Dawning Skye

Chapter 229

229 Diplomatic Arrivals(Part Two)

Skye and the children avoided the banquet hall, and headed straight to the kitchen. As they walked along at a brisk pace, Skye realized that Lawrence never actually got the chance to introduce them properly. As she pulled them to a stop, Skye said; “Ima sorry, but I forgot to ask yer names..”

The two children exchange a look before straightening themselves and say:

“I’m Victor!”

“And I’m Anna!”

The two children bowed together and spoke in unison; “It’s a pleasure to meet you Aunt Skye!”

Unable to contain herself, Skye squatted down and hugged them as she said; “Ima so happy to meet ye two as well! Yer just so cute!”

Victor leaned back to look at his new aunt with indignation; “I’m not cute! I’m a boy! I’m handsome..”

Skye burst out in laughter at her nephew’s cheeky attitude before apologizing; “Forgive me, ye are handsome and Anna is beautiful.”

Anna’s eyes lit up; “You think I’m beautiful?!”


“Of course! Ye two will be the talk of the town for weeks!”

The two children beamed as they shared an excited look before Victor looked at his aunt; “I thought we were in a city?”

Skye chucked; “It’s an expression. It means that everyone will be talking about how adorable ye two are.”

The two nodded seriously at the information like it was important knowledge, which only made her want to squeak from another cuteness overload. As the three began walking again, Skye wondered if Anna was short for Anastasia. Skye had briefly met her during their wedding, but other than her sweet nature, she didn’t know much about Lawrence’s deceased wife.

Due to their boisterous laughs, many other guests and diplomats watched them. The little girl’s hair was a dark auburn while the boy looked almost identical to Lawrence. They talked and skipped along as Skye held their hands, resembling a happy little family. It wasn’t until they’d nearly run into Peggy that the three actually paid attention to their surroundings.

Skye’s eyes shot open in surprise before she switched it to a nervous grin. If it had been anyone else, she probably would’ve gotten an earful for taking up the entire middle of the hallway. Normally Peggy would’ve chided her too, but she was especially susceptible to cute children. As soon as her eyes landed on Anna’s curly auburn hair, her stern expression vanished.

“Oh! And who are these adorable, wee bairns?! Oh! Look at her hair! It’s so pretty! And aren’t ye just a small, more handsome version of yer Da?!”

Both children beamed at Peggy’s compliments. She was an old, funny sounding lady, but seemed nice enough. Anna loved it when people talked about her hair. Victor had instantly puffed up his chest as his balled-up fists went to his hips. Throw a cape on him, and he would’ve looked exactly like an ancient super hero striking a pose.

Anna began to tell Peggy about all the care that went into her hair, which nearly sent Skye into a hugging fit again. Some of her words ran together because of her level of excitement, and she made frequent hand gestures to aid in the telling of her story. By the time she’d finished, Skye was barely able to contain herself.

She hadn’t been around many bairns before. Except the ones she’d healed or helped in and around the villages near her father’s castle. Lawrence’s children were highly intelligent for five year olds, which made them all the cuter. Peggy smiled as brightly as Skye had as the two told them of their home.

Peggy had been heading to the kitchen anyway, so she accompanied them. She was more than happy to listen to the children, and loved hearing their stories. As they went to leave, Lawrence popped his head in with a slight frown until his children looked his way.

As he entered the kitchen, he spoke low to Skye; “I think Tidas might need your help..”

Skye nodded to Lawrence and told the two children that she’d see them later. As she went to walk away, Lawrence called out; “Don’t do anything I would! You don’t have an army behind you like I do!”

Skye chuckled as she walked away, but felt her nerves suddenly become frayed. It was an odd feeling that made her pick up her pace a bit as she headed for the front entrance to the palace. People tried to stop her as she went, but Skye would simply smile and continue towards the doorway.

As she neared the doorway, a tall man in dark red robes similar to those they wore in Sai crossed the threshold. He’d instantly froze when his eyes landed on the princess. His mouth even hung open a little for a split second before he’d snapped it shut, and resumed a stoic poker face.

After boldly eyeing her, the tall dark man said; “Princess Skye, I presume? The rumors of your beauty were sorely under-exaggerated.. I am Lord Abdul Abari, older brother to Kazim Abari: the Emperor of the Fire Nation. I take great pleasure in meeting you.”

Staring up at the bold man, Skye felt warning bells going off in her head. His skin tone was dark like Genie’s, but his eyes looked nearly black; even in the sunlight. His face was long, and his nose was regally pointed. He was an extremely attractive man, except for the eerie vibes he was giving off.

