Dawning Skye

Chapter 228

228 Diplomatic Arrivals(Part One)

As Skye awoke for the day, she had instantly become surly at the thought of it. Today was the day that the majority of the diplomats would be arriving for the Summer Games that were going to be taking place over the long weekend. An event that usually didn’t bring in as many out-of-kingdom guests, but this year was different.

The world was clamoring for Fae goods and glimpses of Skye. Her reputation as ‘Eir’ spread far and wide. Nicolas had returned from his trip to the Northern Fae Settlement shortly after Zazzy was moved. He took periodic trips to give Celestia reports, but this time was special. He’d been quite proud when he’d brought his queen the final proof copy of the peace treaty for her and her mother to discuss.

Celestia had him talk directly with her mother about most of the details. He’d beamed like a child showing off a perfect test score. After all the decades he’d been trying to achieve peace; Nicolas’ long awaited win deserved to be fully credited to him. Titania had ordered Nic to come back to the Fae Nation to collect a proper reward, once he’d established a foothold within the human world. He’d hesitantly declined.

As Aero pitched a fit behind him, Nicolas requested a specific reward. Before the King Consort could complain further, the empress told Areo that his service and loyalty had more than earned him the right to ask for a specific request. As Areo quieted down, Nicolas asked if he could remain by Skye’s side along with Maevis.

Aero’s rage flared as he spoke harshly; “She has not been granted permission to stay past her duty as a representative.”

Titania’s chuckle echoed through the opalescent mirror that Celestia used to communicate with her mother; “Sense when has Maevis ever listened to orders? Hehe.. She’s the free spirit I always wished I could’ve been. Leave her be, Aero. Now..”

The Empress shifted regally in her seat; “Tell me more about this Skye. My daughter seems extremely fond of her, but what intrigues me most is that even Aero seems to approve of her.. Tell me, Nic: do you think she’s the one? Truly?”

Nicolas sighed heavily; “Unfortunately, yes. Not just myself and Mae, either. The MacArthur King had some interesting information about her true bloodline that Skye’s own father had admitted to.. I’m afraid there’s no longer any doubt about it: Skye is the Catalyst.. Her Fate is sealed..”

The Empress scoffed at Nicolas’ last comment before she replied; “The Catalyst’s fate is sealed my dear friend, not necessarily Skye’s.. That will depend upon her Aegis...”


The sadness in her old friend’s expression tugged at the Empress’s heartstrings as he agreed with her. She hadn’t even met Skye yet, but knew she was a good person. Her son-in-law was honestly bias against humans, and even he had approved of the girl’s character. Aero, of all Fae! The more she heard about the girl, the more determined she became to meet her...


After Skye finished her Shaman rounds, she had to go straight back to the palace for the diplomatic arrivals. Since she was Tidas’ wife, she was expected to be there. The only excuse that Magnus would allow her was if her Shaman rounds ran long.

‘Of all the days for there to hardly be anyone to heal, it had to be today.. Damn. That was a selfish thought, but...damn it!!!’

Skye had been sulky the entire day. Klaus and Ronnie knew why, and were doing their best to keep out of her way. They’d mostly talked amongst themselves, but included the princess whenever she showed interest. Which was mostly whenever they started to talk about the events and such for the Summer Games. Other than that, Skye had practically brooded the entire morning.

Dealing with sycophants and their pompous attitudes was something Skye hated. If Magnus wouldn’t freak out on her for taking them all down a peg or two, she would. Some of the nobles weren’t bad, but the majority of them were entitled asshats. They cared for nothing but what directly affected them, and even then it depended upon the individual circumstances.

Like if a servant fell ill, or had a sick child to take care of, some nobles had the nerve to hold the sickness against them. Doing things like docking their already underpaid wages, to dismissing them all together were all common repercussions for something they generally couldn’t control. The world they lived in was controlled by a select few, and Skye hated it.

‘At least if they were intelligent, it wouldn’t be so bad.. But most in charge are as dumb as a box of rocks. How are there no educational requirements for such high positions?! Thank the gods that Magnus is a good and intelligent king. He’s no Lawrence, but still a thousand times better than most of the past kings. I wish Marco wasn’t the next king; I have a terrible feelin’ about that...’

Thoth trotted along as Skye lost herself in her thoughts. It wasn’t cold, but it was a windy day, so Skye had a cloak on with her hood up. Most on the streets did, so she didn’t stand out at all. Crowds weren’t gathering or calling out to her, which was a welcomed change of pace. They were too busy preparing for the storm that would hit tonight.

It happened every year right before the games. Nine times out of ten the fair grounds were muddy, and most of the competitors got covered. Magnus had tried to talk Skye into participating, but she’d refused. There was too high a chance she’d screw up and reveal her Tank trait in the heat of the moment. The competitions got crazy sometimes, and this year was guaranteed to be intense.

