Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 429 The Arena 1, 2

Double Chapter! Daily + Monthly Extra!


The Arena was shaking. Moments of Hype on moments of Shock came one after another as one man started dominating the ranks for a full day. He displayed skills that can’t be explained and cast spells that made the crowds go crazy.

Nirn had many champions and powerhouses and the Imperial Arena was a gathering for the Elites. In the eyes of the public, the Grand Champion is the top dog and in the eyes of the powerhouses, the secret masters are the marvel of Martial Arts and Magic Arts but few could explain today’s skills. Artifacts, Magic, Ancient Arts, Unrecognizable Skills and many more.

Still, the hype was real. Each match was better than the one before it.

The question that remained in the hearts of many people, who is Jon Dare?


*Some hours earlier in the Bloodworks (waiting room)*

"Just why on Nirn do I have to wear that?" Jon asked the Arena Master.

"The Arena Raiment is a must I’m afraid. Don’t worry, it is clean and enchanted and all, I polish those ones myself. Wonderful, isn’t it? Just put on one and go, you can’t imagine how the reaction of the public was when the news spread. Oh! It must be a dream, I am really dreaming. Ahahahaha..."

The chatterbox Arena Master irritated the nine lives out of Jon but that mysterious old Bosmer was still a master warrior. Jon had to tread carefully around him.

Still, being forced to wear one of those low-grade armors in order to participate... a rich guy like Jon was signing in his heart.

"Fine. Give me a second to put on the rest of my gear." Jon agreed and disappeared in a changing room followed by Mirren.

The two went in and Mirren stared at Jon.

"Heavy Raiment or light one?" He asked.

"Won’t make a difference but I prefer heavy. Give me the biggest size you find." Jon said while retrieving an Enchanting Table from the Cube.

Mirren brought the biggest Raiment he found and put it in front of Jon.

"Smells like an Orc."


The two used magic to clean the Armor and Jon dissolved the Enchantment as fast as he could. The Arena Raiments normally have a movement and a charisma boosting enchantments so Jon only needed to focus on those.

He added ’Fortify Dexterity’ and ’Fortify Charm’ with a Grand Soul molded inside the [Star of Azura]. It took him quite a while but Jon can be already considered one of the best enchanters in Tamriel. Whether it is Linking Enchantments, Binary Enchantments or Merging Enchantments; Jon is a Master of the Art.

Yesterday, he worked on a piece of gear after the clash between him and Darius settled down. He created another piece of marvel that he intends to use in the matches.

His most notable artifacts were [Ahzidal’s Evil Fists], [Kyne’s Greater Token], [The Elder Staff, Pride], [The Shadow Aether, Greed] as well as [Ahzidal’s Helm of Vision] that he didn’t use in a while.

The Helm was a Nordic Gjermundbu made of Ebony and got its ceremonial horns pulled out to not get in the way. After reforging by Wulfur, the Helm was personally carried by Jon around but he was using [Krilon] instead. Now that Jon and his secret identity as the mercenary Krilon had to stay separate, Jon finally found a chance to publicly associate himself with this fancy helmet.


[Ahzidal’s Helm of Vision] <Nordic Ebony>

- Fortify Range

- Aim Assist


"How do I look?" Jon asked.

"Acceptable on human standards." Mirren replied.

"Oh! That’s nice coming out from you."

"I am not an ungrateful person. I haven’t thanked you for yesterday and it was really unnecessary to spend 1000 gold to settle my dispute." Mirren said.

"Oh... don’t worry. Even if it wasn’t for you, challenging the Grand Champion is one of the best methods to grab attention."

"Oh... so that fool has a use in the end. Glad to hear. Best of Luck, Jon Dare."

"Thanks." Jon fist-bumped with Mirren and flipped the [Old Man’s Coin] on his way to the Arena but before doing so, he put on a blue badge on his arm.

"The Blue team, it has been a long while since the badge was carried. Now with the emergence of the Red, Green and Indigo teams, this badge was gathering dust for a long time." The Arena Master appeared beside Jon.

"Where do you come from?" Jon asked as he didn’t notice the man’s presence at all.

"Fufufu, the secret of the craft. Don’t go out there until you are introduced. As we agreed, make the first match as explosive as possible."