Skye curtsied and gave him her best courtier speech; “It is nice to meet you, Lord Abdul. You presume correctly, I am the wife of Tidas MacArthur. Thank you for your visit to Alcon. I hope you find everything to your satisfaction during your stay.”

Abdul eyed her again while smirking; “So far it is beyond everything I had hoped for..”

Skye smiled politely and nodded as she forced the bile in her stomach to stay down. ‘Yuck! This guy really knows how to lay it on thick! If he doesn’t watch those eyes of his, Ima gonna poke them out!’

Keeping her courtier’s smile on, Skye stated; “Good. Please, enjoy your stay and excuse me. I must return to my husband’s side.”

After nodding, Skye went to walk past them. She was just about clear when Abdul grabbed her hand. It took everything within Skye not to deck him on the spot, but she knew that would start an international incident. It was just her hand, so she waited to see what he would do.

Lifting her hand up to his lips, Abdul gently kissed the top of it before he said; “That is only possible if I may talk with you again.”

Before Skye could comment, the other man with Abdul stepped around and spoke; “Oh, you’ll see the famous Eir again.. She’s the king’s favorite right now, just like her father before her.”

The man before Skye was Richard Yaris. He was a businessman like her father, and a former partner of the Fowlers. He’d been invited to her first wedding, against Lidia’s wishes.

He was known to be a former slave trader, but was never outright caught. He’d been one of the few that had closed up shop when Tidas started to enforce the anti-slavery laws. He was still known to be involved in shady things though...

Skye narrowed her eyes at the man; “You know Nothin’ of my family, Lord Yaris.. Now, if you will excuse me.”

As the two watched Skye leave, dark grins played at their lips as Lord Yaris said; “See? Isn’t she just the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen? And she has all that power..”

Abdul’s smirk grew; “Yes she is.. Now that I’ve seen her, I fully support your plan. My brother will never know what hit him....”


‘Eeew! Why?! Why do the creepy ones always seek me out?! No wonder Lawrence was sendin’ me out to save Tidas.. Too bad I was too late.. Ugh, now I really wish today was over, but it’s really just starting..ugh. I feel like I need to bathe in pure soap for an hour after that! Yuck!’

Skye was still lost in her thoughts as she stepped out into the fading sunlight. The storm clouds were just about to roll in, and everyone outside was beginning to scramble to finish their tasks before the rain started. It only took a minute for her eyes to adjust, but once they did, anger surged within her all over again.

Lord Bibalow and his daughter were standing in front of a very uncomfortable-looking Tidas, talking his ear off. Taking a deep breath, Skye ignored all the whispers as she went and stood at her husband’s side.

As she approached, Lord Bibalow quickly stopped talking and bowed nervously while his daughter openly glared at her. Knowing she wasn’t worth the effort, Skye simply wrapped her arms around her husband’s strong one, turned to her, and smiled brightly at them both.

It wasn’t their presence that bothered Skye, but what Lord Bibalow was saying when she had approached. Something about a second marriage.. Skye’s anger was flaring, but she knew better than to cause a scene. Angelica, on the other hand, was easily provoked.

“How proper of a country bumpkin like you to interrupt and hang all over the prince.. Guess they don’t teach manners in Moonshire..”

Skye smiled brightly at Angelica; “Oh, Lord Bibalow didn’t need to stop on my account. I’m simply taking my proper place by my husband’s side. Please, continue my lord.”

Lord Bibalow instantly clammed up. Being caught between the princess and his daughter was the most uncomfortable thing he’d ever experienced. He didn’t even Want to brooch the subject of marriage anymore, but his daughter was unbelievably scary when riled. He loved her, so he promised one final attempt. If the prince refused her this time, she had agreed to whomever her father chose for her..

Angelica had no intention of marrying anyone but Tidas. In her mind, Skye was a dangerous barbarian that needed to be exposed. ‘If I can get her to show her true colors, Tidas will Have to reject her! I just have to prove how unfit to be a queen she is..’

“Go on, father,” Angelica said in a cheery voice that didn’t match her face.

Exhaling in defeat, Lord Bibalow said; “Those are my terms. If you marry my daughter and make her your second wife, my entire business is yours, as well as my lands and titles.. It’s a good deal for a second wife.”

Tidas couldn’t believe that the man was This stupid. Skye was patient and a good person, but even then, one can only be pushed so far. Whatever happened now wasn’t on Skye. Proposing marriage to someone while their significant other was standing right next to them was beyond insulting to both of them. Anything that Skye did to either of them now was deserved...

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