Dawning Skye

Chapter 269

269 Midnight: Mage Trials

By the time they had finished discussing the Highland matter, Skye and Tidas only had about an hour or so left together before they had to go to sleep. Since it was so late, Peggy had ordered food brought to Skye and Tidas’ quarters for everyone. They’d been talking in the office, and had now moved to their bedroom. There weren’t enough seats in the other room for everyone.

Ralph, Petrie, and Tidas sat on the couch talking about the current weather conditions of the Highlands as they ate. Magnus and Lucas were discussing Murdoc and the kind of man Lucas presumed him to be.

Skye and Marie sat off to the side while they picked at their food. They didn’t talk right away, both too lost in their own thoughts to discuss anything until Skye shoved her issues aside. Marie’s were much worse, and she could use the distraction to cool her anger directed at her husband.

Marie was staring at the fork in her hand with clouded eyes when Skye asked; “Is there anythin’ I can do for ye? Big or small?”

Marie scoffed; “Can you turn back time? ...Sorry, that’s an unfair thing to say. I know you mean well, dear. I don’t think I’ve met anyone kinder than you in my life. It’s just hard to imagine that the man I love-loved, is capable of... Such horrible things.”

Swallowing hard and squeezing her eyes shut, Marie fought back the fresh tears that threatened her. Everyone was deeply involved in their own conversations. Marie didn’t want to worry or bother them..

Skye couldn’t imagine what she was going through. Even when she tried, she just couldn’t picture Tidas doing anything so heinous and evil.. ‘I doubt Marie is any different from me.. She probably can’t picture the man she loves doin’ such things, either..’

“Marie,” Skye spoke in a soft voice; “I hope I don’t offend ye by sayin’ this, but that thing is clearly Not Richard, in my opinion. Not for a long time, I suspect.”

When Skye saw hope reflected in her eyes, she spoke gently, but seriously; “I had dreams about that thing before I knew what it was. The magic that seeped from it was.. wrong. It was dark and turbulent, and.. Richard had no magic, correct?”


Marie nodded enthusiastically as she sniffled, then Skye continued; “I can’t defend what he did to Magnus or Marco, but strong magic like that would overwhelm him. I’ve read about how magical objects made with terrible intent can influence the holder.. What if the thing he’s become is the Ethereal Spear’s influence? Or possibly even control?”

Marie sighed with a relief she hadn’t felt in well over a decade. She’d accepted her husband’s betrayal a long time ago, but his transformation into a monster that eats people.. Marie couldn’t handle it..

Looking up at Skye, Marie had a newfound love for her in-law. She wasn’t the type to say untrue things, nor give false hope. Whenever Skye shared her opinion, it was usually based in facts, so she knew the lass wasn’t just trying to make her feel better with fanciful ideas.

Now, Marie had to fight back a different kind of tears: happy ones. She and Skye had discussed her husband many times over the past year, and the kind of man he used to be.

Based off of everything she had told Skye, he sounded like a much cockier Lawrence; if she had to pick an example. Suave and attractive, and knew how to make Marie laugh. For the life of her, Skye couldn’t figure out why he had changed...

A few feet away from Marie and Skye, Magnus and Lucas had been both talking, and listening to Skye. Magnus was trying to be obscure about it, so Lucas had been talking low. When Skye had shared her theory, Magnus also felt a massive amount of relief.

His brother’s betrayal had hit Magnus hard, but like Marie, he’d learned to hold onto the good memories from their youth. Hearing about Richard’s new form and sins had nearly destroyed any love that remained for him within his wife and brother.

Lucas knew very well how close the two were prior to his change. Being a guard, he got to see how they interacted out of the public eye. Glancing at his daughter, Lucas felt grateful to her for sharing her thoughts, and giving his old friend a small piece of mind.

After a little time passed and Marie had calmed, Magnus and Lucas joined them. Skye immediately got the hug that she was missing. The situation was so hectic when they’d first arrived the he hadn’t had the chance to properly greet his daughter yet.

As the four talked and bantered, Tidas would occasionally look over at his wife with an almost longing expression. Ralph had noticed right away and left it alone, but when Petrie saw him do it, he’d smirked and began to give him crap over it.

“By the gods, yer whipped me man! Why did ye say somethin’ so stupid before, by the way?”

Tidas glared at Petrie; “You think I don’t know how stupid it was?! I’m trying to figure out how much trouble I’m in..”

As if on cue: Skye locked eyes with him, and flashed her husband a hard stare. All three were looking her way when she’d done it, then she’d gone straight back to smiling at her father as he talked about trading with the Highlanders.

“Pfft.. Yer in some pretty hot water there, me friend. She doesna look happy with ye at All..”

