Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 602: DCII. The Legendary Spear

Chapter 602: DCII. The Legendary Spear

However, at that moment, no one was looking at him, but everyone's gaze, even Freydis's was pointed at the Xis.

The Frostsinner was stationary in the same position and in his hand he was still forcefully clutching the Shieldmaiden's weapon, with which she had tried to hit him moments before the explosion.

But despite that incredible enemy being able to predict any move or event that was about to happen thanks to his super-developed senses, something was impaling his body, blocking its movements.

A huge spear, more than 4 meters long, had stuck in his shoulder and crossed his body, passing through his chest and coming out of one of his hips, piercing his ribs and sticking itself to the ground with its giant tip.

The moonlight reflected on the surface of that magnificent giant weapon made entirely of gold and adorned with precious stones both at the end of the handle and near the tip, consisting of multiple blades that intersected sinuously on themselves.

With a spear in his hands, the Frostsinner had just been hit by a colossal spear, the largest and most majestic weapon the warriors present had ever seen, including Kranus, who from the top of his experience in battle, had never witnessed such a thing.

In general amazement, all the crows resting on the shoulders of the warriors and perched here and there around the castle began to croak strongly and rose in flight simultaneously, heading with an irregular trajectory towards the Xis.

When the birds flew over Freydis' head, who was a few feet from Dag's body, she noticed that despite being pierced that way, the Xis still had his eyes open, as if his mind had never stopped working.

The portal in the middle of the cloud above Klorr Square began to shine stronger than before and suddenly fired a beam of light that hit the floor a few meters next to the Xis.

With a sound that would freeze the blood even to the bravest warriors, the crows continued their synchronous singing and gathered around that beam of light, flying with a downward trajectory to the ground, rotating and getting closer and closer to each other.


"That... that huge spear... I can't believe it... it looks like that of..." Reidar gasped, without finishing the sentence and rubbing his eyes, convinced that the tears were altering his sight and the one that stabbed the Xis was just a hallucination of his.

Around him, all the soldiers of the Giants Of Ymir and Werewolves of the Claws Of Fenrir who had been pushed away by the impact of the giant spear trembled with emotion hearing the words of the archer, who was the only one who dared to utter those words.


The crows closed the spiral they had formed in the air and the beam of light created by the portal on the cloud closed, disappearing out of nowhere.


Amid the black feathers and harrowing verses, the birds increased their flight speed more and more until, once they touched the ground, the living ring began to rise upwards swirling again.

Under their dark plumage, a humanoid figure took shape, from the feet to the upper part of his body, in all its magnitude.

Two large black metal boots rested on the ground followed by trousers of the same color adorned with golden drapes and full of runes of all kinds.

An imposing belt with the symbol of Valknut was the center of that giant's armor, more than 2 and a half meters high and half-finger-leather gloves covered his strong hands, full of scars.

The upper part of the armor was not visible because it was covered with a full gray and black beard, collected in three thick braids, closed by golden cylinders.

Two large pauldrons decorated with large black crow feathers contributed to the greatness of that individual and the huge horned helmet that covered his head left his face uncovered, on which everyone could distinguish his distinctive trait: a bandage of black leather that covered his left eye, while the other eye was as deep blue as the sky.

"O... Odin..." Freydis whispered in a flickering voice, turning to the King of Asgard and resting both of her arms on the ground, bowing in submission to the one from whom her own powers came from.

The Alfather was right there, in the flesh, and that which had pierced the body of the Xis, who was still immobilized, was Gungnir, Odin's legendary infallible spear.

When they realized that the giant before their eyes was indeed the Alfather, everyone in the square knelt before him, almost forgetting that they were still in the middle of a battle.

A crow flew over the Alfather's shoulder and he turned his gaze towards his spear, grabbing it with one hand.

The Xis wriggled for a few seconds, keeping his usual impassive expression painted on his face and trying unsuccessfully to pull Gungnir out of his torso.

Holding the enemy still with the weapon, Odin looked at Freydis, who was next to Dag, and before prostrating herself in the presence of the God of the Gods, she was trying to save his life.

Dag's body, still shrouded in darkness and in demonic form, away from the dark matter of the Xis, which subjected him to constant pressure and prevented him from regenerating damaged tissues, was now beginning to heal his own wounds, reconnecting the torn tendons and muscles and creating new bone material to weld the numerous fractures caused by the cocoon.


"The... the Alfather... came here on Skjold to save the Captain! He's always watched over him, over all of us! The Primal Thunder's power has managed to connect Skjold with Asgard! I can't believe it! Odin is here, as I live and breathe!" Reidar exclaimed, who with his gaze pointed down and his hands resting on the ground during the bow, was crying tears of joy, being the most exciting moment of his life.

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