Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 315

315 Chapter 315: Alone with Daki (3)

Frost’s lips were millimetres from Daki’s, she could feel his warm breath brush across her lips. Sending jolts of pleasuring electricity throughout her body, her desire was palatable. Frost kept this tiny distance for what seemed like minutes, teasing her endlessly, never crossing the last few millimetres to connect them both.

Daki opened her eyes in complaint, annoyed that Frost hadn’t kissed her yet. It wasn’t though Frost couldn’t see her desire. Was she going to have to initiate the kiss.

When her eyes opened Frost’s ice blue eyes were staring right back at her, full of charm and confidence. A smile appeared on his lips in response before he slowly moved his mouth away from hers towards her left ear. “That was impressive Daki, but you’ll have to do a lot better than that if you want to ensnare me, your dress is beautiful however, accentuates your figure well.” He whispered lightly into her ear while continuing to fondle her ample butt, really enjoying the feeling against his hand.

Daki froze, stunned in place as a bright red blush grew on her face and neck. She’d been caught in a trap. Where she believed she was the one in control it was actually Frost the entire time. He even teased her so blatantly, groping her ass and drawing her lips so close to his, causing her to moan in pleasure yet never actually giving her what she desired. She was dancing on the palm of his hand, a position she normally held in relationships. The change was...refreshing and if she was honest, incredibly exciting.....but right now she was mainly embarrassed.

Her strong green hand swiftly moved behind her back and latched onto Frost’s naughty hand that refused to stop its caressing before she looked into Frost’s eyes with anger, tightening her grip as she did. “If you’re not going to give something in return then hands off the merchandise hmph.” She forced his hand off her body and pushed his chest, separating herself from his body.

Frost laughed lightly as she did, not fighting back in the least, finding her so cute when she was mad. Suddenly however Daki rushed forward forcibly planting her lips on his. Frost was caught by surprise not expecting her to go on the offensive so soon, but he didn’t fight it. Listening to his instincts he kissed her back, his previously removed hands finding their way back onto Daki’s curvaceous body, holding her firmly as his tongue wrapped around hers.

Daki felt her body melt inside but did her best to not succumb to the moment. Her right hand silently slipped downwards grabbing onto Frost’s manhood and squeezing, causing Frost to sharply grunt. His eyes opening wide with a tinge of fear as he looked at the beautiful woman in his arms.

“Hmmm looks like I underestimated you, those breeches I made will need to be resized.” Her hand tightly remained latched onto Frost’s still engorging manhood while she pulled from his lips and whispered seductively.

Frost’s face showed a tense expression, he was very much turned on at the moment, but Daki quite literally held his future in the palm of her hand. No matter how strong a man becomes that area will always be a weakness and Daki had grasped that weakness. He didn’t dare tease her further lest she do something that they’d both regret.


The two of them continued this staring stalemate waiting for the other to break away first, all while both their bodies grew hotter, their positions being very suggestive plus Frost’s manhood continued to grow and push open Daki’s hand despite her increasing her grip. Her previously confident eyes wavered as she felt his true size, her lips quivering in both fear and desire. Frost would put most orcs to shame and was far more handsome. This man before her became more and more delectable.

Eventually Frost caved first, his embarrassment and confidence in restraining his natural urges weakened. “Daki could you please let go?” He spoke through laboured breaths, each second this continued was a desperate battle.

“Hmmmmm” Daki was in a daze, her large hand had instinctively started to grope up and down, similar to how Frost reacted once his hand reached her ass. Frost’s face was completely red at the moment as intense waves of pleasure flowed through his body with every movement of her hand.

“Daki!” Frost roared to get her attention, any longer and there’d be a real messy situation.

“Ah!” Daki woke from her daze and quickly realised what she was doing. Her hand quickly pulled off of Frost’s manhood and she took several steps back, her eyes showing surprise. She only intended to steal a kiss and lightly threaten him not passionately grope his thing.

The two stood in silence for a minute or two as they recollected their thought and emotions, the steamy atmosphere slowly returning to normal. Daki appeared quite meek after she calmed down whereas Frost was still in a fair amount of shock. Ignoring the groping she did which in fairness he started by feeling up her ass, that was his first kiss, something he hadn’t even done with Maya yet. He brought his fingers up to his lips, they were still warm and slightly swollen but he remembered the feeling. Kissing Daki felt electrifying as though his whole body melted in pleasure, he wondered if kissing Maya would have a similar feeling or even better.

“That was my first kiss by the way.” Frost said with a smile, holding no blame toward the beautiful orc.

“What? Really? You’ve not even kissed her?” Daki was shocked, not expecting such a statement from him. He was supposed to be in a serious relationship with this super attractive woman that made him invulnerable to her charms, yet they hadn’t even kissed, that was unbelievable as well as a good sign for Daki. She managed to steal one of his firsts, perhaps she can claim his others, then regardless of how charming the other woman was she’d always be in his heart.

‘Wait that return kiss of his was just based on instinct, damn.’ She exclaimed in her mind as she remembered the smooth action of his tongue against hers that sent shivers throughout her body, making her legs feel weak. If she wasn’t so preoccupied with getting a little revenge and succumbed to Frost’s kiss she’d likely would have turned to jelly, failing into his chest, completely at his mercy.

“My relationship with Maya is still starting out, we haven’t reached such a point yet.” Frost’s mind was suddenly filled with images of Maya, of their encounters and flirtatious situations which mostly involved him being teased. Then he remembered the time they were alone in the private space drinking wine in celebration of his win against Gobuske. The mood then was suggestive, a missed opportunity.

Daki saw the lovelorn look in Frost’s eyes and felt strong pangs of jealousy in her heart, they hadn’t even kissed yet she occupied so much of his heart.

“You really love her don’t you?” She said with slight pain.

Frost pondered the question, searching his heart for the answer before he smiled joyfully, looking Daki straight in the eyes.

“Yes I do, I love Maya, I think of her nearly every day and I feel lonely without her by my side.” His heart felt freed as he boldly proclaimed his feelings out loud. Daki however felt crushed, a strong sense of sadness filled her, her eyes grew red and misty as she understood the magnitude of Frost’s feelings. She turned her head away, not willing to show Frost her tears but Frost wasn’t done talking.

He looked at the beautiful orc woman who was almost in tears before stepping forward and embracing her in his arms. “But I also have feelings for you Daki. Since the moment we met you’ve filled my mind and just from seeing your face today I couldn’t help but smile. We flirted and I enjoyed every second of it and then you stole my first kiss, leaving your mark in my heart forever more. I don’t know if its love, but I do know that I want to be near you, see you laugh, hold you in my arms and gaze into those beautiful big eyes of yours.” He cupped her chin and forced her to look into his eyes, that were filled with affection. Her tears that had she tried to hold back now flowed down her cheeks like waterfalls. At this moment she completely fell for the man before her, he was the one she’d always been searching for. She didn’t care that she wouldn’t be the only woman in his heart as long as she was there. Polygamy was common within Nova especially among those with power and status.

Frost decided that he had to have her, Daki would be his and no one else’s. He pulled her chin close and planted his lips on hers returning the kiss, he moved much more gently, displaying his feelings though actions. Daki’s tears continued to flow but from happiness instead of sadness. The two of them continued to kiss and hold one another for over a minute, their lips sufficiently swollen once they broke off, making them look quite comical.

“Hahahahhaha” Frost and Daki both laughed as their happiness couldn’t be contained, they remained entwined in one another’s arms, reluctant to let go. But go they must, they had a large group of people waiting for them at the restaurant.

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