"Fine. I am ready."

"Alright." The Arena Master pulled a chain on the walls and the iron gate opened.


*The Arena*

Last night, a rumor spread around the city like wildfire. The Grand Champion had a disagreement with a Noble from the north and the Noble decided to book all the Arena fights tomorrow all by himself for a 1000 Gold Septims.

The news was very unusual during these times of political unrest and high prices and many people were hooked up for entertainment. Of course, it wasn’t that big of a deal as the Arena was not even one-third full by the next day. People would come here daily to gamble but it wasn’t anything as glorious as the Seasonal Tournaments.

That’s why the Arena had barely this much spectators.

In the VIP section, Vittoria and her friends gathered up while Miranda and Isha blended in the crowd. They had to spread some words and pay some crowd influencers and bards.

As the largest Arena on Tamriel, the colosseum-like building was designed to house all manner of monsters and inmates. Jon’s contribution guaranteed him all kinds of matches he desires.

Still, he was bound by the rules, he has to use the Arena’s Armor, he can’t loot enemies aside from picking up arrows, he has to start from the rank ’Pit Dog’ no matter how much he disliked it, and he can use about any style, weapon or magic he wants.

And that’s how things have to go.

The announcer stood on his platforms with a shining trumpet in his hands, he blew the trumpet for all gathered to quiet down and spoke in a sonorous voice.

"Behold Sirs Gentle and Ladies in seats, the truth of news you heard on the streets.

In the city comes a visitor to Cyrod, in Skyrim he is famed but not... in Valenwood.

Sir Jonhild Firemane you know him Jon Dare, a giants’ descendant with hair as a flare."

By the announcement, Jon walked out from the Bloodworks to the Arena carrying his helm high up for the cheering crowd.

From the looks of it, the Arena was larger and had more pressure than what he imagined. The scale from the Game to the Real World was always 1 to 10 as it seemed.

"Sir Jon team is blue with no members to support, walking in lone without any escort.

He raises his hand and salutes the crowd, and the spectators reply with a cheer so loud."

Jon walked and stood in the middle of the Arena. He looked to the Arena Master and gave a nod.

"Sir Jon carries no weapon so Magic I reckon, and eager to start with a nod he beckons.

The opposite gates open and his opponent will appear, dreadful for the newbies and its sight brings drear."

The opposite gate opened and a strong presence came from there, it was by no means human. What followed was no footsteps but rather hoof stomps, the identity of the opponent was clear.

A Minotaur.

"It is Javelin!"


"Dammit! I bet my money on Jon Dare. I shouldn’t have been this hasty."

The crowd reacted with negativity. apparently, that Javelin fellow is bloodthirsty minotaur known as the Newbies Killer. The three meters tall towering minotaur walked while dragging chains in his arms and legs. Once he was out in the Arena, the gate behind him closed and his binds went off.

The Minotaur was unarmed or unarmored but the Arena Servants threw him a large blade that befitted his size. He carried the blade on his shoulder and faced Jon.

Jon looked at the Minotaur with interest.

"Last time I faced one of your kind, I didn’t have a proper fight." Jon said.

"..." The Minotaur didn’t seem to be interested in replying or rather didn’t seem to understand the common language.

He looked at Jon with solemn eyes sure of his victory a pitying the poor soul that will face its end by his hands while murmuring in its native tongues.

{Another human to kill... how annoying.}

{Hey, heard that!}

Somehow, Jon replied in the Minotaur tongue.

{...} The minotaur looked at Jon with expressions daunting what it just heard.

In truth, Jon can speak the Shamanic Wild Tongue, the Druidic Spirit, the Draconic, the Ta’agra, and the Elven. The Shamanic Wild Tongue was what the minotaurs used.

{Human, did you just talk?} The Minotaur roared.

{I don’t know what you are surprised by that? Human’s talk... you know.}

{... Don’t test me! I’ll get angry.} The Minotaurs stomped while saying so.

{Well, ain’t you an easy guy to tease!} Jon was baffled by the Minotaur’s sense.

{Humph! Human, are you a minotaur slaver?}

{Is that a thing?}

{I said DON’T TEST ME!} The Minotaur stomped the ground once again making a strong sound with his hoof.

