D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 264: Gathering Information

Chapter 264: Gathering Information

"Ha, see the array is no match for a beast like you" said the boy, no the child. Kat could hear him shivering, and watched what she could around the chains. The boy was practically shaking in his boots, and while he spoke clearly there was fear in it.

*Ok I'll admit I got a bit cocky here.* Kat flexed her arms and the chains groaned in protest. She tried to move her fans around but found her wrists to be well-bound. *Well... looks like I'm not the only one that made a mistake. Clearly the kid is actually scared of me but...*

*That begs the question of how did he summon me then? He doesn't seem to know what I am other than a demon, even though I imagine I'm fairly recognisable with my wings and tail. He clearly wasn't prepared for me to bust down the other four layers.*

*And he is still trying to put on a brave front for some reason, despite shaking like a leaf on a blustery day. I mean, does this kid even know what he's doing? Does he understand the contract?*

Kat flicked her tail in annoyance at the thought that she was about to be forced into a contract because of her debt where the other party had no idea what they were doing. Then she paused, and flicked her tail once again, this time just as a test. Her tail responded, completing its slight flick.

*My tail is free.* Kat grinned under the chain around her mouth. *That's big. That means these chains aren't perfect, they are just doing their best. I might even be able to slip out of the one covering my mouth.*

*Actually, does that prevent me from accepting the contract? *

No. Only a clear indication of consent from both parties is required.

*I suppose that makes sense. It would really suck for someone who was mute if that was the only way to confirm things. I suppose there was also the time I signed the contract with Vivian and that triggered it as well.*

*Well, now the question is, what should I do? I have a free tail, and likely a chance to free my mouth. The kid is scared, but… I don't really have a good sense of how strong he is. I get the feeling that summoning a demon is supposed to be expensive…*

*And other than the party from Green's world, everyone else who summoned me is really strong or had someone strong with them. Even right back at the very start, there was a master and apprentice.*

*So, what are the chances this guy is actually strong? This place is clearly falling apart, but it still works. So I have to wonder if he just activated the formation here, or if he was strong enough to get materials to summon me.*

*It seems like a bit of a risk but… worse comes to worst I suppose I have my tail. The real issue is that if I get 'killed' and sent back I imagine whatever punishment they've got lined up for me will come into effect.*

Kat sighed, letting a long breath flow around the chain covering her mouth. Deciding that freeing herself at least a bit was prudent, Kat leaned forward into the chain, waiting for it to spark slightly, and then yanked her face backwards.

As planned the chain around her dropped to the ground clattering. The boy froze at this, going as still as a human could possibly get. Of course, Kat could still see the small rise and fall of his body as he breathed, and even the subtle twitches of his hand that likely wanted to grab onto his sword.

"Foul demon, you cannot escape from the chains. Each is more powerful than the last" said the boy with the slightest waver in his voice. *Credit where it is due, he's good at pretending everything is fine. Or at least, voice wise he is.*

Kat looked down at the chain on the ground, before giving a slight tug on the chains. They seemed no stronger than before, but considering her limited motion, perhaps that wasn't surprising.

*Now, what do I want to say? Try and scare him more? Convince him that this won't hold me for long and negotiate a better contract, one not centred around revenge? Or perhaps I should try and convince him I mean him no harm…*

*Hmm, I wonder if he knows demons can't lie. It's one of those things where nobody would believe it if I just said it but… if they already know, then I might be fine? How universal is it though?*

*Once again, people seem to know about this, but I'm in some forgotten temple. I just can't shake the feeling that he's some random kid who activated the circle and has no idea what the hell is going on, only a few random stories and the barest hints of information.*

Kat sighed again. *I just can't know. I have too little information. So… maybe powerful slightly annoyed demon? A kind one though?* "Seems your little chains are easily slipped. Why it was simple to remove the one blocking me speech, something you seem so afraid of" said Kat

"S-shut up. I will not hear your lies" stammered the boy. *Just great. So he doesn't know what he's done, and he doesn't know I can't lie. Perfect. Maybe try and play this up somehow?*

"Why would I lie to a child? Surely the truth is that much more… invigorating" said Kat diverting the slightest amount of energy to her voice box, making the words reverberated slightly more. *What the hell am I saying?! This feels so overblown… maybe I'm laying it on a bit thick.*

"You- You're just trying to trick me. I- I made you the deal. You will help me get revenge or you'll never be free" said the boy. *Oh he has so little idea how this works. Why couldn't it be someone even slightly competent.*

*Maybe… maybe play to how scared he is. Pretend revenge is beneath me? Maybe try and spread the idea that I could do it easily but isn't worth my time.* "Your deal?" said Kat measuring her demonic energy output "You summoned me for petty revenge and you think I'd agree?"

"Shut up! It's important. I need to get revenge for what they did to my family!" said the kid.

Kat pursed her lips. *I wonder if this is more serious than I thought… Press for information?* "What, your parents weren't willing to keep you from making the mistake of summoning me?" said Kat

"Mistake? My parents are weak. They don't understand why I need to do this! They tried to stop me!" shouted the kid, working himself up.

Kat groaned internally. *Yay I've got a small child after revenge but it actually turns out to more likely be babysitting duty because his parents couldn't stop him from doing something stupid.*

"Weak? It seems they know what is most important already, and I doubt revenge ranks highly on that list" said Kat with a smirk the boy couldn't see, but could almost hear in her voice.

"No. I'll show them. I managed to break into this temple. I managed to summon you. I will manage to get my revenge as well and you can't stop me!" said the kid.

*Oh God he's one of these kids.* Kat thought back to her history of dealing with them in the past. *Maybe giving him a good whack on the head will teach him some manners.* As Kat thought that though, the kid pulled out his sword.

"If you won't help me, I'll just have to go myself" said the kid. *Ah shit. Now what do I do.* Kat started to speed up her thoughts considering what to do now that the kid was bringing out the sword.

*Great. Just great, he decided to pull out the sword. I doubt it can do much damage to me, but the concern is that he can send me back. I'm not scared of the kid, but I am scared of what a bunch of demons think is an acceptable punishment for not coming through on your debt. Well, when in doubt, double down. Or at least, that's what Lily said was in a bunch of books she read. I don't think either of us actually know how to bluff properly.*

"Ooh, don't want to negotiate with me so you brought out the sword. Ha, go on and try your best. I'm sure I'll be really happy to help you with your revenge after you start trying to ruin my clothes" said Kat.

The boy wavered when he heard this. He was standing up but was looking off to the side in order to remain looking away from Kat. The sword in his hand shook. His knuckles were white as he had the sword in a death grip.

"What do you want then?" growled the boy.

*Well… that is the question. Can I convince him that revenge isn't a good idea?*

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