Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 362

362 Chapter 362: First shift begins now

Frost increased the strength of his hug, squeezing the beautiful woman that was Maya against his body, physically showing his desire to keep her by his side. His actions made Maya feel warm and protected, a redness appeared at the edge of her eyes. The two remained entwined like this for a few minutes before Maya struggled to endure.

Frost being the young man that he was couldn’t help his natural reaction from having a beauty such as Maya within his grasp. Her soft and supple skin that pressed against his body, her heavenly scent that assailed his nostrils and of course his natural desire to be with the woman that he loved all caused a certain area to react with fierce aggression. Maya could literally feel her boyfriend’s desire as his dragon reared its head, growing and hardening with no signs of stopping. Her soft cheeks that rested against Frost’s groin were forcibly parted as it extended forward, pushing through her thighs and out of the other side.

Both Frost and Maya sported red cheeks, as the situation continued, both knowing what was happening but neither wishing to leave the embrace of the other. Their bodies heated up and their breaths become laboured as lust clouded their minds. Frost instinctively cupped Maya’s chin, turning her his way before kissing her lips possessively. He needed to let her know that he wasn’t going to let her leave, she was his and he was hers, her term as guardian didn’t change that.

Maya kissed him back, lost in her desire, completely forgetting about her anxiety, her loneliness. The two lovers continued to kiss, letting their feelings be known to one another before Maya really had to put a stop to it.

“Huu....huu.... alright stop, stop anymore of this and we really won’t be able to hold back.” Maya said while panting, a slight accusatory glare being sent towards her partner. Frost was a really, really good kisser but that added with his naughty dragon that was currently between her thighs and threatening to lift her off the ground was too much. Anymore and she really wouldn’t be able to resist turning her young master into a true man then and there. Something like their first time together should be special, not brought on by a sudden moment of unbridled lust.

Frost reluctantly let go of her lips as her hands pushed back his chest, his eyes showed a pained and hurt expression, almost like a rejected puppy. Such a look on his face was really destructive but Maya though tempted for a second stuck to her guns.

“Not now, you’ve got work to do and I’ve got the kids to take care of.” Maya placed a hand over his face, pushing him back and obscuring his pained look. “When the time is right we’ll know so...stop trying to lift me up with that weapon of yours.” Despite her rejection of them going further, a certain area continued to aggressively push upwards, forcibly lifting her body up, so she was on her tip toes.

Frost shyly turned to the side, before placing his hands on Maya’s hips and gently pulling her off and placing our back on the ground, a weirdly proud smile adorning his face as he did. Maya couldn’t help but look down at the now near vertical pole that previously supported her weight. She audibly gulped, catching sight of Frost’s monstrous size.

‘Damn that thing really doesn’t match his gentle handsomeness.’ Though she struggled to match such a weapon with Frost’s rather athletic build and scholarly looks she wasn’t complaining, though she did feel a little fear, she was of course still innocent.


“Cough cough,” She audibly coughed to end the pink atmosphere and redirect her attention away from her boyfriend’s lower regions. “I’ll be heading back to the private space; you should head to the dungeon’s entrance and make sure everything’s ready. Now that the tremors have occurred the monster stampede is officially in session, the first wave could arrive at any moment young master, war is coming.” She called him young master instead of Frost as she was speaking as his guardian not his girlfriend. She vanished a moment later teleporting back to the private space, leaving Frost in the core room alone, still hard as a rock.

“Haaaaaaa she’s such a tease.” Frost showed a pained but joyful smile, his feelings at least were accurately portrayed, Maya shouldn’t feel as anxious now.

Frost stayed within the core room for around 10 minutes to return to normal before reappearing like Maya’s suggested back at the dungeon’s entrance. The time was finally here, whether their defences can hold out against the early waves would be a defining factor on how this whole monster stampede invasion would go down.

Frost had no idea how many monsters would be unable to resist the allure that was the dungeon when they passed, especially with its connection the mana vein. Too much would obviously make their lives much harder but too little would make all this prep work meaningless and would severally limit the amount of DP they could harvest during this time. A nice balance would be ideal.

“Master what’s going on?” The moment Frost arrived back at the first section Findlay urgently asked with a clear sign of distress. Such tremors shook the entire dungeon, spreading panic throughout.

“The local mana vein burst out, sending tremors through the earth as well as the dungeon core, thus the violent shaking. However the situation has resolved itself, there’s no damage to the core and the DP given off by the vein has tripled.” Frost explained the situation calmly to his ice troll commander, easing his worries. He then moved towards Findlay and placed a hand on his shoulder.

“However that was the sign for the monster stampede, war is upon us Findlay, prepare our forces, the first waves could hit us at any time.” Frost looked straight into Findlay’s eyes, his gaze containing excitement and a lust for battle.

Frost couldn’t wait for the war to begin, so much DP to rake in and so much battle to enjoy. He fully planned on fighting alongside his monsters in the mid stages and late stages, he really wasn’t the stay out of way and observe type of leader. Finally he’d have an opportunity to truly fight alongside his monsters, an opportunity he craved ever since the war against Gobuske.

Findlay blinked a couple times before showing a wild smile, his master’s battle lust infecting him as well. He too deeply wished to fight side by side with Frost, defending their home as a team. The ice troll commander had been working hard on improving his axe mastery as well as his magic but given that he was a monster it was much harder for him to improve. His achievements would be limited by his archetype, to advance he’d have to evolve to the next species.

This was a major difference between monsters and sapients, the former was much more restricted in what they could learn and do as it was dependent on their species archetype. For example Findlay though skilled with axes and ice magic would find it almost impossible to learn trade skills such as blacksmithing or utilise magic other than ice given his species being ice troll commander, a battle oriented species.

Sapient races however didn’t have this issue, as long as they had talent and even if they didn’t as long as they worked hard they could learn pretty much any manner of skills, making them far more diverse and free in terms of their growth. Of course there were exceptions, monster species that were very humanoid or could assume humanoid form didn’t suffer nearly as much from these restrictions. Especially if said monster was the product of a parent rather than a construct of mana.

Daki for example being an orc and a product of her mother and father was far less restricted in how she could branch out in terms of skills, she even had much higher intelligence than a wild orc created by mana. In many cases she was indistinguishable from a sapient race.

“Hahahahaha sounds like fun master, I’ll let everyone know.” Findlay laughed out loud, his body filling with excitement, dying to paint his axe blood red. The mid stages and late stages would have opponents that even he would struggle against, a prospect he greatly looked forward to.

“Good, let’s finalise our preparations, get everyone in place, the first shift begins now!” Frost gave his orders with a bright smile, before turning towards the dungeon’s large gateway entrance.

‘Let us see how strong this stampede really is.’

Frost then shuttled through the dungeon, checking in on all the officer class monsters -those D-rank and above- as well as the progression of the secondary and tertiary defence zones. These zones weren’t as complete as the major kill zone at the dungeon’s entrance, but headway had been made, they’d likely be finished before the mid stages, more than ready in time.

“Kiba are you and your group ready for war?” Frost had arrived at the fourth floor, where Kiba and the coeurl pups reigned free. Given that they had very bestial forms they couldn’t help with construction, nor could they communicate with the dwarves, goblins or trolls so Frost had them train here, where they could run and move with reckless abandon not getting in anyone’s way.

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