{Okay... jeez. No, I am not a slaver. I am a Mage and my name is Jon Dare.}

{*Snort* I don’t ask for every human’s name I get to kill. Speak, how do you speak in my tongue?}

{Well ain’t you a rude one! Want to know how I learned that tongue? You have to earn that, fella... Javelin, is that your name?}

{NO! It is Javeliaronfiuxos Drum-Hoof. Stupid humans can’t even get one name right!} The Minotaur roared in anger.

{Oh! That’s... a nice name. I’ll call you Jax for short.}

From what Jon can tell, the longer the name, the higher the status in the Minotaur community so he made the name even shorter.

{I met a Minotaur called Molvus Black-Horn once, know of him?}

The Minotaur, or rather Jax, looked solemn for a second before his eyes turn bloodshot and his snot let out a strong breath. He held the blades with two hands and seemed to be willing to send Jon to Oblivion just by hearing the name.


Losing all sense, Jax aimed for Jon’s head as he charged with the blade. Jon disappeared in second and appeared where Jax was before the charge.

{Easy there.}



(Part 2)

Seeing a human and a minotaur talk was by no means usual. The whole Arena felt it was quite a strange scene but rather not fun. Simple folk only want to see blood, guts, and limbs so when Jax attacked Jon and the latter dodged at the last second, the whole crowd cheered.

Someone teleporting like that was not something they see every day.

Still, hidden in the crowd, many eyes were not even interested in the fight. Those were the ones who know what the name ’Jon Dare’ means.

Mages from the Arcane University of the Imperial City, Agents from various intelligence agencies and various kinds of people all what they have in common is an interest in Jon Dare. All of those people can agree on one thing right now and it is how problematic Jon’s actions were once he popped up out of the blue in the Imperial City and made a big scene like yesterday’s.

All the interested parties knew that Jon Dare is no easy asset to make use of so they were all on the ’wait and see’ mode. Undoubtedly, the Thalmor spies in the capital must also be sending emergency signals to their nearest outposts.

Still, the fight in the Arena right now was a good way to assess what Jon Dare is capable of doing.

After he Teleported behind the Minotaur, he didn’t attack but rather put his helmet on and raised his fists up.

"Is he... going against the Minotaur... barehanded?"

None would believe that a human can put up a fight against a Minotaur with the power of Jax just barehanded. Jon, however, squeezed his hands while taking a stance and charged at Jax.

{Weak human!} Jax was infuriated and stomped towards Jon.

"Idiot Minotaur!"

Jon’s leg redirected Jax’s stomp towards him and with a punch, Jon buried his first in Jax’s abdomen sending the Minotaur five meters to the back.


The crowd erupted seeing Jon punch a Minotaur and forcing it to retreat.

Jax massaged his abdomen and glared at Jon. The Minotaur recognized Jon as a threat now. It stomped in its place the charged at Jon with all its might. Jon took the charge from the side by catching Jax by his horns and twisting his body sending the Minotaur away by a drop move.

Jax crashed back on its face but got up right away while foaming from anger.

Jon was having fun. His opponent was larger than him and physically very strong, such a chance to have a suitable sparring partner wouldn’t come every day.

Jax, however, learned from his mistakes. Jon is not his run in the mill human so he needs to come up with an idea.

The Minotaur positioned his blade up front and took a slow approach to Jon who raised his arms and put a guard.


Jax’s coming attack was a stab that Jon pushed away with the back of his hand, the second was an up-down slash but Jon countered before the attack would come in a palm strike pushing Jax a step back.

{Not a chance!}

Seeing Jon this close, Jax wanted to slash at him as fast as he can from the side but as the slash was about to hit, Jon was up in the air at Jax’s eye level performing a flying kick.

The head of the Minotaur realized the pain and at that moment, Jax realized he would lose to Jon if this continued and losing is sure death. That’s the fate of any minotaur fighting in the Arena.

Jax had to step up his game.

With his will to survive burning inside him, Jax unleashed a flaming strike from his blade enveloping five meters radius around him. He could see Jon getting swallowed by his flame.

As his flame settled down, Jax looked around to see nothing around him.

{Wow! Didn’t expect you’re a Shaman.} A voice came from above him.

