Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 529: DXXIX. The Shapeshifting Test

Chapter 529: DXXIX. The Shapeshifting Test

Some of them were forced to take off the top of their clothes, others even their trousers, knowing that otherwise, the transformation would reduce them to shreds.

Without asking for further details, the warriors, positioning themselves in a large semicircle, began to transform one at a time: some of them took longer, others less, depending on their ability to use the shapeshifting skill. 

The number of soldiers left in their human form decreased more and more and the last remaining ones were just the three of the group that had just opposed the majority.

The gaze of Kranus, Dag, Kron, and Atran focused on them, when at some point, they too began the process of transformation, increasing the size of their limbs and the volume of their musculature.

Within minutes, hundreds of Jotunns gathered in the arena square, in all their bulk, expressing strength only by looking at them.

Freydis, who had never seen so many giants gathered in the same place, having not participated in the battle on the coast of Runar, stepped back and positioned herself behind Dag, slightly intimidated to see the mauve faces and huge bodies of the Jotunns, all looking towards their Commander, whose eyes moved towards Dag, implicitly asking him if that test was sufficient.

He approached the magician's ear and, without hiding too much, said: "I think we managed to flush out the only spy present. It was pretty easy. But now we should take care of the recruits. We have to decide whether they will leave with us or they will stay here to defend Tungvek and its inhabitants during our absence." 

"We could make them decide voluntarily. I understand that not everyone could feel ready for a real war, having never faced an enemy in the flesh and having never fought outside the arena" Kranus answered, continuing to look forward, having already thought about that detail.

"Well! You can turn back to your human forms. It was just a test to figure out overall how long it takes to switch between shapes. Well done, you're the best army I could hope to have. Tomorrow morning at dawn we will march towards the Randt Mastiff and when we'll join the Claws Of Fenrir, their leader and I will discuss the best tactic to besiege Klorr, being much more versed on the subject, being their city. Now go to rest and spend all your time with your family members, see you tomorrow morning at the city's main gate!" Kranus exclaimed again, ending the big meeting.

The warriors shrunk almost simultaneously and dressed up, chatting to each other and cordially greeting their Commander and his generals.

"Sir..." Wrage said, walking towards Kranus from his back.

"Tell me, Wrage." 

"How is it that Gunnar and I have not been informed before? I don't want to sound insolent to you, but... we heard the news from a man in the middle of the street, while we were drinking a mug of beer in the tavern" Wrage asked, whose expression was slightly bitter, despite him being one who never questioned the actions of his Commander.

"The soldiers have known it now, just like you. You were informed afterward because you did not take part in the diplomatic mission, which was done voluntarily without notifying anyone. We have only participated in five of us and it has been successful. Having happened all of a sudden, each of us had a specific task, in fact, now I will tell you yours" Kranus replied, inviting Gunnar to join them.

The Clan's Master Of Offense, who was now able to walk without a crutch, after recovering from the trauma of the fight against Dag, timidly walked towards them and looked down, ready to listen carefully.

"Your task will be very similar to that carried out by Atran and Kron a few minutes ago... you will gather the recruits and inform them of the war that will take place tomorrow, with one exception compared to the speech with the warriors of the Outposts... you will ask them if they want to join spontaneously, without forcing anyone. If some of them prefer to stay here to defend Tungvek and their own families, they're welcome. It would be unwise to leave the city completely vulnerable because someone could take advantage of it and chaos could break out" Kranus said, giving precise orders to the two Masters of his Clan.

"And us, sir? What do you want us to do? Do we have to join you or do we have to stay here in the city?" Wrage asked, who hoped for a negative response inside him, for fear of death.

"Don't be ridiculous, Wrage! Of course we're going with them! We're talking about the future of our Clan! What shame would our Commander feel to go on a war without his two trusty Masters?!" Gunnar intervened, anticipating the response of the magician, who was obviously about to comply with Wrage's question. 

During their speech, Dag advanced towards Gunnar and held out his arm towards him, opening his hand and looking him in the eye.

When the two's eyes crossed, Gunnar did not move a finger, waiting for Dag to add something to that gesture that was insignificant to him.

"If we are going to fight in a war together, I must know that our hate is something that belongs to the past. I propose not to stand in each other's way, promising that I will be happy to fight alongside you for the honor of your Clan, Gunnar!" Dag exclaimed, in a gesture of genuine friendship, hoping that the Master of Offense would accept the proposal once and for all.

Gunnar hesitated for a moment and after looking at Kranus and the two generals behind him, he forcefully shook the young Master's hand, smiling under his mustache.

"We will fight together and if necessary, we will also die together, boy" he said, making a great moral effort and without apologizing at all for starting off on the wrong foot.

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