunity to fight back in Kranor, his first real taste was fighting against that ice griffin, and he longed to feel that thrill once again.

With everyone informed, placated and back to work it was now just a waiting game. The first shift of monsters were in place on the walls. Goblins, dwarves, frost spiders and even the slimes were arranged on the left and right walls ready perform ranged attacks against whatever bursts through the entrance.


The three frost revenants were guarding in front of the bottom wall while the yuki-onnas and dwarven quarrellers manning the ballista were on top. Whereas all the monsters not on shift were either training or working hard to finish the defences in the secondary and tertiary defence zones. Frost even bought an additional couple frost dwarven smiths so as to increase the dungeon’s production rate. The dungeon was fully prepared for the stampede.

5 hours after the violent tremors that first wave of monsters finally arrived. And not a moment too soon, many of Frost’s monsters were clearly agitated from being on guard in the one spot for so long without anything happening, occasionally snapping at the comrade next to them whenever their bodies brushed against one another.

Frost and Findlay were both there standing on the bottom wall, beside the yuki-onnas and dwarven quarrellers. They wished to be present for the first wave, to see the invaders first hand and in person. Their presence also served to keep the majority of monsters in check, limiting their agitation to a few choice grunts.

Frost had the dungeon menu up on display, the external room was being displayed, now expanded to 5 kilometres in the length Frost was able to see a massive contingent of monsters exiting from the Glacial mountains. A small margin being drawn towards the dungeon instead of straight south or towards the villages contained in the Northrend forest.

The young dungeon core felt goosebumps appear up and down his arms as he saw the near endless stream of low ranking monsters heading down south. Their eyes completely blood red, their bodies swollen with rage with some even frothing at the mouth. It was quite a frightening image, though for Frost all he saw was a field of tasty DP and experience, his excitement was paramount.

Though large in number only a fraction were actually pulled toward the dungeon’s entrance and all they had was numbers. About 90% of the wave was made up of G-rank monsters with the remaining 10% being F-rank. The early stages would solely be made up of monsters below D-rank, the first ones driven completely mad by the explosion of corruption brought on by the mana vein.

As the mana and corruption builds, the maddening effects looming, the stronger monsters would eventually succumb and make the march south, resulting in the so called waves.

At the moment Frost was watching as a group of roughly 25 G-rank monsters and a single F-rank, picked up speed, dashing towards the dungeon’s entrance as though starving. This group would be the first to die and become glorious DP for the dungeon.

’25 G-ranks, ten times their daily allotment when killed within the confines of the dungeon.’ A mad smile adorned Frost’s lips, followed by a build-up of saliva as he calculated their worth. The frenzied monsters weren’t the only ones looking at a delightful meal.

On average a G-rank monster’s daily DP was 20, times that by ten and then by 25 and you have a substantial 5000DP, 5400 if you add the solitary F-rank. The first wave alone promised such massive profits, you couldn’t blame Frost from salivating at such a prospect.

Findlay who was standing at his master’s side, the epitome of a valiant general discreetly looked at his master’s face, his stoic expression nearly crumbling.

“Master you’re drooling.” Findlay quietly whispered towards his master, alerting him of his current expression. Such a look was unbefitting of a lord, especially while in the presence of his soldiers during the brink of war.

“Ah! ..... thank you.” Frost blinked rapidly before wiping away his drool, quickly regaining his dignified and scholarly look.

“I’m guessing the first wave is here then master.” Findlay spoke with a smile. The only reason his master would have such a look was when in front of something incredibly appetising. And what could be more appetising than a windfall of DP.

Frost responded back with a wild smile, appreciative of his commander’s intelligence. “Yes Findlay the first wave is here, a group broke off from the horde and are making their way towards us. They look quite frantic and starved so we should give these guests a very warm welcome hehehehe.” Frost let out an evil chuckle, his eyes glinting with excitement as he turned to face his monsters who were ready and waiting and had been diligently for the past five hours.

Findlay had to suppress his own chuckle as he took as step to stand behind his master and look very imposing, adding to Frost’s glorious image.

“Everyone listen up!” Frost roared aloud grabbing everyone’s attention, the few that were grunting at one another instantly trembled before turning to face Frost.

“You’ve waited here diligently for the past five hours with barely a peep of complaint, well done.” Frost cast his gaze over each and every one of his monsters, locking eyes with them as he spoke. He felt very proud at this moment, his forces acted like reliable soldiers while under his direct command, a promising start to this long siege.

“Now however it’s time for you to receive your reward.” A large grin grew on Frost’s face before he continued to speak. “The first wave of the monster stampede is here, recklessly charging towards our home, hoping to feast on the dungeon’s mana and heart....I expect you to show them a grand welcome worthy of the dungeon...not a single one leaves here alive is that understood?!” Frost demanded with a loud roar, his aura subconsciously expanding outward, greatly magnifying his presence as a ruler.

This was his territory, any invaders should be guided to the chopping block, there will be no mercy. Though he held nothing against the horde personally if they are attacking his home and his people even if they are manipulated it matters not. This place would be their grave and Frost would put their valuable life energy to good use.




In response to his authoritative demand every one of his monsters roared out with passion, their eyes full of loyalty as their bodies filled with vigour, eager to serve their lord and master. Their fervour wouldn’t lose out to the maddened invaders.

Frost could feel the snow and ice walls shake from his monsters loud roars and stamping of their feet as they looked at him with reverence. But their attention needed to be elsewhere.

“Hmph! Good response.....Let’s see how passionate you really are. Get to work, our guests have arrived.” The moment Frost finished speaking he pointed towards the dungeon’s entrance, towards the first set of invaders.

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