Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 349

349 Chapter 349: Teasing promise

“Why hello my handsome boyfriend I was wondering when you were going to call me. Have you arrived back at your place?” Daki’s charming voice came from the communication crystal bringing a warm smile to Frost’s face.

“It’s great to hear your voice Daki.” Frost replied with his honest feelings causing his girlfriend to giggle cutely, she felt the same way. Frost had been on her mind nearly every waking moment since he left so she eagerly awaited his call.

“Kiba and I got back yesterday morning. The kids loved the weapons and wrist guards you made for them and are quite eager to meet you.”

“...What about Maya?” Daki spoke with nervousness; she practically came and stole her man how could she not be wary of this new woman.

“Haaaaaaaaa.” Frost let out a deep sigh as he remembered the exchanges he and Maya had. “After I confessed to her, and she accepted I told her all about you and how I felt and to be honest she has very mixed feelings towards the subject but in her own way I think she’s looking forward to meeting you as well.” Frost spoke through twitching lips, struggling on how to best describe Maya’s feelings on the matter.

“Well that’s better than I expected, hopefully when we do finally come face to face things will be amicable.” Daki responded with a sigh of her own, not used to such situations either but she wanted Frost regardless. Her and Maya would have to learn to accept one another if they wished to continue in a relationship with Frost. So far however Daki only knew that Maya was a ravishing beauty that may even supersede her in terms of looks and charm as well as being a capable fighter. Frost didn’t go into too much detail but hinted that she was even stronger than him who was already half step into B-rank.

Frost didn’t want to frighten Daki by telling her, her love rival was an S-ranked fenrir who could crush her with just a simple reveal of her aura. She was daunting enough with her charm and beauty.

“I wish for that too, I’m sure since I’m attracted to both of you that you’ll have things in common.” The memory of his hand groping their butts came to the forefront of his mind.

“....You just compared the size of our butts in your mind didn’t you?”


“Eh how did you know!” Frost panicked, generally shocked by his girlfriend’s insight. She was hundreds of kilometres away in Kranor and couldn’t see his face how the hell could she tell what he was thinking.

“Oh a woman knows how her man thinks, female intuition is real and accurate thing Frost heheheheh.....so who’s is better?” Daki instead of feeling objectified or insulted felt competitive, desiring to know how she and Maya compared in that area. She was very confident in the size of her rear and the supple and toned feel of it even more than her very large chest.

“Cough cough” Frost violently coughed in shock before rapidly looking around, making sure Maya wasn’t in earshot. She didn’t react very positively when his hands wandered to that area, but he certainly got a good feel for it when she sat on his lap in the carriage. A perverted look adorned his face as his mind drifted back to that bold action.

“.....Do you want the honest answer or the one that is clear flattery?”

“...Honest please.” Daki’s brow raised in surprise; Frost words made it seem that she was actually going to be beat in terms of their butts, something that she found quite incredible.

“Both are amazing, while you win in terms of size and toned definition hers is soft and enveloping, but I’d need far more time with both to make an accurate decision.” Frost once again took a page from the book of shamelessness, boldly declaring that he needed more hands on experience.


“.....” Both Frost and Daki were silent for a while, letting Frost’s statement sink in. Frost wouldn’t speak like this to Maya, but Daki was different, she was bold, flirtatious and aggressive and loved this style of banter.

“Pfft hahahahahahaha oh god you’re perfect hahahahahaha.” Daki suddenly laughed out loud without restraint, tears forming in her eyes as she struggled to remain standing. Frost’s response was perfect, it highlighted the advantages of both his girlfriends without picking a winner while at the same time revealing his desire for them both. Bold, greedy, shameless, and brutally honest.

“.....Well I’m all for it, when next we meet you can grope it for as long as you want darling and I’ll do the same.” Daki responded with her own flirting, her eyes showing a hunger as she looked at her communication crystal, a shame that neither of them had one that could show their faces, their voices would have to do for now.

“Oh I’ll certainly hold you to that Daki.” Frost’s smile stretched from ear to ear, he loved her laugh and her bold personality, it filled his body with fire. He wanted to have her in his arms right this second...the next time they were set to meet was so far away, could he really wait that long to hold her once again?

Frost then remembered the other reason he called. “At the moment I’m currently in Furano the northern most territory of the Northrend empire and they’ve just enacted something called a red alert. The monster stampede should be arriving in less than a week. They’re saying that it’s likely going to be a long one, but I promise the moment I’m able I’ll come and carry you to our home.” Frost spoke with longing, hoping that the stampede would come and end faster all so he could have this ravishing orc beauty by his side like Maya was.

Daki smiled warmly able to hear the deep felt longing Frost had for her that wasn’t just physical but true emotion, her heart skipped a beat as she too wished for the stampede to be over shortly. At least now she knew when it would be begin.

“.....Will you be fending off the stampede at your territory?” She felt worried about Frost for the first time, he was strong, but the stampede was a devastating disaster for those south of the mountains. A new budding territory shouldn’t have much in the way of defences should it?

“Yes but don’t worry I won’t be alone, there will be practically zero chance of me being injured. This will just give my territory some much needed resources and supplies.” Frost thumped his chest with confidence, he didn’t fear the stampede in the slightest. With four fully outfitted floors, and tons of monsters that were set to increase throughout the stampede who followed his orders without question, his dungeon was more than prepared for the early stages and by the time the mid and late stages arrive he’d be swimming in DP, allowing him to make some powerful purchases. This monster stampede was simply a free supply of DP, materials, monster experience as well as good long term battle experience for future dungeon wars. Frost wondered if it was only him getting the chance to experience something like this or if his siblings met with similar disasters.

Daki led out a relieved sigh in response, patting her chest gently to ease her heart.

‘Of course there wouldn’t be danger he’s got two kids to take care of.’

“If that’s the case then I wish you good hunting darling oh and so you don’t forget.”


Daki slapped her ample butt hard so Frost could hear the sound of her toned flesh.

“We’ll be waiting.” She then hung up, her face quickly turning crimson as the build up of embarrassment from their flirting came rushing all at once, she still showed a warm smile, however.

“Gulp” Frost audibly gulped as his mind filled with provocative images of his beautiful girlfriend, his cheeks grew warm.

‘God this is going to be a long month.’ He covered his mouth to hide a ravenous smile that looked very similar to the one Maya occasionally displayed towards him when she was in her sadistic drill sergeant mode.

Frost shook his head side to side to get rid of his distracting thoughts lest his inability to act sour his mood.

By the time he arrived back at the carriage all the of the shopping had been packed away in the carriage’s storage or the spatial rings and everyone was just waiting on Frost to get back. His face was still a little pink when he sat down which Maya noticed, causing her to subconsciously frown.

‘He must have called Daki.’ Her woman’s intuition hit the nail on the head, and she felt irritated, so she turned her head to look out the window, revealing a slightly pouting expression.

“Well did you talk to Leo, is he coming over for dinner?” Cassandra asked not noticing Maya’s sudden change in mood.

Frost sat down next to Maya before replying. “He was a bit hesitant in facing Douglas but Luna was present when I called and promised to drag him there if need be, so he won’t have a choice.”

“Hahahaha that’s our Luna.” Cassandra laughed in response before wiping a tear that ran down her cheek, she missed having her son and future daughter in law living with them, able to talk to them whenever she wanted. The massive manor felt quite cold and empty without them, especially when Douglas was so busy in his office.

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