Tidas narrowed his eyes at Petrie again before he sarcastically replied; “Noo, I thought she looked smitten.. If you can’t say anything useful, then don’t speak.”

“Yous coould surprises her? Womens loves to bes surprised-ed,” Ralph spoke with a slur that made it hard to tell what he was saying, but Tidas understood him.

Albeit, drunker than he’d seen him in years; Ralph was right. He’d actually had one planned for tonight, but that wasn’t going to happen now. The little time together they had left would most likely be spent arguing, and Skye would see any gift given right now as nothing more than a placation.

Tidas knew Skye, and knew she’d fight herself to reject his present. He’d had Athena make it over the past few months, so she’d know he wasn’t just giving it to her to appease her. But the exchange would still be tainted by their current circumstances.

Not wanting Skye to get mad every time she looked at her present, Tidas knew what he needed to do...


Skye and Tidas had argued for nearly the entire hour after everyone had left their quarters. She chewed him out for making such a disrespectful remark in front of their friends and family, then they got into it over his argument with his father in general.

Once they had finally gotten to her part in the Highland Raid, their tempers were already flared. Skye said that she should be on the front lines with him, while Tidas argued that she should still be stationed with the support units, if not the Shaman unit.

“I can’t be assigned to the Shaman’s unit, or as a field officer until I pass the Second Tier Medical Exam! Ima more powerful than fifty regular mages combined! Why would ye NOT want me in the thick of things?! Ye know I can handle me self with multiple opponents-”

Tidas rubbed the bridge of his nose in exasperation; “That’s not the point, Skye! I don’t know what will happen during the raid, and I don’t want you to get hurt-”

“Since when do ye know the outcome of ANY battle for sure?! And I don’t see ye showin’ this kind of concern for any of the other recruits!”

Tidas snapped; “THEY AREN’T MY WIFE! You are! Is it really that shocking to you that I don’t want you to experience the blood and death that comes with fighting?! I don’t want to see you hurt in any way-”

“I don’t want ye gettin’ hurt, either! That’s why I need to go! And I see blood and death on a regular basis, so ye need not worry about me!”

Tidas sighed at how stubborn his wife was before adding; “Most mages are Tanks, which is a trait you’re weak against. The plans and strategies you’ve planned for the Mage Trials will most likely fail on an actual battlefield-”

“I believe I’ve had enough. Ima goin’ to sleep,” Skye stated suddenly before she said something she’d regret.

Tidas grabbed her hand with an apologetic look, but Skye yanked it away. She was furious; they’d already discussed this multiple times, and now that the time was approaching to leave, his faith in her was wavering.

Locking eyes with him, Skye spoke with resolve; “I will prove to ye tomorrow that I can more than handle me self. Just don’t hate me when ye lose to yer weak, wee wife..”

Tidas wanted to keep talking, but knew it wouldn’t get them anywhere tonight. They both needed their sleep for what was to come, so he bit his lip, and crawled into bed.

Laying in the darkness with only the fireplace for light, Tidas fretted over what to do. His plan wouldn’t work if Skye was furious.. It would most likely just piss her off more. The only thing he could think of was to butter her up a bit before she made her way to Athena’s shop tomorrow..

As Tidas drifted off, the clock struck the midnight hour. Signaling the start of the Mage Trials...


Despite Tidas’ restless sleep, he was feeling energized. He gotten word from Peggy first thing that the Sai Diplomats were arriving early that morning. They’d been delayed due to weather conditions, and had requested that Skye be present when they arrived.

‘That right there should put Skye in a good mood. I’ve also asked Peggy to make her favorite meals for breakfast and lunch, and set word to Athena about my surprise. I wonder how she reacted to my request?’

After quickly showering and dressing, Tidas was on his way out the door. He’d have to bust his ass to complete both his work and the preparations in time, but it would be worth it to him..


Skye wome up irritated, but Peggy soothed her with her favorite sandwich for breakfast. The cheese was especially sharp today, and the flavor mixed well with the apple butter from Dragonhorn. The ham was cut thick, which Skye appreciated; she’d need her energy today.

The Mage Trials would start around two o’clock since it lasted two days this year. It was a relief to Skye because if it was any earlier, she would’ve had to have skipped her Shaman rounds that morning.

As soon as she had finished her rounds, Skye went to meet the Sai diplomats. ‘I won’t have much time to talk until after I’ve participated in the trials, but meetin’ them at the palace should suffice for the time bein’, I hope..’

Skye arrived just as the stagecoach pulled into the main courtyard. Skye smiled politely as she watched Mr. Fuu step out with a giant grin on his face. When he moved to the side, Skye saw the reason for his glee, and took off running.

Shrieking as she jumped into his welcoming arms, Skye cried out in happiness; “GENIE!”

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