Jax looked up to see a man standing on his horns.

{... H- How?}

{A simple trick. But now that you used Magic, I think it is my turn.}

Jon jumped up and descended on Jax’s shoulder with an axe kick disarming him from his blade, as he reached the ground Jon jumped with a double kick to Jax’s abdomen pushing him back.

The Minotaur became irritated and stomped hard on the ground making fire spread from his hoof in a pool of flames. The crowd cheered and screamed as they saw the scene turn more heated than usual.

Jon didn’t care how much flame can Jax summon, he admired the physical ability of the Minotaur that was on bar with his but if it is magic...

"WULD NAH KEST!" (Whirlwind Fury Tempest)

Jon lowered his posture and put his arms forward, with the [Whirlwind Sprint] shout, he was unleashed forward like a loosen arrow. Jax saw Jon coming in his flame pool and readied to face him.

A clash happened in the fiery ring and Jax was pushed back out of it with Jon. The two were looking hands and pushing against each other.

The crowd jumped from the sight as a man and a man-bull were pushing each other around with mere physical strength. Jax was on the losing side.

{Human! You are... strong.}

{I am just getting started.}

Jon suddenly pulled back instead of pushing forward and fell on his back intentionally with Jax over him, at that moment...

"FUS RO DAH!" Jon unleashed the [Unrelenting Force] on Jax that was over him.

Being on top, Jax felt the energy breaking him apart as he was launched in the sky for who knows how many meters. From the sidelines, the people saw Jax get tossed up for almost twenty meters.

"Not so fast!"

Surprisingly, Jon was right after him in the weirdest of ways. He was jumping up the sky and standing on nothingness as if there was something to stand on. Each step he took was as if a hidden platform waiting for him and with each jump, a strange force appeared under his feet.

In a couple of seconds, he was over Jax.

"Now, get rekt!" The chains of Jon’s gauntlets held on Jax by his arms as Jon’s fists lit up with lightning.

Two [Thunder Cookie] spells descended on Jax sending the two of them down on the Arena ground as fast as a falling bolt of lightning.

The crowd were maddened by what happened and waited for the dust to settle only to see Jon standing alone with a pile of pale as under him.

It was the shaking truth, Jon’s opponent disintegrated from the attack.

To disintegrate a colossal minotaur such as Jax, or Javelin as the people knew him, what kind of destructive force can that man simply wield.

"... Amazing!"

"I didn’t lose my money! I didn’t lose!"


"HE WON! By the Eight!"

The people were screaming from the heated fight as Jon took off his helm looking as good as he entered the fight. He waved to the people around him and acted as the Arena Idol.

This show of power was on purpose. Not anyone can defeat Jax the Minotaur by just fighting head-on. This meant that Jon is going to skip a rank by just that fight alone.

Actually, it was a prior arrangement that Jon fights the meanest Minotaur in the Arena to make a big scene from the start. Now after half an hour of rest, the news should spread around the Arena district like wildfire.

The announcer blew his trumpet and thought of some words to say.

"Sir Jon won the fight and turn his foe into dust, he blew it sky-high and with a thundering gust.

Sir Jon is no longer a Pit Dog but a Brawler, A warrior and a mage and also a hauler.

The ’Thunder Voice’ people call him with a cheer, his next fight is drawing don’t stray and stay near.

His opponents..."

"Any chance you say that coming part normally?" Jon called for the announcer.

"None at all! Ehem...

His opponents are from all teams next round, a royal battle that knows no bounds."

Jon sighed from the cheeky announcer and his rhymes and then headed back to the Bloodworks.


In a barely let room with smooth stone floor, Jax opened his eyes.

He was dizzy but felt something in his hand, staggering to sit up with, he shook his fuzzy head and looked at what’s in his hands.

It was a Token of Kyne!

Jax was bewildered to see such a tribal sign in his hand. Only a few have the honor to bear the token of the mother of beasts.

He came to his senses right away and looked at the strange space around him to only see a black cat sitting on a chair lazily staring at him.

"Where am I?"

"You are hired." The cat replied.

"... huh?" Jax couldn’t comprehend how a cat replied at him.

Nefertiti kindly explained further.

"He needs a punching bag... you are hired."



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