Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 430 The Arena 3

"By Azura! By Azura! By Azura! That was an amazing fight... Marvelous... Magnificent... Legendary..."

"SHUT UP!" Even Mirren was fed up by the Arena Master.

"This old man is giving me some serious Deja Vu." Jon murmured while sitting on the side.

"Ahahaha! Young people, you are always low on patience. Here here, want some juice, vitamins, cheering? Don’t worry, I’ll annoy you."

"Wait... What?"

"I won’t annoy you."

"Oh... No thanks, it’s rude to make an old-timer work around." Jon said begging for a moment of peace.

"Oh! How very thoughtful. I’ll go and see something to do then, your match is in ten minutes."

As the Arena Master was finally away, Jon and Mirren let out a sigh of relief.

"That was close."

"This old man can cause mental damage more than anything I ever encountered."

As the two complained, Jon started going through the Cube seeing the new employee he managed to kidnap and the weapons he is going to use afterward.

"Hey, how did you jump in the air like that?" Mirren asked.

"Jump in the air? Oh! You mean the last move? Hehe, it was not jumping or anything... I was pretending to jump."

"... Meaning?"

"I was flying but you know... the Levitation Act in the Empire forbids any spells that enable a mage to levitate so I kinda made look like I was using some mystical martial arts! Hahahaha!"

"God! How shrewd can one man be? Still, I haven’t seen you casting a Levitation spell."

"Right. I was using those?" Jon said raising up his feet.

"Those? Your... feet?"

"No, silly. Don’t you notice anything different about my boots?" Jon said.

"Why would I even recognize your boots, you dimwitted human?" Mirren said putting on Altmer air.

"... I can tell what you did this morning by looking at your clothes, tell what you ate by looking at your sleeves, tell where have you been by looking at your boots. By the looks of it, you ate bread with goat cheese before going for a light walk then you got cornered by Isha judging by the dirt you couldn’t dust off on your back... wait! Did you two make out in a bush again?"

"..." Mirren’s mouth opened wide and didn’t know what to do.

"So... the boots." Jon said.

"Right, they look like a pair of very interesting boots." Mirren tried not to remember what happened just a second ago.

"Well indeed they are, I took the Ebony plating from my old boots which carried the enchantment and added this to these boots which carried a similar enchantment. Linking the two enchantments together, I made a new artifact that I call [Ahzidal’s Boots of the Apostle]."


[Ahzidal’s Boots of the Apostle] <Nordic Ebony>

⦁ Levitation

⦁ Waterwalking

⦁ Fortify Speed


"Linking enchantments?"

"Yes, it is a thing I discovered after studying the [Tools of Kagrenac]. Sunder, Keening, and Wraithguard have a lot of enchantments on each which defies sense. A Mortal have but two hands and can’t cast more than two spells at a time so the enchantment logical limit is two. To bypass the limit, you need two pieces that share one similar enchantment. Link that similar enchantment and TADA!!! You have created an item with three enchantments of two items with two enchantments each. Sadly, overdoing things after that point causes the magic lining to break off so I don’t know how to add a fourth enchantment but hey... neither did the Dwemer."

"Okay, great. That’s really interesting. I understood everything." Mirren said so while slipping away.

"Tsk! You sad excuse of a High Elf."

Jon felt better after annoying someone for some time and got up for his next match.

The spectators around the Arena seemed to have increased as the noise became louder. The news of Jon beating down Javelin the Minotaur spread very fast and people came hurling to the Arena. A strong contender like Jon appearing means that the gambling will flourish and luck will play his game.

The first match had one-third of the seats full and now the half was already taken. By that constant stream of people, the odds looked promising.

Still, Jon was already content with that many people. News will spread far and wide just by the looks of it add to that the strong Auras he felt between the spectators. Many eyes were already here, mostly mages and people invested in the arcane arts. Those people should be interested in his magic and magical artifacts.

"Let’s give them a scare, shall we?" Jon said while pulling out his personal magic book.


The cheeky announcer kept going on and on about the next match until the teams were introduced. Jon, representing the Blue Team, will face multiple opponents at once all trying to advance from the rank ’Brawler’ to the higher rank.

After being announced one by one, Jon’s turn came last and he walked right in as all were looking at him.

"The Blue team has one combatant, the Red and the Indigo team has three while the Green team has two. Who will triumph in the match? Let’s find out!"

And with that, the match began between nine combatants or rather, between eight against one.

All of them saw Jon as a threat after the last match.

"Get him first!"

Three Mages and five Warriors formed a united front no matter what team they came from.

"Haha! This will be fun. Let’s see..."

Jon’s hand let up with Lightning as charged a strong spell right from the get-go. Once it was complete, Jon cast it around him and the ground was lit with blinding light. By the next second, Jon was surrounded in a Cage of Lighting.

A variation from ’Wall of Storms’ spell but rather envelopes its caster from all angles. Jon calls it [Lightning Cage]. An Expert ranked spell.

