Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 173

Chapter 173: Settling a Meaningless Dispute

Livid upon being treated so casually by someone he commonly lauded over, Ajuur snarled. “Wilburn, we’ll be purchasing everything you have left, so we’ll be expecting a great discount. Please, show us your wares.”

“I’m sorry, but I’ve got a prior engagement that I must fulfill. Since the little miss has already made her purchase, I should close up shop before leaving to handle my other responsibilities,” replied Wilburn, still speaking confidently but with a hint of hesitation.

“Wilburn, that’s not how you treat such valuable customers,” refuted Ajuur with an unfriendly and vengeful glare. “We’re buying everything, so treat us with the respect we deserve! If everyone is equal here, then why treat us unfairly compared to that weak fox?”

“Are you talking about the weak fox that left you on the floor?”

A deep voice sounded out from behind the small wolf pack, startling them. The lone wolf that had kept quiet was the only one to have seen the new arrival coming and the only one unfazed.

“That girl dared to–”

“I’ll give you a single warning despite her already telling you the same thing. Your clan’s reputation carries significant weight.”



“But not enough weight to allow you to overlook the laws of the territory,” continued the wildebeest, looking down on the wolf young master. “Upset the balance that we have, and I’ll be one of the first to escort you from the town, or even the territory if necessary.”


“Come, Master Ajuur,” finally, the silent escort spoke. “We haven’t come to find our territory’s former merchant but to meet with the Vanishing-night Foxes. Would you care pointing us in the right direction, sir?”

“Haldon, There’s no need to rush–”

“Head northeast,” the wildebeest calmly explained. “Upon entering the wooded area, keep following the concrete road. Eventually, you’ll reach their property.”

“Thank you. Now, Master Ajuur, we should be going.” The stern escort gave the young master a shove, unafraid of being a little forceful with the brat of his clan’s leading family. “Please, don’t make a scene or bring our clan any more disrespect.”

Falling silent, Ajuur begrudgingly nodded and glared lightly at the familiar merchant. “It was nice seeing you, Wilburn. I’ll make sure to remember where to find you if needed.”

“Move along, Master Ajuur!” Haldon continued to pressure the younger wolf forward, not letting him linger and tarnish their clan’s name any longer.

As the wolf backed away, the merchant sighed and smiled at the large wildebeest. “Thank you.”

“I was only doing my job, Wilburn. There’s no need to thank me for taking out some trash. Though that one would’ve been a problem if things had gotten messy.”

“Either way, thank you, Eephran. All of us merchants are happy to have you looking out for us,” mentioned the merchant.

“Don’t thank me, thank the Iron-body Gorillas. They’re the ones ambitious enough to create such a place. And they’re the only clan I know with the capability to make it happen,” Eephran stated with the slight shake of his head. “Though I don’t remember hearing a report of perennial wolves planning a visit to the territory... If they’ve come to meet the foxes unannounced is one thing, but if not, Puula should’ve given the rest of us notice.”

“If you need any info on them or their clan, I’m more than willing to offer my services,” mentioned Wilburn with a humble smile. “I’ve sold merchandise in many neighboring territories, including the Dark Wolf Territory they lord over.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you, Wilburn.”

“No, thank you!”

While Eephran and Wilburn wrapped up their conversation, the wolves made their way through the half-constructed town. Nearly all buildings were half-built and unready for living, but the sheer amount of half-constructed buildings showed Iron Territory’s ambition. It wouldn’t be large enough to be called a major city, but it would be set up to eventually become one.

“Haldon, how dare you treat me like a child!”

Pulled from his analysis of Iron Town, Haldon looked back at the young master with an emotionless face. “Master Ajuur, you must be considerate of the laws of foreign territories. Simply ruling a territory of our own doesn’t mean we’re allowed to trample on the territories of others.”

“But we’re stronger!” remarked Ajuur. “Father could easily kill that wildebeest, and so can you! Why listen to him when–”

“Is it that wildebeest that rules this territory? Or would that be the Iron-body Gorillas, who managed to fend off an invasion of the bordering prefecture with little casualties?” Haldon questioned. “They shouldn’t be underestimated and there’s no reason for you to look down on them.”

But Ajuur only laughed harder. “They couldn’t even protect their young master, so how could they be seen as powerful? They’re just apes, barely more tolerable than humans.”

“Please refrain from such slander, Master Ajuur. There’s no reason to–”

“Oh, that must be the place!” Ajuur shouted, spotting concrete walls wrapped in vines and foliage in the distance. “Let’s hurry! I don’t want to wait any longer!”

“Of course, Master Ajuur...” shutting up until he was needed next, Haldon followed along with the two elder escorts.

Quickly arriving, they found a large gate made up of carved tree trunks, matching the thickness of the cement walls. Through the gate, the wolves were amazed to see the foxes living in a home far nicer than their own.

Tree trunks were used to build the frames of the many buildings inside, with split trunks used as the walls. Dim light came from inside the buildings, especially the largest building at the property’s center. As they admired the naturally growing vines adding to the beauty of the buildings, a two-tailed fox approached the gate.

“How may I help you?”

Ajuur opened his mouth to speak but Haldon spoke first, “We’ve come seeking an audience with Master Puula, as our envoy stated three days ago.”

“Very well, come in.” The fox opened the gate, allowing the large wolves to enter before closing the door again. “Please, follow me.”

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