Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 174

Chapter 174: Puula’s Requested Meeting

The fox led the guests toward the main building, passing a few open courtyards and even what appeared to be a small library. This caught Haldon’s eye but Ajuur’s eyes were busy elsewhere. The wolf young master made sure to inspect every fox they passed and allow his wandering eyes to linger on anyone female.

“Please forgive our naive young master,” Haldon suddenly mentioned with the slight bow of his head.

A bit surprised by the comment, the female guide nodded lightly in response. “Thank you. We would appreciate it if he was able to control himself better, given how he’s here to visit our young mistress. I’m unsure how they’ll get along as of now.”

“Thank you for informing us. Now, please act according to your station, Master Ajuur.”

“Of course, Haldon. Forgive my momentary lack of control,” replied the younger wolf, sharing a sly but friendly smile. “I’ll make sure to handle myself properly from now on.”

“Thank you. Now, right this way.”

The front entrance of their main building was open, allowing the guide to lead the guests directly to the fox clan’s most accommodating meeting area. Upon entry, the wolves were taken aback by the humble bow of the largest fox they’d seen, but Haldon recovered instantly and bowed in return.


“Thank you for visiting us. I’m the current chief of the Vanishing-night Fox Clan, Puula. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

“It’s an honor, Chief Puula.” Haldon bowed along with the other two escorts, quickly followed by their stunned young master. “I’m sorry for the short notice that we offered. We were hoping to meet as soon as possible, and managed to inconvenience you.”

“There was no inconvenience caused, so lift your heads.” Scanning over the four wolves, Puula’s eyes lingered mostly on stoic escort and the youngest wolf. “I suppose that you’re Young Master Ajuur, correct? Would you care to introduce your escorts?”

“That’s of little consequence,” stated Ajuur, irked by Haldon not allowing him to handle the situation. “Indeed, I’m Ajuur, son of the Dark Wolf chief and leader of the Dark Wolf Territory. It’s a pleasure to come and visit your marvelous abode.”

“The honor is ours. Now please, take a seat so we can talk properly.”

Ajuur casually neared one of the cushions opposite Puula, sitting down while taking a moment to admire the beauty of Puula’s pristine fur coat.

“I would call upon my daughter at this time but she’s currently in the middle of a crucial step of her cultivation,” admitted Puula. “She’s recently become a low-adept and is quite focused on stabilizing her essence to the best of her abilities.”

“That’s to be expected of a girl with perfect affinity. For her to be so diligent in cultivation is a great sign of her temperament,” commented Haldon, who was standing behind Ajuur to the right.

Chuckling, Puula replied, “Thank you, I’m sure she would appreciate such a remark. She’s quite engrossed in her training, proving to make leaps and bounds over and over again when we least expect it. According to her instructors at Iron Academy, she’s growing much quicker than expected and may soon become the private pupil of the high-perennial overseeing the academy.”

“So there is a high-perennial here? I was told the strongest gorilla had barely become a mid-perennial?” questioned Ajuur, getting a strange look from Haldon and the escorts.

“It’s true that our territory leader only ascended this past year, but his strength is more than real. The high-perennial, though, is a leopard and long-time friend of the territory leader. He specializes in dark essence, making him the perfect instructor for my daughter,” stated Puula. “But let’s continue with the true topic at hand. You’ve come to visit my daughter, but I’m afraid she’s yet to return home. I’m sorry but can I offer you anything while we wait for her? Perhaps some food or drink?”

“We’ll be–”

“That would be great!” Ajuur replied, ignoring Haldon’s attempted comment.

“Then food will be out shortly. Now, may I ask a few questions regarding your Dark Wolf Clan?”

“Go right ahead.”

Nodding to both Ajuur and the competent escort that Ajuur had refused to name, Puula began listing off her questions, “How long has your clan been in charge of your territory?”

“Since my great grandfather took over. We’ve been leading Dark Wolf Territory ever since,” answered Ajuur.

“How strong is your clan at the moment?”

“We’re more than just strong. With four perennials, we’re more than capable of controlling our territory for years and years to come. And soon, my eldest brothers will become our fifth and sixth perennials.”

“Oh? And how soon are they expected to ascend?”

“Any time now!”

Blinking, Puula glanced at Haldon. “What’s your name? As a fellow perennial, I find it improper to not allow you to sit and speak along with us.”

Nodding, the largest wolf took a seat between Ajuur and Puula, sitting a bit closer to his clan’s young master. “I’m Haldon, the man charged to escort and care for Young Master Ajuur. I’m only an early-perennial, so there’s no need for you, a low-perennial to be so caring.”

“Nonsense. I’ve recently ascended so I understand your level well. Now, I ask for complete honesty. How soon are your two eldest young masters expected to ascend?” Puula asked again.

“I told you–”

“Within a year or two for the eldest, and within five to ten years for the second eldest,” answered Haldon.

Smiling slightly, Puula sighed. “Good... Perhaps Young Master Ajuur’s a bit too naive to best handle discussions alone. It was wise of your chief to send you, Haldon. I assume you already understand what our role is within the Iron Territory, though Young Master Ajuur seems to have either forgotten or ignored your report on us.”

Snickering lightly, Haldon sighed. “That’s correct.”

“Then I’ll make ourselves clear to help instruct your young master,” Puula mentioned, eyeing the younger wolf. “As those charged with gathering intelligence for the territory, how could we not investigate the neighboring territories, even those two territories over? In short, as Haldon has expected, I already know the answer to my every question. So why not be transparent from the start?”

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