The warriors charging and the mages shooting magic at him were all stopped by the incredible density of the spell. If a blade tried to bypass the spell, it will shock its wielder, and spells are pretty much useless against such a high ranked magic.

Only certain arrows can pass.

"Conjure a Dremora Archer." The Mages decided to perform a dangerous spell together to take down Jon in the middle of his protective array.

Jon wasn’t really concerned, he could feel the mages mustering up their magics to do a summon but he had his spell as well. He opened his spellbook under the ’Classification: Mysticism’ and the ’Archetype: Time’, Jon looked a certain set of runes.

In his mind, it was a fancy spell but not too effective and very costly on Magicka. Still, it will make the mages shudder in terror.

A Master-ranked Mysticism spell.

Jon put his hands together for a dual casting and focused the purest Magicka from his Energy Center on this one. A golden light started to form between his hands.

"Healing... No, Sun Magic?" a mage asked his colleague as they were blending in the crowd.

"No..." The latter shook his head. "It feels more profound."

Hasty educated and uneducated guesses tried to estimate and recognize Jon’s spell but no one was sure. The mages in the Arena were also keeping an eye on Jon.

"Interrupt him! If a strong spell got interrupted, he may injure himself." One called for the warriors.

Right away, one of the warriors threw his spear towards Jon with all his vigor making it bypass the [Lightning Cage] and hurl at Jon’s shoulder but out of Jon’s shadow, a black mass moved on its own and swallowed the spear then shot it back with a greater force.

The warriors managed to dodge on time.

That just now was Nefertiti manipulating [Greed] to protect Jon but it appeared as if Jon’s shadow had a mind of its own and guarded its owner rendering many confused about how it happened.

"We’re done."

The three mages managed to conjure three Dremora Archers each and Jon’s opponent were doubled.

"Kill the mortal."

"I’ll feast on your blood."

"You will fall."

The Dremora acted like the cliche villains they are as they aimed their bows at Jon.

On the other hand, Jon has just finished constructing his spell and charged it with Magicka. Now was the time for the decisive spell.

The golden spell enveloped Jon more and changes started to happen. In the middle of the Arena, golden ghosts started to form as they moved in fast action.

The action was not natural and seemed to be like they were rewinding what they were doing fast. Just now, ghosts of Jon fighting Jax the Minotaur appeared. They were rewound to the start of their fight then stopped and moved to the side. The golden ghosts started to roam again and a few more figures appeared.

"Those... those are the fighters from yesterday." A kid pointed out to the man beside him recognizing some of the figures.

"Yesterday?" a nearby mage heard what the kid said.

Golden ghosts started to appear and be moved to the side very fast until Jon formed a team of twenty golden ghosts.

He smiled as he gave them a command.

Just like that, the golden version of Jon and Jax jumped towards the Dremora Archers who were dumbstruck from the scene as well.

"What? What are those?" The mages behind the dremora shuddered.

The mages outside the arena were also starting to stand on their feet.

A few magics had golden auras, most notable is the Healing magic and the Sun magic but most mysterious is the Time Magic.

What Jon did just now was to summon ghosts from the past or as he calls it, [Ghosts of Time].

Every one of those ghosts had the full fighting ability of the same time it was from the time it was pulled from. The spell is completely safe as it only pulls time records without doing any edits to the past events or the multiple timelines and realities thus possible to cast and cannot cause a Dragon Break.

But that was not the focal point. Just now, those ’Time Ghosts’ can use the same exact abilities from that time they were pulled from.


The ghost of Jax stomped forwards and stomped his hoof creating a drumming sound a pool of flames under his hoof, the ghost of Jon let out the chains from his gauntlets and pulled two mages in the flame pool, the other ghosts of yesterday’s combatants all charged to the fight like one shooting their special skills and their Auras.

A team of eight warriors and mages wouldn’t last a few seconds against such a tide. Heads were decapitated, limbs flew around and guts spilled on the ground.

A few walk out of the Arena alive after being defeated and as always, no mercy for the loser.

The eight combatants fought admirably back to back until the last one was ramed by Jax and RKOed by Jon from mid-air. After that, Jon deactivated the spell and the [Lightning Cage].

He looked around and raised his hands up for the cheering crowd putting on an innocent smile and a silly face.

Common people responded to him by the usual cheers and the new spectators were amazed by the magical ability but the most concerned people where the one who found out the nature of the magic from a while ago.

The spell that Jon used was clearly magnificent but its major drawback was how every action the time ghosts took required Magicka and pulling a good enough ’Past Record’ was incredibly hard. Only Jon knew those flaws but others saw the potential of the spell and it made them shudder.

Nearly every place in the Imperial City had a hero walked around through it. If someone like Jon can conjure the powerhouses from the past or the present then there are no secrets anymore.

Chaos erupted in their minds and Jon’s magic was clear.


"Sir Jon Dare has trounced his foe .. pounded them soundly, immersed them woe.

A ’Brawler’ no more as he is a ’Bloodletter’, walking with glory declared as Winner!"

The Announcer declared as Jon walked out of the Arena to the Bloodworks thinking what methods he should try in the coming matches.



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