Dawning Skye

Chapter 270

270 Mage Trials: Old Lessons And Game Plans

As soon as Jin Laos stepped out from the stagecoach, he saw Skye running at him. Her golden curls bounced wildly as a giant smile covered her face.

‘Good thing Mr. Fuu warned me about her hair! The gold is so different from her natural red! I don’t think I would’ve recognized her right away if he hadn’t.’

“GENIE!!” Skye bellowed as she jumped into his welcoming arms.

As he swung her around, Genie exhaled a sigh of relief. He thought that Skye would hate him for leaving her after he had found out that Tidas was alive..

As if on cue; as soon as he set her down, Skye smacked Genie’s arm hard. Then she hit him again for good measure. All joviality was gone from her face as her eyes grew stern, and her hands went to her hips.

“What the hell, Genie! Why did ye disappear like that?! Any WHY did ye Not tell me about THAT?!”

Skye didn’t want to have it out with him in front of the palace entrance, but she couldn’t stop herself. People were staring and whispering the moment they had seen the princess leap into the arms of another man. Most didn’t know Genie, or his connection to Skye..

The rumors and speculations went into overdrive with Skye’s wordage. While it could’ve meant a number of things, the best gossipers only heard ‘Why did you leave me?!’

It was a ridiculous notion to those who knew Skye and Tidas, but the majority of the court didn’t. They had only known them through gossip, limited interactions during dinner, and special occasions. Their love of privacy was starting to be a disadvantage..


Skye didn’t care about the court gossips. She wanted to know why the person she loved like a brother had abandoned her when she needed him. Her almost-marriage to Jacob Fowler had been traumatic, and Skye had often wondered how everything would’ve turned out, had he been around.

Genie had left right after Lucas was notified about Tidas being alive. He’d told Skye that it was to help his niece Mei with her new baby, but that couldn’t have been farther from the truth.

The hollow in Warrick Forest had been his shelter until he’d seen Tidas galloping down the road towards Moonstone Castle the day of Skye’s first wedding. He’d been hovering above it; waiting to literally drop in and stop the wedding if Lucas didn’t.

Unlike Skye’s father, Genie had actually looked into the kind of man that Jacob was. He’d been furious when he’d learned of it, and even more so when Lucas had told him of his entrapment.

When he’d found out about Tidas being alive, and Lucas had refused to tell his daughter, Genie had snapped. He’d understood number of lives that were on the line, but in Genie’s mind: Lucas Should Have found an alternative to his plan.

Genie had spent the months between his leaving, and Skye’s wedding mostly within Warrick Forest. He knew Maevis and Nicolas from his youth, so he was welcome. Never making a mess or hunting more than he needed; Genie was left in peace by Aero as well, even though he still complained about the situation.

When Genie had seen his other pupil riding down the road at breakneck speeds, he knew that Skye would be alright. The regret he’d felt for abandoning her kept him from joining them that day, but now he had to face his shame...

“You know the circumstances now. I couldn’t stay, or I Would have told you. I make no excuses, Skye. If you wish to beat me to a pulp, you are welcome to it.. I can never tell you how sorry I am for leaving when I did,” as he finished speaking, Genie bowed low enough that Skye thought he would fall over.

Scoffing in irritation, Skye nearly yelled; “Oh, sit up! Ye know I hate that kinda stuff..”

Retrieving her calm with a few deep breaths, Skye continued; “Why have ye not come to see me sooner? I’ve been married for a year now! What the hell, Genie?! Ye wouldn’t tell me why ye couldn’t come in the letters, either! I want answers, and yer in deep shit with me until ye do!”

Genie nodded in acknowledgement; “I will explain everything, but it will have to wait until tonight after the trials. Are you busy tonight?”

Skye beamed; “I hope so.. Be an awfully boring Victor’s Banquet without the Victor.”

Genie eyes bulged; “You didn’t mention that you were participating in this year’s Mage Trials!”

Skye smiled cheekily; “I said I was gonna! Tis not my fault that ye assumed a different year..”

Genie looked over to Mr. Fuu; “Is this why you insisted upon me as the other representative? Because you knew?”

Mr. Fuu just grinned as he flashed a thumbs up, then disappeared into the crowd to avoid a public chiding. Genie grunted in exasperation, then turned his attention back to Skye. She was tapping her foot out of irritation.

Skye chuckled in a sardonic manner; “Like you’ve got room to talk, Mister Ninja. I don’t have much time because I’ve got to go get me armor from the smitty before the trials, but we can have breakfast.”

“There’s a few gifted volunteers at the farther hospitals I visit in the mornings that said that they would handle me healin’ duties tomorrow. They know where to look for me if there’s anything serious. Ima sure Tidas will be happy to see ye as well.”