All three MacArthur men were participating in the final event called the King’s Hill. It was a simple event, but the most prestigious. The victor was rewarded with gold, a seat at the king’s table during his birthday feast, and the first dance with the partner of his choosing. The woman chosen was dubbed the Summer Queen during the feast as well, so most women went the extra mile to better their chances at being picked.

The princes rarely ever participated in the games...

Marco had entered once when he was fourteen, and found himself quickly losing. His younger brothers had jumped the ropes to rush in and attack the two men that seemed overly aggressive towards him. Once distracted, Marco had taken off to the top, and claimed the hill by stabbing his flag into the ground.

Karena was named the Summer Queen, and was unbearable for the rest of the month. She and Marco were going to be married, and the small glimpse that everyone had gotten of her rule was terrifying. Magnus was forced to intervene when she had started going off about all the laws she would make whenever she did officially become queen.

It had started due to a servant in training dropping a tray while she was talking. Even though the pretty young lass had apologized profusely, it didn’t stop Karena from tearing into her. She went off about how incompetence would be met with harsh punishment in the form of public lashings. When she went as far as to try and ‘start the discipline now’, Magnus had kicked her out for the rest of the banquet.

It was gossiped about for months that her behavior would cause the king to break the engagement off, but his alliance with Meccano was too important at the time. Otherwise Magnus would’ve sent her packing. To this day, he wished he’d listened to his gut back then..


As Skye and Tidas walked hand in hand together down the hall, they caught the attention of all those they passed. Tidas was wearing a long-sleeved, white fitted shirt with a dark-blue vest with silver trim and matching pants. He’d shined his black boots so he could keep them on. Peggy had even talked him into slicking back his hair for the occasion.. Well, once he’d seen his wife in her dress. He’d instantly agreed to do whatever she wanted.

Skye’s off-shoulder dress was a pastel sky blue color with silver trim. It was made of lightweight materials and slightly scrunched on the sides, showing off her figure. The deep dip in the neckline made her uncomfortable, but other than that, she loved the dress. She hadn’t lost any weight technically, just switched out her fat for muscle. She hadn’t noticed the change in her body until today, but Skye actually liked what was reflected back at her; minus the hair and eye color. She still missed her red hair and blue eyes.

Since Tidas was the youngest, he and Skye stood outside and were the first ones to greet the diplomats and nobles as the arrived... It was the most uncomfortable situation Skye had ever been in. Everyone complimented and talked to them, but made snide or weird comments after walking away. Some asked about things like how their first year of marriage was going, or how her ‘pet’ dragon was doing. Not to mention the ogling.. SO MUCH inappropriate staring. It was the exact reason Skye hated low-cut dresses and shirts; some men just can’t rein it in..

It did brighten Skye’s day to see Lawrence step out of a stagecoach with two small children bouncing along beside him. As soon as they saw her, they froze in their tracks with wide eyes. Skye smiled nervously at them and said “hello” in a melodious voice. Enormous grins spread across their faces as they exploded with energy.

“Wow! Is this lady our new family?!” the little girl squealed.

“She’s so pretty! I like her hair! It’s so shiny!” the little boy commented with excitement.

The wee lass’ eyes shined; “Wow! Can you make my hair pretty too?!”

“Your hair is beautiful, sweetheart. Just like your mama’s was.. This is your Aunt Skye, your Uncle Tidas’ new wife.”

“Skye?! That’s a funny name,” the boy said with a cheeky grin.

The girl scrunched her face; “Shut it, Victor! I think it’s really pretty! I like it better than mine..”

Lawrence frowned; “I thought you liked your name?”

The little lass looked up to her father with a shocked look as she shushed him; “Quiet, daddy! I’m trying to make her feel better! Victor was mean and hurt her feelings really bad!”

“I did Not! It is a weird name! Have you met another person like that?!”

Right as Lawrence was losing control of the situation, Skye burst out in laughter. The two were so adorable, she couldn’t take it. After regaining some control, she realized that everyone was staring at her. Feeling her cheeks flush, she looked up at Lawrence with an evil smirk.

“Ye two are hilarious! I’m thirsty, how about you two?”

The two children looked to their new pretty aunt and yelled “Yes please!”

Skye felt like she was on the verge of a cuteness overload at their choir, so she looked at Lawrence and told him to take her place. Before he could protest, Skye and his children were hand in hand as they took off up the steps, and into the palace. With a dumbfounded look, Lawrence turned to his shrugging brother and asked it a comical tone; “Did your wife just use my kids to stick me with doormat duty?”

Stifling a laugh, Tidas nodded to his brother and said; “Get your game face on, brother.. And brace yourself for the ass-kissing..”

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