Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 359

359 Chapter 359: The dungeon’s preparation for the monster stampede

Frost and Findlay continued to brainstorm defences that could be successfully generated in time and put to good use for the monster stampede. Currently Findlay and Kiba were the only C-rank monsters within the dungeon, a risky situation considering that even the mid-stages could contain similar levelled enemies let alone the B-ranks present in the late stages.

“Our forces at the moment though decent in number are primarily made up of E-rank monsters and below, sporting less than a dozen D-ranks. This will not be enough for even the early stages let alone the mid or late stages of the stampede.” Frost highlighted the situation in regards to their current manpower, stressing the fact that they were sorely lacking in high levelled labour.

“The early stages will contain low rank monsters generally beneath D-rank but in far greater numbers than what we currently have. Luckily the strength of the waves increase gradually so for the first few days we’ll likely being facing goblins, rabbits, slimes and other G-rank and possible F-rank invaders. We’ll use this time to harvest large amounts of DP and possibly level up our own monsters so they can evolve to a higher rank.” Frost wasn’t confident in achieving B-rank before having to leave for Furano, thus his personal strength would likely remain at the half step B-rank during the mid-stages and perhaps even the start of the late stages.

He was unsure how large his dungeon would need to be to access C-rank monsters thus the only recourse was to evolve his D-ranks just like how Findlay evolved into his current ice troll commander archetype from the standard frost troll archetype. This method would also save vast amounts of DP as the average starting price for a C-rank monster according to Maya would be around 2000DP, 4 times as much as a standard frost troll.

Currently a few D-rank monsters were high levelled, fairly close to achieving their evolution. Frost would focus on placing these monsters on the front line in the early stages. Though weaker monsters wouldn’t generate as much experience the quantity would more than make up for it.

Frost then looked straight at Findlay. “I’d also like for you to achieve your next evolution rank during the stampede. If you can reach B-rank I’d feel much more secure in handling the late stages. Though Maya said it’d be unlikely for us to attract a B-rank invader there’s always a chance, better safe than sorry.” Findlay was currently level 32/50, 18 levels away from his max, as long as he personally took part in the battle during the mid-stages, evolving was possible. His rank was far too high for G and F-rank opponents to give much experience so having him take part in the early stages would be too inefficient.

Findlay frowned, a heavy responsibility suddenly placed on his shoulders, but he did not waver. Placing his arm across his chest Findlay bowed in salute. “I shall do my best to meet your expectations master.” Ever the loyal solider, Findlay would do anything that Frost asked of him without hesitation.

“Good, I look forward to seeing how grand you look as a B-rank monster.” Frost showed a prideful smile, eager to see such an event.

“At the moment however let’s focus on preparing for the early stages. 1500DP to expand the outside section, best to get that out of the way while we still have the chance. So that leaves 9,500DP for monsters, actually let’s make it 8,500 best to have some DP in reserve.” After adding the section expansion to the cart Frost immediately moved to the monster category, D-ranks in particular.


“Let’s get 3 frost revenants, 3 lesser yuki-onnas, 3 couerl pups, another 2 frost trolls and giant frost centipede for exactly 8500DP, that should certainly upscale our aggregate power.”

“It certainly will master.” Findlay nodded in agreement, 12 new grade D-rank monsters, would make a world of difference. Frost hearing no objections swiftly purchased the monsters and section expansion causing the dungeon core to glow and divine energy to flow through his body.

‘This feeling really is addictive.’ Frost wondered how good it’d feel to make purchases in the millions. A future goal.

“Findlay go and show the new monsters the ropes before organising everyone to begin war preparations. Have a fairly strong contingent prepared to deal with any interim monster intruders quickly so as to not interfere with the preparations.”

“As you wish master.” Findlay promptly stood up from his chair, bowing slightly to Maya and the children before vanishing back to the first floor to interact with the new monsters just summoned. These D-rank monsters would serve as officers just like the frost trolls, leading the lower ranked ones in battle.

Frost’s gaze then moved over to Kiba who was quietly resting at the side, finally gotten over his queasiness. “Kiba I’ll leave the coeurl pups under your care, you should be able to get along given that you’re both cat type monsters.” Coeurls were large leopard like monsters with very long and thick whiskers that help them gather large amounts of mana. Though these monsters were just pups their sizes were equivalent to the frost wolves perhaps even slightly bigger. Frost thought it would be nice to give Kiba some responsibility around the dungeon and having him in charge of the couerl pups seemed to be the perfect fit. Their family trees were similar so he could act like an elder brother.

Kiba raised his head towards Frost, excitement clear on his face. He’d never been in charge of anything before, always the younger one. He jumped up to his feet in joy before bounding over to Frost and rubbing his head against him in affection.

Frost smiled and petted the big tiger, “I’ve placed them on the 4th floor, that will be your area during the stampede. Open plains and no other monsters to really get in your way. I’ll teleport you over so you can meet them.” The moment Frost said the word ‘teleport’ Kiba’s body shivered, and he looked up at Frost with anguish.

“Don’t give me that face, you need to get used to the spatial transference eventually, might as well start now.” Kiba pouted a little but eventually bowed his head, allowing Frost to teleport him to the 4th floor. Though he asked to be sent a little aways from the coeurl pups, can’t have his first impression ruined by the effects of spatial transference.

A moment later Maya came over to the table with the food.

“So I guess you’re going to be pretty busy over the next few days?” Maya spoke with a slight pout, they’d only just started their relationship, yet Frost would be busy with work, leaving very little time for the two of them.

“Unfortunately yes, this monster stampede is going to be far more risky than I first thought so I can’t leave anything to chance.” Frost replied after finishing the food in his mouth. “I’ll have to coordinate with the monsters so as to prepare the defences, instruct them on the protocols I’ve devised as well as how to dismantle the vast amount of monsters that will intrude into our domain. The dungeon can do it quickly, but a lot of material will be lost that way. I’m planning on growing a territory, can’t afford such high levels of waste.” Frost and Findlay would be very, very busy over the next few days, making sure everyone was prepared for the long war that was about to come. And though he’d much rather spend time with his beautiful girlfriend some things just couldn’t be avoided, this involved his livelihood and ambitions, nothing could go wrong.

“Haaaaaaaa fine then, I’ll play the role of a good housewife, taking care of the private space and the kids while patiently waiting for you to return home.” Maya fiddled with her fork, her boredom climbing just thinking about it.

“You know you could always work alongside me instead sequestering yourself in the private space. I know you’re restricted in what you can do in terms of dungeon management but there’s nothing saying you can’t be by my side when I do it.” Frost knew that Maya was quite prone to boredom, she was a natural troublemaker, he usually being the target of her antics.

“Sounds boring and not romantic in the slightest so a hard pass, I’ll just focus my energy on our lovely little angels.” Maya frowned before redirecting her attention to Nanna and Loki, sweeping them up in a hug to uplift her mood. Cuteness cures everything.

“Haaaaaaaa” Frost let out a deep sigh, it wasn’t as though he didn’t want to spend time delving into this new relationship with her. “How about this I’ll set aside at least an hour a day where you and me will spend some alone time together, no interruptions from the kids, monsters or dungeon matters, what do you say?” This was his compromise, thankfully since he nor Maya actually required sleep while in the dungeon he could manage to take out some time to be with her (battle training didn’t count as that wasn’t romantic).

A slight blush adorned Maya’s cheeks as she turned to face her young master, ideas flowing through her head before she nodded meekly. Such a compromise was acceptable, a grin thus adorned her face.

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