When Genie nodded his approval, they hugged once more, then Skye took off. She still needed to check the team rosters that were just being pinned up outside the arena.

The teams weren’t announced any farther out than three hours away from the opening of the Mage Trials. Over the years, they had realized that some members were being bought off to throw the game, or sabotage their teammates. To avoid such workarounds, the teams were only announced shortly before the start.

The teams would need to spend all their time strategizing with their own teammates instead of trying to figure out who could be bought off. It worked very well for the past few centuries, and kept the trials more honest.

As Skye made her way to the board, she passed Zas in the crowds. He was the one whom had posted the pages up. They stopped and stared at each other, silently nodded, then kept going about their own respective businesses.

Determination had reflected in each of their eyes as they passed. Zas, set on ‘saving’ Skye, and Skye set on kicking his fuzzy ass and proving that she could handle herself...

When Skye saw who her teammates were, relief flooded her:

Skye Moonstoone

Ronnie Leon

Klaus Bowers

Kari McNally

Franklin Jenkins

Skye recognized his name from Tidas’ birthday party, so she knew he’d be easy to work with, or so she hoped. She was trying to remember his trait when she’d felt a tap on her shoulder. Whirling around, Skye smiled to see three of the four standing behind her.

Klaus, Ronnie, and Franklin were all smiling at her. They were as happy about the their team as she was. All they needed was Kari, and they’d be complete.. And as if the thought had summoned her; Kari was directly behind Skye.

Grabbing Skye’s shoulders, Kari began to jump up and down as she exclaimed; “Isn’t this awesome?! We have the perfect team! We’re So gonna win!”

Kari’s voice carried over the crowd, inciting angry looks and sneers from the gathered competitors. They ‘whispered’ loudly about how they were sick of hearing about the princess, and that they were eager to see what the fuss was all about. Some flat out said that they’d be the ones to test her..

Skye had been listening to people for weeks making presumptions about her. How far she’d get, whether a ‘pampered princess’ could even cross the finish line herself; things of that nature.. She’d had enough.

Turning to the crowds, Skye called out; “That’s right! Go ahead and TRY to take me out! And while yer so distracted chasin’ after me backside, one of my teammates will be crossin’ the finish line!”

The area went silent as Skye scanned the spectators for anyone willing to challenge her.. but no one did. They knew that Princess Skye had made a point. If they only focused on her, then their chances of passing would plummet.

Fulfilling the mission was the most important thing to the RMC, not personal feelings or opinions. They were there to join, not pick on a princess.

Many began making comments about how she was all talk, but Skye didn’t care what they said. ‘They’ll figure it out when I fight Tidas... Ima no damsel in distress.”

After finding a quiet corner, Skye explained their game plan, which was met with some opposition from Franklin, who preferred Franky. He’d argued a bit when it came to facing the Pillars, but Klaus and Ronnie assured him that Skye could handle her part...

After a secret, small demonstration of her Tank trait, Franky dropped any further protests. Klaus and Ronnie were surprised by Skye’s new trait, but didn’t show it. They’d simply had faith in her plan without the details, but now were as giddy as Kari, who exclaimed afterward; “Ohh, we are SO gonna Win!”


After double-checking that everyone knew their parts, Skye headed off to Athena’s smitty to pick up her armor for the day with her guards in tow. She’d hoped to have her own set of dragon armor, but with her hectic schedule, she had completely forgotten about it.

‘At least Athena can make some for me when I get back from the Highlands..’ The thought made her a touch sad, but she pushed it aside. ‘Athena’s regular armor will be fine for now..’

Entering the Olympus Blacksmith Shop alone, Skye was greeted like usual by Athena before she asked; “What are you doing here? Was there an issue with the armor?”

Confusion covered Skye’s face as she asked nervously; “I don’t know.. Is there? Ima here to get it for the trials. I have to be back in a few hours-What? Why are ye makin’ that face? That’s not a good face..”

Athena swallowed hard as she stated; “A few cloaked men came in earlier and picked it up.. They said that you’d sent them to fetch it. They had Tidas’ insignia, so I thought-.”

Skye’s eyes bulged from her head; “WHAT?! I never sent anyone! Who was it? Did ye recognize ’em?!”

Athena shook her head; “No, they kept their hoods up the whole time.. The big one said something about how they were ‘almost done’, and that ‘a little trip to the southwest would clear up his last problem’. Does that help?

Skye’s hear sank.. ‘Zazzy’s Place is to the southwest of here!’

“Send word to the palace! I need guards over at Zazzy’s Place as soon as possible! They’ll know where it tis! And make sure they’re mages!”

Without looking back, Skye flew out the door. Athena stood behind her counter with a smirk on her face. ‘I just hope that she doesn’t get mad at me for helping that lovestruck fool of hers..’

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