Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 316

316 Chapter 316: Alone with Daki (4)

Frost stared into Daki’s eyes, his heart full of warmth and affection but also nervousness. “Daki before this goes any further you need to know that I’m a man with a great many secrets as well as ambition. I won’t be able to stay here in Kranor.” He spoke with a serious tone, there was no wiggle room on this. He was a dungeon core; his permanent place was within the dungeon and will be forever more. If he and Daki were to be in a true relationship she would need to leave her home and join him in the dungeon, learning his deepest secrets.

Daki looked at the man she’d fallen for, her gaze full of desire but when Frost mentioned that he wouldn’t be able to stay in Kranor she couldn’t help but feel a twang of pain. This was her home and always had been.

She worked as an adventurer for a few years to explore the external regions of the Glacial mountains and even visited other enclaves and kingdoms during her travels as well as on business as a smith. But her home had always been Kranor, she’d never lived anywhere else for more than a few weeks. The idea of leaving permanently filled her with no small amount of fear. It was shown in her eyes and expressions, her hands held onto Frost tightly as though afraid to let him go.

Frost’s expression become soft as he too tightened his embrace to allay her fears. His strong embrace seemed to wash away her trepidation, as long as she was by his side what was there to fear.

“So, I’ll be moving into your place instead of you into mine....I’m alright with that.” She remained in his arms, her head resting on his shoulder, enjoying the comfort that his body gave her. This was a chance of a lifetime; she’d never felt this way about anyone before and knew that the chances of it happening again were slim to none. She couldn’t let fear of leaving home stop her from being by his side. Frost’s heart sped up from happiness which given their close proximity Daki was able to hear, bringing a lovely smile to her face.

“Thank you Daki, I’ll make sure you never regret giving me a chance.” With her acceptance Frost felt emboldened. “I know that you have a good life here as well as a booming career and I promise that I’ll do my best to make sure that doesn’t change but I’ll need time. My territory is just starting out, I don’t even have a single external resident yet and then there’s Maya and the kids.” He lifted up Daki’s face from his shoulder, looking directly into her eyes to show his determination.

“I’ll be leaving Kranor today and I won’t be able to return for a while. The monster stampede as well as development of my territory will keep me away for at least a month or more.” Daki’s hands tightened once again.

“I know you’ll have some things to discuss with your friends and family, as well as getting your affairs in order business wise which will take time. My place is currently not worthy of you so what I’m asking is are you willing to wait for me?” Frost’s eyes glimmered with hope, dying for a positive response. He knew what he asked was a lot. They’d only just met, their feelings aided by passion. Would such a long separation kill this sprout of a relationship? Frost did not know but he also didn’t have a choice. His dungeon needed his presence, he could remain here no longer.

Daki looked into Frost’s eyes, her heart in pain at the thought of not being able to see this man for over a month. She instinctively wanted to announce that what he had right now didn’t matter to her, that she’d follow him anywhere. But she was old enough to know that that was impossible. She had commitments here in Kranor, loyal customers that relied on her equipment, long term material suppliers, friends that she hanged out with every week and then there was her younger brother Druakai. She couldn’t up and leave just like that, she had responsibilities. But that didn’t make the choice any easier to accept.


After an agonising few seconds silence Daki nodded her head in agreement, she would wait for this man, no matter how long he needed. She once again placed her head on his shoulders and embraced him tightly as though wanting to meld their bodies together, a few tears dripping down her cheek and onto Frost’s shoulder as she did.

After a minute or so in one another’s embrace they separated with smiles, it was time for lunch. Frost would leave Kranor today and head back to his budding territory and once he felt it was at an adequate level he’d return to Kranor to retrieve her. It was quite romantic when put like that. During that time Daki would inform her friends, family, suppliers, and customers that she’d be closing shop and moving out.

“Do you have a communication crystal?” Frost asked. If they could talk to one another while separated it wouldn’t be quite as lonely.

“I do actually,” Daki was quite surprised that Frost had one. Such magic devices were not only expensive but were quite rare, adventurers rarely held such things. She had one so she could take business requests from other enclaves and countries.

“I keep it under the service counter.” Daki quickly moved to grab it. She leaned over the counter innocently giving Frost a spectacular view of her bubble butt as she reached around for the crystal. Frost’s eyes were of course drawn to his now girlfriend’s dynamite backside which her current dress made even more explosive. He initially showed a perverted smile, enjoying the view but then realised a major problem. He already decided to make Daki his and she accepted yet that dress would flaunt herself to the world, not just him. Jealously and a possessive nature bloomed in his heart, his feelings similar to Maya’s in regards to showing off his handsome face.

When Daki got hold of the communication crystal and returned to his side she saw that he was frowning and looking at her body.

“What’s wrong?” She asked innocently.

“I know that that dress was likely to entice me and it more than did the job but now that we’ve confirmed our feelings for one another are you still going to wear it?” Frost asked. He wouldn’t restrict her decisions in any way, if Daki liked wearing such outfits then so be it, he had no right to deny her, but the heart wasn’t so easy to control. The idea of other men ogling her in that dress filled him with jealously.

Daki blinked her eyes rapidly as she absorbed what Frost was getting at before she laughed at how cute he was. She put on a seductive smile and slowly walked before him, shaking her hips as she did. “Frost dear there’s no need to be jealous, others may look but only you...” She grabbed his hands and confidently placed them on her ass. “Can touch.” Frost was caught by surprise before a playful smile adorned his lips, his hands grasping firmly, sending a shock of pleasure through Daki’s body.

Frost’s feelings of jealousy evaporated instantly. What did it matter if others could look that’s as far they’d get. In fact, he should be like how Sam and Yarrow are with their spouses, using her displayed beauty as bragging rights in front of those oglers.

Frost kissed Daki once more before reluctantly removing his hands from her ample butt, he was really started to get addicted to the feeling.

“Did you get your equipment?” She asked while licking her lips in satisfaction.

“Yeah, other than the armour which I put on; the rest is within my spatial ring.” He gestured toward the silver ring that was on finger.

“What about that glaive of yours, did you remember that?” Despite Frost no longer being jealous Daki moved back to her bedroom to choose a nice jacket that would help cover up some skin. This was what she was planning to do in the first place. She could hardly dress as she did when going to a fancy restaurant in the middle of the day.

Frost showed a warm smile as Daki put on a white jacket. It changed her incredibly seductive appearance from earlier to one of great beauty.

“Yes and thank you for fixing the crack.” The glaive had developed a minor crack during the fight with the ice revenant. Not a major issue but could become one if he continued to wield it with his full force.

“No, thank you. It’s rare that I get to work on such a masterpiece. The person who forged that weapon must have been incredibly skilled. To reach quasi 4 star quality with the materials used is nothing short of a masterpiece, hell I even used it as inspiration when outfitting your armour, allowing it reach the upper grade of 3 star.” Daki’s eyes sparkled as she remembered examining that fine weapon, the craftsmanship was exquisite, far beyond what she could currently hope to achieve.

“Maybe I should introduce the two of you in the future, I’m sure he’d love to talk shop with another passionate smith.” Frost remembered the old dwarf Borris who made his glaive. The passion in his eyes and his knowledge of weapons and their wielders was more than a regular smith. Daki could probably learn a lot from the man.

The sudden urge to kidnap the old smith appeared again, though this time it wasn’t just for improving his territory but that it’d probably make Daki happy. He needed to visit the man anyway in regards to possibly outfitting his glaive with an enchantment, perhaps his possible relocation could be discussed then.

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