Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 603: DCIII. The Alfather

Chapter 603: DCIII. The Alfather

"This is the first time that a God of Asgard has shown himself to simple human beings like us. Now please, be silent and show respect to the will of the Alfather!" Kranus yelled, who, surprisingly, despite being one of the most convinced disciples of the Ice Giant Ymir, probably the oldest Odin's enemy, when the father of the sgods was before him, could not help but recognize his divine magnificence and ordered all his men to remain silent and obey his will.


Freydis, when she looked up and discovered that Odin's eye was right on her, immediately moved away from Dag, convinced that she was only in the way.

The Alfather took a deep breath, emitting a large amount of vapor from his mouth when he exhaled, due to Krypstorm's nighttime cold.

"On your feet, boy!" Odin said, the ruler of Asgard, the kingdom of the heavens.

Dag, although still in a state of confusion, understood that the one who was addressing him was the real Odin and, trying to use all he had left, rested both of his hands on the ground, making strength on his arms and lifting his chest from the terrain.

"What?! Odin just pronounced Dag's name, which means... he knows him! How is that possible? How can the most powerful God be interested in saving a human being? The prophecy... the prophecy Kranus was talking about must be true!" Freydis thought, who was trembling with emotion, managing to glimpse a way of salvation for her man, who despite having struggled with all his might, had reached the limit and failed to defeat the Xis.

After Odin's words, all the warriors respected absolute silence, recognizing the power of Dag, who was such a special individual that he entered the graces of a God without even knowing it.

When he got up, the young Master, whose body had almost completely healed his wounds, grabbed the Giantbane, ended up on the ground near his feet, and looked up at the Alfather, that was looking down on him, because of his height.

Dag's eyes intersected with Odin's, and a sense of honor and belonging to mankind pervaded his body, which was simultaneously subjected to a considerable amount of adrenaline.

"Alfather..." Dag said humbly, lowering his head as a sign of respect.

"This should not have happened, 813666. My visit to Skjold was aimed only at taking your dark matter. You dared to challenge me and even summoned one of your Gods. Today you made the most serious mistakes" the Xis commented, still trapped by Gungnir, which, clas close in the hand of the Alfather, stood still in its position.

After the Frostsinner's words, with his hand firmly on his spear, Odin lowered himself towards him, looking him in the eye and noting that that alien being did not know fear and despite knowing that he could not free himself from Gungnir, his infallible weapon, he also knew that he could not be killed even by a divine weapon like that.

"You defied the wrong warrior, insect. Get as agitated as you want, but Gungnir will keep you stuck here for as long as I command. These brave warriors were standing up to you brilliantly, I came down here to Skjold just to greet them" Odin replied in a joking but serious tone at the same time, making an obvious reference to Dag's incredible powers and the courage of Freydis, Atran and all those who had launched themselves on the attack knowing that they could do nothing against the Xis.

"Gungnir. One of the artifacts we couldn't steal from you. You're breaking the law by showing up here, you know that, old man? You were warned" the Xis answered, with his arms open and his body pierced by the giant spear.

"Your word is no longer worth it now. Your dominion is limited to your kingdom, and at this time, you are in my kingdom. I'm the one who makes the laws here" the Alfather replied, as a crow lay on the Xis's shoulder, looking curiously at his snow-white skin.

"Is he breaking the rules?! What the fuck is he talking about, what kind of rules?! Does he know that in front of him there is the most powerful of the Gods?! He wouldn't be able to defeat him even if he tried for eternity, how can he be so insolent?!" Dag thought, clutching the Giantbane in his hand and increasing his anger, confident that, with Odin's arrival, the fate of the fight had clearly been turned upside down.

"How dare you, fool?! Pull this stupid spear out of my body and prepare for the judgment of my superiors! I am sure that when they will know that a God dared to break the law and descend in person on his own planet, they will know what to do with you!" the Xis exclaimed again, who was losing his perpetual calm, knowing that he could not free himself with his own strength.

Odin approached the Frostsinner's face until he camed within inches of him.

"I told you that the rules are about to change" the Alfather stated, confident of his new unsuspecting ally.

After speaking and contrasting the Xis' words, Odin straightened his back again and turned to Dag, who lowered his gaze intimidated by his presence.

"Look at me boy, raise your head! There is no one who can counter your power in this world, never stop fighting!" Odin said with an incredibly serious look, looking with his blue eye at the purple and bright eyes of his interlocutor.

The soldiers of the two Clans could not believe that the greatest of the Gods had just told their battle mate that he was the most powerful warrior in the world and gasped, witnessing the scene with incredible interest, knowing that it would never happen again.

"813666, don't listen to this old wreck! If you are who you are, you owe it only to us Xis. He is jealous of your power and will do anything to use it to his advantage!" the Frostsinner interrupted, who suddenly began to fear Dag, knowing that he could not move, let alone use his powers, inhibited by the presence of Odin and especially Gungnir, which was passing through his humanoid body. 

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