Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 348

348 Chapter 348: Calling Leo

After Douglas gave his rousing speech and activated the bright beam of red light that could be seen from hundreds of kilometres away Cassandra loudly clapped her hands, giving off her aura as a noblewoman.

“You heard my husband everyone, the red alert is now enacted, time to change gears.” Though she wanted to continue enjoying the children’s fashion show there were more important things to deal with right now. All the customers turned to look at Cassandra before nodding their heads in understanding. They paid for the clothes and took their children back home to begin their own preparations.

Cassandra showed a praising expression as she saw her citizens calmly go about their business without any sense of fear, it showed the trust they had in their ruler as well as the defences of the town, gratifying would be the best word to describe how she felt right now.

“We should probably head back now; Douglas and the others will finally have the chance at a break. Colonel Hamon and his majors will be taking over the final defence preparation and refugee admittance. Did you manage to get your shopping done Frost?” Cassandra turned to look at Frost as she spoke.

“Yes, Borris said he should be able to finish outfitting my glaive with an engraving by 10am tomorrow, I just need to pick it up before we leave.”

“Good then let’s pay for these outfits and head back to the manor, all this cuteness has made me quite famished and I’m quite looking forward to a big family dinner.” Cassandra showed a warm expression as she spoke, it was rare for them to be able to eat as a group ever since Douglas became ill and all this work made it even more impossible as no ones schedules ever lined up. But Douglas had given his word and he wasn’t a man to break a promise.

Cassandra paid for all of the children’s clothes despite Frost’s protests, he could only accept her stubbornness as he had Nanna and Loki give thanks. They had a lot of fun hanging out with Cassandra she was so warm and gentle to them it was hard not to get emotionally attached.

“Maya if you could head to the carriage with Cassandra and the kids I’ll catch up after making a quick call.” Frost remembered that he promised to contact Leo in place of Cassandra and Douglas given that he was ducking their calls.

“Alright say hi to Leo and Luna for me and don’t take too long.” She squeezed his hand and was tempted to peck him on the cheek but was too embarrassed.” Frost smiled gently in response finding Maya so cute.


The moment they walked away Frost brought out his communication crystal and called Leo.

Ring ring ring, it rang 3 times before there was an answer.

“Frost senpai it’s been a while how have you been?” Leo sounded much more energetic than the last time they spoke. Clearly moving out of the manor and working with military was much more his speed.

“I’ve been good thanks for asking you also sound a lot better than last time we spoke I’m guessing moving out and ditching your government work done you wonders.”

“...You spoke to my parents?” Leo asked with a tinge of guilt as well as embarrassment in his voice. The moving out was fine it had to be done for his fragile psyche, but the ditching of his government work wasn’t something he was proud of.

“Yeah I’m here in Furano with Maya and the kids and your mother mentioned a few things when we were having lunch.”

“Haaaaaaaa well can you really blame me, you know me I’m not suited to paperwork, and I did wait till the old man was healthy enough to work again, and my work with the military side is also needed.” Leo tried to find excuses for his actions.

“I get it, you didn’t avoid doing work you just changed the work you were doing to something more your speed.” Frost nodded his head in agreement completely understanding his young friend’s mindset. It’d be completely different if Leo went completely AWOL ditching Furano in its time of need to avoid work entirely but the military side of the monster stampede was a very important area that needed to be handled.

“Yeah yeah you get it.” Leo smiled spoke with excitement, glad someone understood his decision.

“I do but that doesn’t explain why you’re ditching your mother and father’s calls.”

“Ugh!” Leo groaned and Frost could hear a young woman giggling in the background, likely Luna.

“Plus aren’t you the heir to the territory, some day you are going to have to deal with the government side of things. Given your age Douglas probably wanted to work alongside you in this endeavour not dump it entirely on your shoulders.” Actually Douglas probably did want to do that a little, he and Leo had similar personalities after all as well as similar interests.

“Ugh!” Leo groaned again, guilt filling his body and Luna laughed harder and in the background loudly proclaimed, “See I told you so, even Frost senpai’s telling you to get back to work hahaha.”

“Hello Luna, I’m guessing the ditching of the government work was Leo’s idea?”

“Yep! The moment his father was fit and healthy he dragged me off to the military along with Taka and Bruno to engage in more ‘fun’ work was how I believe he put it hehehehe.”

“I see but I’m also guessing you didn’t fight very hard to convince him otherwise right?”

“Ugh!” This time Luna groaned, and Leo laughed.

“You dragged Taka and Bruno with you, when did you guys hit it off so well?” Frost hadn’t seen Taka and Bruno since the night they attacked Adam’s compound and to be honest he was curious as to what became of them.

“Oh that? Shortly after the whole thing with uncle Adam, Luna and I wanted to go on a quick quest as a change of pace, we ran into them at the guild doing the same thing. After chatting we embarked on a quest together as a temporary party and found that we meshed really well. Thus after a few more encounters we decided to team up officially under the party name [New Dawn].” Leo was very animated when he spoke of their new party, proud of their achievements.

They were still relatively new as a group and had very few quests under their belt but each of them had high individual potential and their roles covered all bases. A tank to endure the onslaught of attacks head on, Bruno. A close combat sword user, Leo. Ranged physical attacker and crowd control, archer Taka and finally Luna their magical combatant. They were a truly well balanced party with very high potential. The oncoming monster stampede should see them gain a hell of a lot of experience.

‘I’m guessing after they became an official party they do pretty much all work together. Perhaps they are Leo’s, Bastion and Ryuu.’ Frost smiled as he pictured the four of them working together.

“Wait a second if you’re in Furano that means you heard the red alert!”

“Yeah I did, in fact I’m the main reason for it.”

“Eh?” Leo gasped in shock, since he and his father weren’t currently talking he had no idea about the red alert until he heard the warning siren and his father’s announcement.

“Your father’s inviting everyone to dinner tonight, I can tell you all about it you come.”

“......Did my father say to invite me?” Leo’s guilt was heavy right now, he knew what the red alert signified and that he really should get in contact with his father, but he really didn’t want to get in an argument with him. Especially when he was so clearly in the wrong.

“No but your mother did.”

“.......” Leo was quietly biting his lips as he struggled to respond.

“Don’t you worry, even if I have to physically drag his ass we’ll be there, see soon Frost senpai.” Luna answered in Leo’s place before ending the call and proceeding to put Leo in his place. Thankfully she had the forethought to end the call so as to prevent Leo losing face in front of Frost. Luna had had just about enough of Leo’s running away from his duties, the red alert was enacted it was time for him to man up and bite the bullet.

“Well I guess I can give Cassandra some good news.” Frost showed a wide smile, he’d get to meet up with his first couple of friends after a long time apart, he couldn’t help but feel excited.

Just when he was about to put the communication crystal away and head to the carriage he stopped, speaking to Leo and Luna had brought the image of a certain person to mind, his beautiful orc girlfriend Daki. It’d been just over 2 days and he already missed her and was waiting for a good time to contact her on his crystal. He looked side to side making sure no one was nearby to eavesdrop, Maya in particular before making the call.

Ring, Ri, it didn’t even ring twice before Daki picked up.

“Why hello my handsome boyfriend I was wondering when you were going to call me.”

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