Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 530: DXXX. Someone To Take Care Of

Chapter 530: DXXX. Someone To Take Care Of

Dag smiled, appreciating those words, which seemed totally sincere and pleased that he no longer had enemies among the Giants Of Ymir's strongest warriors, who in a short time began to treat him as one of them.

"Come on, Gunnar. We have to hurry, we need an answer from the recruits immediately" Wrage said, calling the attention of his colleague and hastening to leave the arena and then return with the younger warriors of the Clan.

The two Masters took their leave and Dag and Freydis did the same.

"We have to go home, Claire needs food and I think the water supplies are over" Dag said, turning to Kranus and waiting for him to tell where he could recover the food he needed.

"In front of the main entrance to Colossus Palace... follow the road, always go straight... after about two hundred meters you will find a bakery on your right, enter it and take what you want, saying that I was the one who sent you there" the ice mage answered promptly, who had a mind full of thoughts and in that way immediately solved the problem raised by Dag.

"Thank you, Kranus. If you need anything else you know where to find me, otherwise... see you tomorrow morning with all the other warriors" Dag said again, greeting Kranus and the other two with his hand and walking away together at Freydis, in the direction of the bakery.

After walking all the avenue that circled around the palace and the initial stretch of the main road, a scent of hot bread lit their sense of smell and they followed the trail until it stood in front of a door.

It was a small, well-kept building, made of concrete and wood, with a chimney at the top that expelled white smoke and a large window next to the door, from which a glassy surface allowed you to see the inside of the building.

A low, fat man was pulling large loaves of bread out of a large oven using an elongated wooden tool so as not to burn his hands.

Without thinking twice and with their mouths watering, Dag and Freydis came in and ordered several supplies, but above all a large amount of hot bread.

After shopping and learning from the baker that, not far from their home, there was a well from which to collect drinking water, the two lovebirds came out of the bakery happy as two children.

In a hurry, despite it being just afternoon, Freydis and Dag entered the house and placed the cloth bags containing the hot bread on the table.

Claire was lying in front of the fireplace and Thalos was next to her, exactly in the same position they had left him in.

"Hi, Claire!" Dag said, in a cheerful voice, drawing the attention of the girl who, still half asleep, had not even heard the sound of the key in the door lock.

"Dag, Freydis... you are back... what is this yummy smell?" the girl asked, gradually sitting down and raising her nose, as her nostrils opened and widened.

"We brought food for you, as promised. Now I'm also going to go get more water, I'm afraid that's not enough for everyone" Dag continued, who after looking inside the bucket of drinking water, noticed that Claire had drunk a lot during their absence, due to the many liquids lost while she was trapped in that cage.

"All right, Dag. We will wait for you here, be careful!" Freydis answered, who meanwhile untied the shoulder strap that held her spear tied behind her back and put the weapon by the fireplace, on the opposite side to the one where Claire was.

As Dag walked out the door carrying the empty bucket, Freydis lowered herself towards the Earthly girl.

"How do you feel? How are the wounds?" she asked.

"I'm better, thank you, but I still can't move normally. Freydis, what's going on? Can you explain to me what we're doing here? And why are you doing everything so fast? Where are the other members of the Iron Alliance? The Masters of the other Clans?" Claire asked, who, being locked in that room, was like out of the real world.

"We are traitors to the Crown... we deliberately disobeyed King Einar's orders and sought refuge from the Giants Of Ymir leader, who accepted and gave us a home all to ourselves, the one you're in right now." 

"What?! King Einar? What orders are you talking about? I thought he wasn't aware of our trip... you're not telling me that... he came here to Krypstorm?!"

"Yes, that's exactly what happened. We initially took refuge in an abandoned fort not far from here, but just as we were about to establish a peace deal with the Giants Of Ymir, King Einar and his Golden Army broke into the Fort, claiming what belonged to us by right and abusing his authority. The King's purpose was to take us all back to Okstorm and take possession of Fort Hvit to use it as he pleases, leaving it in the hands of his most loyal soldiers" Freydis continued, causing Claire to lie down so that she could control all her wounds.

"And after that? What happened next?" 

"Dag and I refused to go back to Okstorm right at the moment that we were starting to get the first results and we ran away to this city, which is called Tungvek and is the capital of the ice giants. Also, we participated in a diplomatic mission together with these Clan's Masters and their commander and convinced the leader of the Claws Of Fenrir, Bloodfang, the man who held you captive, to join us and face the Lies Of Loki, who boast the largest army in this damn nation." 

"So there will be a war! And when?! Why are you helping them?!" Claire continued to ask, jerking her head and making Freydis nervous, who repeatedly tried to discover the bandage she had on her eye unsuccessfully.

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