Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 360

360 Chapter 360: The monster stampede begins (volume 6)

4 days later

Frost could be seen near the dungeon’s entrance, within the 1st section of the dungeon, the winter highlands.

Dozens of monsters were hard at work all around him, dwarves and goblins in particular given their more deft forms. Everyone present was following Frost’s instructions to establish a large killing zone in front of the large gateway entrance in preparation for the monster stampede.

Two 6 metre high compacted snow and ice walls now led off from the dungeon’s entrance, extending the funnel shape that would limit the amount of intruders entering at once and force them down a single path. Thick platforms were behind these walls allowing Frost’s monsters to peer over and attack with ranged weaponry.

Frost based the design off of the northern walls defending Furano, of course they weren’t as tall nor as thick, but it would grant his forces a useful height and defensive advantage. Archer caste monsters as well as monsters with ranged attacks would line the left and right walls, shooting into the rampaging horde while a third, bottom wall connecting the two ends would hold the lesser yuki-onnas and frost revenants.

The lesser yuki-onnas would be placed on top of the bottom wall which was a metre higher and more reinforced than the left and right walls. The plan being that they’d fire their devasting ice magic straight ahead into the oncoming horde, while the frost revenants served as hallowed protectors on the ground, utilising their thick armour and brute strength to prevent any monster from passing through the gate that lay behind them.

For 4 days work Frost was more than impressed, such defences should be capable of holding back the early waves. During the mid-stages however something of this calibre was a little lacking. D and even C-rank monsters would be able to charge through or over such low walls and wouldn’t be decimated by the endless spells and ranged weaponry.

Frost had the frost dwarven smith and many of the other dwarven castes focus of making iron arrows and replacement bows instead of close combat weapons and armour. A month long siege would require a great amount of ammunition thus he ordered stockpiling to begin immediately.

Beside where the lesser yuki-onnas were to be stationed there was two ballistae very similar to the ones found in Furano but of a much simpler design. Frost spent a fair amount of time going through the long list of items available for purchase within the dungeon menu, war machines were part of that list. An iron wood ballista, a basic level war machine that cost 450DP and 5DP per bolt of ammunition. An accurate firing from such a war machine could take down or at least severely wound a D-rank monster.


Given how many Furano had on their northern wall Frost believed it’d be foolish to not have something similar. Though he’d likely only have to deal with a tangent force in comparison to the full blown horde that the Furano territory would have to endure, Frost had much less forces and defensive structures so this war would be anything but simple.

Frost thus purchased two of these machines as well as 100 bolts of ammunition for 1400DP. He assigned two frost dwarf quarrellers to be the shooters given that they were the monsters with the best ranged capabilities within his forces. Though he strictly ordered that the ballistae should only be used against large enemies and or when the frost revenants on the ground were becoming overwhelmed so as to conserve the limited ammo.

As expected shortly after the red alert was enacted and people fled to the bastion towns the monsters present in the Northrend forest became more active. Over thirty foreign monsters entered the dungeon over the past 4 days -far more than the usual amount-, spurred on by the looming stampede. Though not quite in a frenzy they were beyond the state of negotiation thus were swiftly killed. Along with the 100DP a day from the local mana vein Frost was able to constantly add new things to the dungeon such as the two war machines.

Another such purchase was a secondary great frost centipede -a monster Frost initially didn’t have good feelings about- because he discovered that with their current kill zone set up these creatures made for very useful corpse retrievers as well as wild cards.

The centipedes could use their natural gifts to tunnel beneath the snow, appearing within the kill zone without damaging the walls in the slightest. Once there they could toss the killed monster’s corpses over the walls towards the awaiting dismantler teams or simply appear and cause havoc among a swarm of low rank monsters before vanishing back under the snow. Like the frost revenants their tough carapace meant low ranking monsters would struggle to deal any definitive damage.

This kill box however was far from the only defensive structure Frost had built during their preparation time. Maya was right in the fact that he was going to be busy. The young dungeon core took full advantage of the fact he didn’t require sleep while within the confines of the dungeon. Personally overseeing construction, training and in some cases even taking part physically alongside his monsters.

He wasn’t going to take any chances in dealing with this monster stampede, always assuming the worst. Frost had no experience in dealing with long drawn out wars nor did Maya. This would be their first.

Behind the walled kill box there were multiple defensive bunkers made of ice and snow serving as outposts and rest stations for the monsters not on shift. A large portion of Frost’s monsters were assigned to this section and area, so as to quickly respond to attacks.

These defensive bunkers proliferated throughout the entire dungeon improving the battlefield in Frost’s favour. An operation centre like the fortified glade in the winter forest section could now be found on every floor along with other killing zones where the horde would have to pass through to reach the dungeon core room. Creating secondary and tertiary defence zones.

Frost wasn’t na?ve, it’d be foolish to think he could 100% keep the battle locked on the first floor. Even during the war with Gobuske the invading force made it to the third section and that was within a few hours. Let alone the month that the stampede would endure.

When he wasn’t hard at work establishing new defences or having regular meetings with Findlay and the other high ranking monsters he was training and training hard. Maya was not going easy on him in the slightest at his request. They’d brutally spar for hours and by the end of it Frost was always panting in agony as he laid prone on the floor, his body dripping in blood and covered in bruises.

Though Maya had feelings for Frost when it came to his training she was cold hearted knowing that going soft was not what Frost wanted nor would it be good for his advancement.....or perhaps it was because she was naturally sadistic and used training as a way to get out the stress she had towards her new boyfriend.

Right now however she was training Nanna and Loki as they wore their new weighted leg guards, decreasing their mobility. They too were spurred on by oncoming monster stampede as well the images of their master giving his all in training despite being covered in wounds. His smile as he fought against impossible odds was incredibly charming and motivating for the two young phoenix kin who desired nothing more than to fight by his side.

Suddenly while Frost was discussing the heights of the platforms that kept having to be adjusted to accommodate the range of monsters that would be standing on them, the earth shook.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The entire dungeon vibrated violently even more than when Frost created another floor. Dozens of monsters collapsed to the floor, unable to hold their balance during such violent tremors. A couple snow bunkers even developed cracks in response, they’d need to be repaired. Thankfully the walls were sturdy enough to withstand the vibrations without damage.

“What the hell!” Frost loudly cursed out loud, his face warped in shock as he fell to a kneeling position. He knew that the earth would shake as a sign of the monster stampede reaching fruition, but this was a bit much. This place with his territory, magically separated from the outside. A tremor so violent should never appear but that wasn’t the only worry.

Frost grabbed his chest, he felt a sharp pain in his heart, the tremor affected the dungeon core he could feel it. Filled with anxiety Frost quickly teleported to the core room so as to inspect his other half. The violent tremors also alerted Maya and the kids who promptly returned the private space. Nanna and Loki showing expressions of fear whereas Maya frowned, unsure on what to make of the situation.

“Odd the monster stampede shouldn’t affect the dungeon space.” The guardian used her senses to inspect the private space which also shook, trying to find any abnormalities. Finding nothing she ordered the kids to wait in the living room while she teleported to the core room to inspect.

“Maya did you feel the shaking even within the training space?” Frost asked nervously the moment she appeared. He had arrived a second earlier and was just about to begin his inspection.

“Yes the tremor shook within the Dungeon core, alerting the kids and I. I sensed the area within the private space and found no abnormalities, the space is still stable.” Maya’s frown deepened as she and Frost entered the core room, something felt off.

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