D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 263: Ancient Five Layer Demon Sealing Array

Chapter 263: Ancient Five Layer Demon Sealing Array

"I want you to help avenge the honour of my clan." That's what the boy said while keeping his gaze planted firmly at the floor. *What? I… I don't think that's the sort of thing you should be trying to do kid.*

"I'm going to need more than that" said Kat

The boy started laughing. *Because that's what he is, a child.* He was careful to not allow his eyes rise at all, but he let out a full throat chuckle. "Seems you are mistaken about something. I can't hear anything you say through the barrier. This way I cannot be misled by your lies" said the boy

*Then how did he even know I said anything? If he isn't watching me, he can't see my mouth moving, and if he can't hear me talking the obviously, he can't be responding to that.*

"Oh? Did you already learn your lesson?" said the boy.

*No I did not in fact learn anything. I'm trying to figure out what is going on here. Is it possible that he can hear that I'm saying something but not what I'm actually saying?* Kat wouldn't learn it for a long time later, but this assumption was correct. The array surrounding her had been damaged by the years. It was built to try and prevent demons using power conveyed through the voice to influence their summoners. This one no longer allows words to come out.

"Well? Do you accept? You cannot leave this place without agreeing and I will broke no argument" said the boy.

*Does… does he know what he's saying? You know what. Maybe it just isn't worth it. I can't argue with him for some reason, and I don't really want to agree to something so petty as revenge, especially not the kind of revenge you summon a demon for.*

*Hey System can I refuse this contract?*

User Kat is able to refuse this Summoning, however User Kat will be punished for failing to pay off User Kat's debt.

Kat pursed her lips at this and started to flick her tail in irritation. *Well, that isn't good. Do I have no choice? Kat eyed the barrier that was trapping her. I could maybe try and break this down… but that still doesn't really help other than allowing me to talk to him. I still need to agree to the contract because of my debt.*

Kat bit her lips. *Contract, back when I was summoned by that professional and the chains were strange you mentioned that I could fight the specifics of a contract can I do it here?*

User Kat is capable of fighting the terms of the Contract.

*Right but how?*

User Kat may use multiple techniques.

*Right but can you be a bit more specific please System? This is rather important.*

D.E.M.O.N.S is Authorized to inform User Kat that User Kat may use Willpower, or Alternative Wording when accepting.

*Ah yes, and that is so specific and helpful Kat felt like rolling her eyes, but settled for flicking out her tail again. Wait, surely the alternative wording contingent on the other party actually being able to hear what I'm saying right?*

User Kat is correct.

*Great. So the fact that I'm prevented from talking to him means I'm just reliant on willpower?* Kat sighed and looked at the strange barrier again. *Maybe I'll try and take it down after all.*

Kat reached out towards the barrier. When her hand came in contact with it her aura seemed to buckle slightly before it settled down shortly after. The barrier felt warm under Kat's hand, not majorly so, and she imagined that even to a human it wouldn't be an uncomfortable warmth.

Kat decided to try and just use her strength first. Pushing forward but keeping herself from being empowered Kat pressed her hand into the barrier. It creaked loudly under her efforts and sparks started to fly off of the barrier around her hand where it made contact. The boy seemed to flinch, likely hearing the sound as well but he didn't move.

Kat pressed on, pushing as hard as she could without empowering herself but hit a wall, the barrier stretched slightly under her hand and was sending of showers of sparks as she pressed against it.

Clicking her tongue softly Kat started to circulate her demonic energy concentrating it on her hand. Instantly, the power in her arm increased explosively, and the barrier bent and whined under her efforts. The barrier was not significantly distorted and the sparks threatened to block her vision.

Still Kat pressed onwards, circulating energy around her ears to protect them, Kat also empowered her feet. *If one arm isn't enough. Let's see how this goes.* Kat pushed herself forward. Locking her arm at its full length, Kat pressed on, now using her legs as leverage against the failing barrier.

As soon as she put her full weight behind it, the barrier shattered, forcing Kat to take a step forward. The boy flinched when he heard it break, and started to look up… only for another barrier to spring to life in front of Kat. This one slightly larger and the same fancy gold as before.

*Well that's just great. Break one down, summon another.* Kat turned her gaze to the floor. There she saw a large set of circles underneath her feet. They were packed together decently tightly, four in total. One lined up with where the first barrier was, and the final ended just slightly before the boy, with the second one where the current barrier was exited.

*Hmm… well that wasn't so hard, I can just break a few more of these. If it's only four I can handle that.* Kat empowered herself again, pushing against the barrier. The sound was worse this time, and sparks completely covered her body. They lightly bounced off without doing damage but it wasn't pleasant feeling.

Kat pushed with her full weight. The barrier creaked, and Kat grit her teeth and kept pushing against the golden wall that contained her. After a few seconds of this though, Kat stopped, as she clearly wasn't making any progress.

*Hmm… all at once then?* Kat lined her shoulder up and folded her wings so they wouldn't absorb any of the impact, making sure to hold them out of the way. Kat pushed as much energy as she could into her legs and bit into her shoulder, just in case, before kicking off the ground.

Kat impacted the barrier with a boom. Kat watched as the resulting explosion threw back the boy's clothes, leaving them to whip in the wind. Kat took a step forward and then, of course, the third barrier came up.

*Hmm… should I just use some fire maybe? Seems my physical strength isn't quite enough.* Kat summoned a small bead of fire onto her finger and pressed it into the barrier. As soon as her finger came into contact with the golden wall, Kat felt a great pain shoot through her body.

Kat wrenched her hand back in a panic as pain spasmed through her body. She tried to remain standing but she felt herself wobble and fall to one knee. When the boy heard this, he let out another chuckle. "Foolish demon. It seems you thought you could destroy the ancient five-layer demon sealing array my sect's forefathers constructed. Your only hope of escape is to accept my proposal" said the boy in an arrogant manner.

Kat grit her teeth and tried to calm herself down, focusing on the pain actually seemed to help, as it worked its way through her system faster. Kat calmed her breathing and let it run its course. In, and out, in and out, Kat kept her breath steady for a full minute before she had the confidence to stand once again.

*Seems this isn't quite so simple after all.* Kat moved her gaze to her fans at her hips. But then again. *Pretty sure someone somewhere quoted the saying. 'Any problem can be solved by hitting it hard enough. If you ever find this not to be the case… well you just didn't hit it hard enough or with the right weapon.*

Kat smiled and pushed her energy into her fans. They seemed to eagerly drink in the energy she was supplying them. Once Kat got the sense that they were full, there was a slight purple glow around the fans, and she was down to half energy.

Smiling Kat swung the fans, slicing into the barrier in question before her, it popped like a bubble. There was no pain, no resistance, and only a few measly sparks. Kat grinned and went for the fourth barrier that appeared as a quick follow up.

It also stood no chance, her fans cutting through the golden wall like butter. Kat smiled. *Well that wasn't so bad. Seems like this five-layer sealing array ain't all that.* Kat only had a moment to realise what she'd just repeated in her thoughts before golden chains through themselves up from the cracks in the floor.

They wrapped themselves around Kat's entire body and over her mouth before pulling her down into a kneeling position. Her arms and legs were chained together behind her back while her wings were bound to her chest. *Well… oops*

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